Entropia Youtube Channel Log


Jan 20, 2007
Crimson Devils
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Hey guys just wanted to share my channel with you guys, I figured why not share my adventures with the community. If you do happen to like my videos please don't be shy and subscribe :ahh:. Also please leave me feedback if I sound like poop let me know.

My goal is to make at least one video a day and have it uploaded by the end of the day. I really do enjoy playing Entropia and hopefully some random person will stumble upon my channel and give Entropia a try :yay:.

Good luck with your channel!
Hey guys just wanted to share my channel with you guys, I figured why not share my adventures with the community. If you do happen to like my videos please don't be shy and subscribe :ahh:. Also please leave me feedback if I sound like poop let me know.

My goal is to make at least one video a day and have it uploaded by the end of the day. I really do enjoy playing Entropia and hopefully some random person will stumble upon my channel and give Entropia a try :yay:.

Good Luck with your channel. Have Fun! :yay:
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Good Luck with your channel..I love watching streams and vids of game..I think I am a "streamaholic" and should seek a support group...Have Fun! :yay:

I know right! lol. I usually play Entropia while streaming or watching someone else play Entropia weird addiction :eyecrazy:.
Keep going man! And if you ever do make it to Rocktropia, be sure to say "Hi".

Come and check out my 98 probe run using a lv 5 on arkadia underground :wtg:. It will shock you!!!..... Lmao not at all just showing everyone what NOT to do. In a sick way it felt good losing peds lol. Feed the loot pool!!! woo.

Ps. Not going to do that again any time soon with such a small little wallet :laugh:
Good luck with your channel! :)
Thank you guys for watching some of the videos, and a special thank you for the peeps that subscribed to my channel. Just letting you guys know I am uploading Part 2 of the halix run........ was a short run lmao damn gun broke.
Alrighty going to upload another video tonight. Got some Toulan action going on, really not much just an average hunt and a sleepy man. However I promise I will start making these videos when there is Daylight!! lol
Hey there guys a new video for your viewing pleasure =). * Might be boring video lmao

bump I removed all the my videos a while back. I got the itch to have some fun and make videos.