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- GenX000 Caveman Tycoon
GenX000's Assisted Hunting Service!!!

This service is basically designed to provide players with a boost to their Dmg/Sec at low cost!...
I hunt with you as a team, and you receive all the loot in exchange for paying my ammo & decays...
(I offer savings with my service - no markups & decay discounts!!! Giving you a HUGE eco boost!!!)...
My Equipment...
Armor: Jarhead
Plates: 5B's or 6A's
FAPs: S.I. Heart & Vivo UR125(L)/Gyro FAP-35(L)
Health: 151
Tagger: Baringer SR37 (Tier 2, damage enhancers + Beast amp optional)
Gun: Unlimited Herman LAW-50 Smuggler (Tier 6, with damage enhancers + a105 amp) = 103.6 DPS
Amp: a105
TP Chips: Lesser & Minor (I & II)
Vehicles: Car, Helicopter, Sleipner, Quad
My Service...
I will hunt with individual players or a team.
I will hunt solo for 10% (TT value) of HoFs over 300 ped. *(I charge fap decay if hunting solo)
I will not hunt in Lootable PvP zones. (I can travel through space if needed)
I will not hunt mobs that can kill us 1-shot with a non-critical hit! (exceptions can be made for large team hunts)
I will not hunt puny mobs that my gear is waaay overkill for! (exceptions can be made for solo hunting)
I charge Ammo and Decay of Armor, Plates, Guns, and Amps.
I DO NOT charge for broken Enhancers, *FAP decay, and planet-side travel costs! (Oil, ME, TP Chip, etc.)
I will travel to CP/FOMA/RT/NI/ARK/CY
(I have a Quad(L) with Thruster(L), I can provide free space travel 1-way for 1 passenger)
I use Tier 6 Unlimited Herman LAW-50 Smuggler+a105 Amp & slot 1-6 dmg enhancers!
(no enhancer costs to you means max eco (or dmg/pec)!!! I guarantee "the most bang for your buck")
I can tag with Baringer SR37 if needed. It has 150m range, so if the red dot appears at the edge of the radar, I can pretty much hit it from there! I tag each mob only once or twice, just enough to get it to run towards us, but I can keep tagging until it reaches LAW-50 range at the customer's request!
I own a few vehicles. I can provide quick, safe, free transportation for myself and passenger(s)!
I prefer to make the team, named to advertise my service and who is using it! (an optional courtesy)
Loot Rules must be set to Stack Share!
You will need to provide me with ammo before we can begin...
At the end of the hunt, all loot & items I collected and all ammo will be traded to the customer for my decay costs!
Benefits of Using my Service...
- My Tier 6 UL Herman LAW-50 Smuggler with a105 amp & slot 1-6 dmg enhancers is 103.6 DPS...
(L) alternatives near the same DPS generally cost up to 160%+ markup!
There is NO MARKUP & NO BROKEN ENHANCER COSTS with my service!!! - I can help you kill mobs faster, reducing all your decay and ammo costs in general!
- I can help you kill some bigger mobs you can't normally hunt solo comfortably!
- I can help you grind through the Iron Challenge mobs for cheaper per mob!
Compared to Other Unlimited SIB Guns...
UnAmped: Herman LAW-50 Smuggler is the most Eco Unlimited SIB Gun in-game!
Amped: Herman LAW-50 Smuggler is the 3rd most Eco Unlimited SIB Gun in-game...
(Behind Mod LR32 at nearly half the Dmg/Sec, and MacMahon Vengeance at virtually equal eco, but nearly half the range and maxed at lvl 85)
Stats for LAW-50 Smuggler, Tier 6, with a105 amp & 6 Dmg Enhancers...
Ammo: Weapon Cells (Laser)
Range: 60.0
Damage: 101.6 - 203.2
Shots/Min: 44
Dmg/Sec: 103.6
Eco: 2.969
a105 Uses: 1768 = 673.97 ped Ammo (paid upfront) / 210.67 ped LAW-50+a105 Decay (paid after the hunt)
Armor+Plates Decay - depends on what/how we're hunting (paid after the hunt)
(Smaller/Longer hunts are welcome)...
Customers choose how much ammo to supply and may end the hunt at any time!
Damage Options for Tier0/unamped-Tier5/amped (for Iron Challenges)...
Tier0, unamped
DMG = 58.5-117
DPS = 59.6
ECO = 2.950
DMG = 66.5-133
DPS = 67.8
ECO = 2.979
DMG = 72.4-144.7
DPS = 73.7
ECO = 2.977
DMG = 78.2-156.4
DPS = 79.7
ECO = 2.975
DMG = 84.1-168.1
DPS = 85.7
ECO = 2.973
DMG = 89.9-179.8
DPS = 91.6
ECO = 2.971
DMG = 95.8-191.5
DPS = 97.6
ECO = 2.970
(If your weapon does less than 68 DPS, I can hold back to make sure you get the Kill Points for Iron Challenge Missions!... I recommend using amp for max eco!)
If you're interested in trying my service or if you have any questions just post here, PM me, or add me to your friends list in-game!...
in-game: Right-Click on background, go to "System"/"Player Registry", type GenX000, select me and click "Send Friend Request" button... (re-log may or may not be necessary)
I check forums regularly!

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