Entropia Universe 18.2 Release Notes

Yes, auto-construction is currently slowed down compared to regular crafting by design.

However, our plan for the future is to make skills have an impact on the crafting speed while using auto-construction.
Will resource gathering gain some reputation?
Yes, auto-construction is currently slowed down compared to regular crafting by design.

However, our plan for the future is to make skills have an impact on the crafting speed while using auto-construction.
Great ideas,

Love this! Keep it up :)
I can confirm it's something like this, when I last checked it was something like 840 clicks or similar in one hour.
Im not so sure, I tested it on some clips last night, and when I was timing the progress within the window it could take anywhere from 5s to 10s to complete a craft. I have a sneaking suspicion that there's some fixed server capacity allocated for servicing Autoconstructing orders, and if the infrastructure is overloaded, they all slow down.
My predictions:
~all recycle blueprints down in price dramatically
~ all armatrix blueprints down in price moderately, some armatrix that are currently not in trash tier will soon be in trash tier ( less than 1000% MU)
~ most mining materials up in price marginally
~ electronic, mechanical, and metal components that don't come from extinct bps will have few or no options that don't lose money.
~hunting mats up marginally
~ UL enhancer bps up marginally
~ rare UL bps up marginally
~fewer players able to profit, most heavily invested players marginally higher profit
~less trade between players per ped cycled
~overall economic decline
Does auto-con even drop any blueprints? I finished one 9999 click run and there are no BPs in the report, I did not come back to the planet yet tho.
Auto-construction working when player is offline?
From the first sentence in this thread....

Auto-Construction is a new feature accessible via a dedicated tab in the Construction Window. It allows players to initiate extended construction sessions without the need to stay at the terminal or remain online. :D
However, our plan for the future is to make skills have an impact on the crafting speed while using auto-construction.

Why not also in regula crafting?

Adding what I wrote in another thread:

There should be an CRAFT-TIME on BPs or there should be TOOLS that you have to add to the machine that have USES/MINUTE and decay.

EDIT: Or actually probably even both, as a lvl 1 BP should have different difficulty than lvl 10.
BP difficulty could be let's say value in seconds and Tools(instead of attempts/min) could decrease this value by 10% 20% etc. (Balancing would be needed, just throwing some basic idea here).

Currently everything is the same amount.
Same amount of time for lvl 1 BP and lvl 10 BP.

Same amount to craft an enhancer vs a gun.
A gun can last you several hours, while enhancer can be a few minutes.

In hunting/mining you can increase your dps or drop based on the tool you use. In crafting there's no such element.

This is something I'd look into instead, balancing time of a craft attempt based on SKILLS/TOOLS used.
Why not also in regula crafting?

Adding what I wrote in another thread:

There should be an CRAFT-TIME on BPs or there should be TOOLS that you have to add to the machine that have USES/MINUTE and decay.
From @Ludvig|MindArk :

However, our plan for the future is to make skills have an impact on the crafting speed while using auto-construction.
When an Auto-Construction session finishes, players will be notified through the Message Center to let them know their items are available to be retrieved.
Will be nice to get a mail instead of system notification as we can have a history of crafts
Also having a permament entry in the system tab displaying current progress would also be nice, or some other progress bar where we can see our crafts around the universe.
Its all ok. explo grinders can now run at same time bots on instances for nano cubes...knee shot ^^

This is another reason why I kept saying this is a bad idea, but no, they had to listen to 1 player that himself is a massive exploiter too. Well done MA.
it will result in more cycle (money for MA) but less MU (sustain for the player)

which will mean that people will either depo (money for ma) or quit (revenue stream leaves)

to me this seems significantly polarizing as a choice. it is basically like giving every player a bunch of crafting alts
This is another reason why I kept saying this is a bad idea, but no, they had to listen to 1 player that himself is a massive exploiter too. Well done MA.
More concerned people exploiting waves and such by using monria as a launch pad to run 3 crafting instances in less then 40 seconds. Dsec - monria - caly. Caly tp being the one that costs 7 ped. Could be something or nothing only ma would know.
Ok so I tested this auto-con several times and the results are pretty bad, this is just one of them. Some runs returned like 101% TT, nothing above that. This one's EP2 so total TT cost was 400 PED. I'm level 56 mechanical engineer and it doesn't do anything :ROFLMAO:

It's below 90% on quantity which is nuts. My working theory is that waves are disabled for auto-con, which means you can't get good multipliers or good BPs because these are waved. Not sure if this is a bug or a feature. But if it's intended, then what's the point of putting anything in there other than EP1? Sad thing is I was taking a beak from the game and returned to test this new system, then I loose several hundred PED to find out that it's broken.

