Good Mining -> Rechinul


Feb 20, 2007
Freelancer everyday
Avatar Name
Florin Rechinul Pocneata

I have seen lots of Mining Thread @ here, and good people who provides Mining Services.
Its time for my Own mining Service. Its first time im offering this kind of service to be honest, and ill do my best.

For your information:


Prospector - Level 35.2
Surveyor - Level 24.7
Miner - Level 32.9
Driller - Level 22.6

Finders: On request TK-320 / 220 / 120 / Lower (L) / F-105, or whatever Customer Provide. with or w/o Enhancers.

You will watch me while Mining using TeamViwer Remote Desktop, I'm mostly keep a mining log for every probe/bomb I dropped. So, all the stuffs I do here is totally transparent, without any hidden fact at all.

I'll ensure that the mining claim is above 40% TT value, which mean, if I've been giving 2000 probes (100 peds) or here, the minimum TT return will be 40 peds! If the TT is not 40%, then I'm going to pay it off from my own wallet.
*Note: 40 % of the TT from Bombs (amps are not included)

Here is a list with my conditions for this mining service:

1. If my customer want me to mine with amps, then he/she must provide me the amps or pay for mine.
2. The customer can choose whatever mining location he/she wants. FOMA(Free) Rocktropia, Next Island or Arkadia, then you must pay for my Flying fees. (as i got Quad it will be cheaper/free if i take a passager to the Planet u want)
3. The customer is paying all decay on Tools, Weapons (Ammo) in case it needed.
4. If im mining inside Contaminated Zones (PVP Lootable) Customer must pay the Extra ME im using to keep his stuff in safe.
5. The tax for this Service is just decays for Finders / Extractors (etc), and ill take like 0% from Globals, 5% from Hofs, 10% for Uber Hofs more than 1k ped, and 20% in case i hit any ATH, from Profit (if i take 10 HOFS and ure still no profit / even, i dont request for anything.)
6. Im only doing runs between 100-300 Ped, per run. Amped on Request.

Also people can check my Tracker:
Favorite Mineral: Iron Stone
Largest Find: 4,274 PED
Total Finds: 49,065 PED
Current rank (30 days): 87 of 2090

90% of time im on F.O.M.A -> Control Room 2.
10% of time im on Calypso -> Hunting / crafting / mining (whatever)

If anyone have any question, Feel free to PM me or to ask right here.

My status: Online.
My current Position is: F.O.M.A -> Control Room 2.

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1. Anonymus Customer -> 300ped Bombs 2x Level 2 => Total 467 invested / Total RETURN 436 (-31)
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Good luck with ur service m8 :)
Ah, awesome mining's service, bro. Hope you'll find many globals/hofs, or even ATH for your customers lol

Good luck :cool:

PS: A spelling error here, it should be "check", instead of "ceck" :p

ill think to use your services, seems to be Fair, and how u make it transparent ? live stream or something ?;)
sure, Live Streaming! :)
TeamWier Option aswell, or whatever to make it transparent.

Todays *BUMP*