Frescoquda, Atrox and Globals Oh My!


Jun 4, 2007
Salisbury, NC
The Knights of Entropia
Avatar Name
Angus Mac Macalisdair
So I got online after work and was wondering what to do today. I had just old a bunch or Ores and Enmatts on auction and had plenty of ped in my pocket. I loaded up on bombs and probes and have about 50 ped left. Then I noticed on team Chat that Infinity was asking if I wanted to hunt Frescoquda. To this point I had not hunting these beasts, so I though what the hell. We met up at TI North and started blasting away. The loot was not that great in the beginning. Then Teke joined us and the increase firepower really helped out.
The loot continued to be poor and infinity asked if we wanted to stop. I said no, cause there is a global just around the corner, and within a couple of kills...

125 ped Frescoquda Old Team Global!!! :yay:

it was a Isis HL14 pistol!!!

[br]Click to enlarge[/br]

We huntind a little longer and then decided we were done with that area. We then changed to Ithica. I had dropped out of the team but then reconsidered as the loot gave me enough ammo to go a bit longer. Teke suggested a 1 minor TP jump to the south, so we all jumped and once we dot. We desended on the Atrox Old and as soon as he hit the ground.....

129 ped Atrox Old Team Global!!! :wtg:

[br]Click to enlarge[/br]

It was assorted tt food, but was still nice!!

We hunted a little longer and then I ran out of ammo, I wished them good luck and headed on!

Thanks to Infinity01 and Teke for a fun hunt!!

These were team hunting globals # 29 and 30 for me!

Gratz nice ones ;)
Good job, gratz :)
Gratz and nice to have some story behind it :)