Entropia Revival Project - PED and You: Why New Players Should Avoid the Trade Terminal Whenever Possible

I know I am not experienced enough to comment on this but I think as maybe others this thread has gone on long enough. If this guy wants to pay 4ped for sweat what damn difference does it make just let him do it and see if it works. If it works awesome if not it won't affect anyone else regardless. Now I wasn't here in the glory days but I'm sure a lot of old timers would agree that this game has just about become another damn grind mmo just look at the make up of the damn missions. I won't mention the other mmo we all know because I never could get into it but I know what made it successful. New content continously! I made the mistake of tping to Fort troy the other day and was stuck there for 2 f....ing hours this is their idea of changing things up. This is not anyones idea of fun. Even the ubers don't want to waste ped on these g...damn robots. Here's an idea how about new player content that makes new players feel like they are part of the game and not damn bottom feeders but hey its a RCE and just look at the world's economy...don't forget to flush. It seems like the people who run this game are just like the people who run our governments their way is better even if it fails. And why in the hell did players ask to change the loot system for fucksake that's what kept players in the game it's like telling a five year old there is no Santa Claus. That's what made it magical and unique now we just run around worrying about fucking tt returns this a fucking game not accounting. We should commend the man for at least making an attempt and stop ridicule just because we think we know better. Anyway I will keep deposit and playing if anything just to see where this plane finally crashes. Have a nice day.:wtg:

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Not all people have the same motifs to continue. But overall, I feel confident that people will quickly get away from sweating, and into depositing. What they like is the game, if they don´t, they´re not going to keep sweating, and if they do, they won´t sweat for centuries to hunt for half an hour. If the sweat price is too low, noobies will quit really quickly. There´s no "motivation" or a simple goal to truly try out the game, and understand what it is, to choose to continue or not.

At this point however, noobies depend a lot on the influence of their mentors. And I would say, that compared to other mmos or games, the community here is astronomical, and the game keeps adapting (at it´s pace) as times move on, something many MMOs don´t, they´re stuck on the same dev team, the same graphics and everything, and only add new extensions to keep those depositors to be glued to their screens.

Discipleship also puts social and morality pressure on you. This mentor has taken time and possibly ped to put you on track. Are you going to leave it, or finish it for them if they deserve it? For me, it is probably the most decisive thing that kept me here. Probably for a lot more people. It makes a difference too, like sweat.

The beauty of this game is that it´s diverse and complex. Every other game is practically a different version of the same, and then you encounter this world, "sh**!" :eyecrazy:.

Then when you go back to the other games, the AH does not make sense anymore, and everything becomes too easy. What would be the point?

If people like the game, they like it, love or hate it at times, but preferred over other ones, for sure.

Well said. I just want to make sure that the people that are going to like have the opportunity to do so. :)

I know I am not experienced enough to comment on this but I think as maybe others this thread has gone on long enough. If this guy wants to pay 4ped for sweat what damn difference does it make just let him do it and see if it works. If it works awesome if not it won't affect anyone else regardless. Now I wasn't here in the glory days but I'm sure a lot of old timers would agree that this game has just about become another damn grind mmo just look at the make up of the damn missions. I won't mention the other mmo we all know because I never could get into it but I know what made it successful. New content continously! I made the mistake of tping to Fort troy the other day and was stuck there for 2 f....ing hours this is their idea of changing things up. This is not anyones idea of fun. Even the ubers don't want to waste ped on these g...damn robots. Here's an idea how about new player content that makes new players feel like they are part of the game and not damn bottom feeders but hey its a RCE and just look at the world's economy...don't forget to flush. It seems like the people who run this game are just like the people who run our governments their way is better even if it fails. And why in the hell did players ask to change the loot system for fucksake that's what kept players in the game it's like telling a five year old there is no Santa Claus. That's what made it magical and unique now we just run around worrying about fucking tt returns this a fucking game not accounting. We should commend the man for at least making an attempt and stop ridicule just because we think we know better. Anyway I will keep deposit and playing if anything just to see where this plane finally crashes. Have a nice day.:wtg:

1.) Debate is healthy, and helps put things into perspective. We all care about the game here and express that in our own ways. That's the essence of this community. I welcome opposing opinions and cherish them - as I think most of the vets do. It changes up the ebb and flow a bit.

2.) There has always been some grinding in the game, but the beauty of this game is that there is always more to do than just that. I run a business, and a society. I fly around in my ship and find places I've never seen before (and after 5 years, I'm still finding them). This isn't an MMO. It's a virtual world - I think people lose sight of that a lot. Don't wait for MindArk to give you things to do. Break free, and find your own entertainment.

3.) The world's economy is everyone's responsibility, just like out here in the real world. If we sat around and waited for our real world governments to fix the economy like we do in the game, the world would have come to an end. My personal belief is that we live in this economy - we should be involved in bringing it to life.

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:lolup: Nice