First Robot Spacecraft


May 2, 2006
Gold Coast
The Knights of Entropia
Avatar Name
Alexa Hardicus Barrish
[br]Click to enlarge[/br]

Well this was quite an unexpected global. I was out hunting Trox, and saw some Drones where there isn't normally I went to investigate, and said to my wife 'hey, that looks like one of those insta-global ships'. There was nobody else around so I started to dispatch the Drones. Then I started looking for the ever-elusive 'button'. Found it and POW, 50 PED! (No Beacon unfortunately) :D

Now, normally I wouldn't post such a vanilla global...but I got a bit confused by the whole situation. As I was killing the Drones, another player (guy in Boar) appeared and was also looking for the button. Thankfully I got to it first, but then he explained to me that this ship had appeared due to his mining or something to that effect.

Now...what I want is some clarification. My understanding is this: the Robot crafts appear randomly, and can be stumbled upon by anybody, but miners may also pick it up with their detectornator. Is this correct? Or is it the case that the ship 'appears' similar to a claim marker due to the miner themself?

I don't want to have 'stolen' somebody's global, so if it was legitimately his, I wouldn't have any concern about chasing him up and returning the money. But I should reiterate that when I discovered the ship, there was no green dot on my radar, so I see it a case of 'finders keepers'. Before I left the area I asked my Mentor and he ensured me the loot was definately mine, but i'm still a little unsure.

Could someone please put my mind at ease!? :(
The mining chappie would have detected it and come looking for it, but anyone in the vicinity can hit the button and claim the loot. I am certain that these things do not spawn randomly but because of mining activity, so i guess that in this sense it was his...

TBH, this can piss a miner off - but ultimately its a case of stiff shit (ie bad luck).

You found it with no other green dot around so fair play to you. I mean, what were you supposed to do, just stand there and look at it?

It's all swings and roundabouts...

As TS said, technically there's nothing worng with you getting the 50 peds as the system makes you able to do that ...

Morally though it's not quite fair ...

The Robot Spacecraft's appearance is triggered by a miner/driller dropping a bomb/probe.

As I am a miner myself, I would be very much pis*ed at ya for getting "my" ship :D

...and yes, usually ship signals make a miner run for 250+ meters to find it, so that's why he wasn't showing on the radar ...

In the end it is your choice wether to give the 50 Ped to the miner or not.

You know what I think now ;)