Might as well call it auto-loss.
Ok so I tested this auto-con several times and the results are pretty bad, this is just one of them. Some runs returned like 101% TT, nothing above that. This one's EP2 so total TT cost was 400 PED. I'm level 56 mechanical engineer and it doesn't do anything :ROFLMAO:

It's below 90% on quantity which is nuts. My working theory is that waves are disabled for auto-con, which means you can't get good multipliers or good BPs because these are waved. Not sure if this is a bug or a feature. But if it's intended, then what's the point of putting anything in there other than EP1? Sad thing is I was taking a beak from the game and returned to test this new system, then I loose several hundred PED to find out that it's broken.

Might as well call it auto-loss.
I setup clicks on EP4 on quantity and hit a 1100 hof while out mining, might need to up your sample size before saying its all loss. Just feels like normal crafting to me, but at a snails pace. Also got a diamond from it last night :)
I setup clicks on EP4 on quantity and hit a 1100 hof while out mining, might need to up your sample size before saying its all loss. Just feels like normal crafting to me, but at a snails pace. Also got a diamond from it last night :)
I've done 10k and 5k click runs and almost all of them were terrible. What sample size should I aim for?

And what about your sample size, did one good run compensate for the others?

Edit: I'm only talking about auto-con here.
I've done a few thousand clicks each on EP2, 4, hardened clips and a number of other turn in blueprints and also fishing for L clicks. Nothing to indicate its any different from manual
I've done 10k and 5k click runs and almost all of them were terrible. What sample size should I aim for?

And what about your sample size, did one good run compensate for the others?

Edit: I'm only talking about auto-con here.
Add all the runs together and pull an average with 100k clicks and you should get a decent estimate. But there would still be a margin of error. From personal experience 10k is nowhere close to enough, they can wildly differ.

(ok WILDLY might be a strong word... but not good data)
In the past MA have themselves refused many player ideas and said they cannot interfere directly with the day to day economy of the game, owing to it being and RCE and all MU should be derived from player choice. i.e. the item is only worth what the seller and buyer agree.
Now in one fell swoop, they have messed with the economy big-time and not imo in a good way.
Its a game we are all supposed to be here primarily to have fun, not to auto play. If botting is 'not allowed' what the hell is this called ?

I hunt/mine/craft, I do not produce uber quantities but do keep my shops properly stocked. I can see no advantage to this 'event' at all, for me or the economy as a whole, even ignoring all the broken stuff.

Also can someone from MA confirm if the UL welding wire BPs work in this event, as I don't seem to get any progress shown at all. Feeling totally screwed and really not enjoying logging in right now.
Also can someone from MA confirm if the UL welding wire BPs work in this event, as I don't seem to get any progress shown at all.

It should be working. At least I haven't heard anything about it not working.

Remember that auto-construction does not give mission progress though, and this event uses the mission system:

- Auto-Construction Sessions do not provide mission progress
- You cannot perform Auto-Construction and regular Construction simultaneously on the same planet
It should be working. At least I haven't heard anything about it not working.

Remember that auto-construction does not give mission progress though, and this event uses the mission system:

Thank you for answering his latter part of the comment which was a question/request, now can we please ask for a response with regards to the first part of his comment which, grantedly it is a statement, but I would like to know why this time MA has accepted to indulge 1 player and introduce this new feature?

Thank you.
Thank you for answering his latter part of the comment which was a question/request, now can we please ask for a response with regards to the first part of his comment which, grantedly it is a statement, but I would like to know why this time MA has accepted to indulge 1 player and introduce this new feature?

Thank you.

I wouldn't call it indulging one player, there's positives and negatives to how this auto constructing will effect the game and the economy. Don't think MA would ever implent a feature without doing their own internal due dilligance, if they did just implement whatever people requested in this forum, everyone would have a mod nano, infinite skills and tt profit and Mindark would be out of business in record time.
I wouldn't call it indulging one player, there's positives and negatives to how this auto constructing will effect the game and the economy. Don't think MA would ever implent a feature without doing their own internal due dilligance, if they did just implement whatever people requested in this forum, everyone would have a mod nano, infinite skills and tt profit and Mindark would be out of business in record time.

What would you call it then when they did what 1 single player asked them to do? And you're contradicting yourself here, this was them doing whatever someone asked them to do on forum. Due dilligence? Of course they did, not very well obviously. Moreover, I doubt someone on this forum ever asked for a mod nano and infinite skills, but I guess you like exaggerating don't you?