Getting Disconnected Every 20Mins since new Patch

what shared folder?

wheres the shared folder you speak of? i have a shared folder in limewire, its sure as hell not getting deleted as it has a few thousand songs in it:/
It almost seems like it thinks im afk and is logging me off, ive timed it and its 6 minutes everytime.
I get the error too


Could the Problem be caused by a firewall, some systemsetting or a antivirus program?

I have a german Vista x64 no software firewall and the program antivir.
This box is connected to my router with a firewall.
No Ports are forwarded to the gaming box.
Port 22, 2222 and 1234 to 1241 are forwarded to other boxes
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seeing your session time says 5:59 which is liek me 6 minutes im guessing its MA's fault.

If you havent changed anything and you were running fine before the last update then dont change anything.

Im going to uninstall and redo see what happens.

edit: i just did as you did and pressed U constantly and yes 5:58 was my last press, so 6 mins.
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I never checked the time before, it's actualy 6 mins

[br]Click to enlarge[/br]
i get such disconnects since 3 weeks. Maybe longer
I just keep reconnecting :D
The folder that i was talking is this one "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\Entropia Universe" delete it all and restart the machine.
It worked for me last night, didn't try today.
GL all.
this is the reply i got from MA support, i had already done all this so as it's a pretty obvious first step so guess im up shit creek without a paddle :)
2009-10-31 19:03

Entropia Universe Support:


Are you referring to this forum thread?

We cant see anything in the server logs that indicates that it is the server dropping you, however, we can confirm that your sessions are ending after being logged in for approximately 6 minutes each time since 2009-10-28 13:16:09.

We dont know the exact reason why you are experiencing this problem. We suggest you follow these steps to sort this out:

1. Do a complete uninstall of Entropia via the Control Panel > Add/Remove programs

2. Delete the folder “Entropia Universe” manually from C:\Program Files if it is still there
after the uninstallation.

3. Uninstall everything related to Microsoft Visual C++ 2005

4. Delete your Windows temporary files

First, you will need to delete the standard Windows temporary files:
Click on the Start button.
Click Run.
Type temp into the available text field and click OK.
In the new window that opens, click on Edit at the top and choose Select All.
Press the Delete key on your keyboard.
When prompted if you are sure, choose Yes to All.
Next, you will need to delete temporary files specific to your login:
Click on the Start button.
Click Run.
Type %temp% in the available text field and click OK.
In the window that opens click on Edit at the top and choose Select All.
Press the Delete key on your keyboard.
When prompted if you are sure, choose Yes to All.
When you've finished emptying your Temp folders, be sure to empty your Recycle Bin:
Locate the Recycle Bin icon on your Desktop.
Right-click on the Recycle Bin and choose Empty Recycle Bin.
This may take a few minutes if there are many files.

Try deleting the files in these folders:

For Windows XP:

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\Entropia Universe
C:\Documents and Settings\"YourUser"\Local Settings\Temp

Delete all patches in this folder, the ones that start with “Update”...
C:\Program Files\Entropia Universe

For Windows Vista:

C:\Users\Public\Documents\Entropia Universe
C:\Users\”Your User”\AppData\Local\Temp\entropia

Reboot your computer and then install Entropia again.

Kind regards,
Entropia Universe Support
dont bother following there dribble did stuff all, still 6 mins an im out.
Im fixed

Im pleased to say i am now fixed.

I recieved an email saying my support had been updated, on checking i saw they had relocated my avatar from CND to Corinth, so i waited the 6 mins and bam i got dissconnected yet again.

Sure wish i read lexus's post more carefully and asked to be reset not relocated )

Anyway i was spewing i was now at corinth and it still didnt work, so i msged support again and asked i could be sent back to CND so i didnt have to pay 25 ped yes im a cheapskate.

And not 10 secodns later as i was complainign to a friend i was wisked to CND
and my avatar had been reset.

The reset fixed my 6 minutes and logged off problem im now in for the long haul.

So it's a RESET you need on your avatar to fix these issues it seems, thansk again Lexus and others