I didnt really mean to make fun out of this toppic, but to point out in those fictive code of behaviour there are many usefull tips how a trader should think.
What you should consider is:
1. How big is your bankroll?
2. How fast can you generate turnover in your trading activity
3. How much competition do you have on the market.
4. Is your service / field of trade necessary to the comunity, where and to what extent.
5. If you dont have direct takeovers (buyer) you need to calculate the auction fee.
6. Going ways in trades noone went before is risky, but might yeald profit (check my signature, I was doing it since 2006 with great succes, and have been first in the field)
7. Take care of your customers, have in mind that if you cut your clients once, you will profit one time more than usual on one deal, but if you try to work for their and your benefit with fair prices, you will have this person coming over and over to you. The more the marrier, a healthy client base is everything.
Addition, a small bankroll i. E. 500 PED, with fast turnover, can generate the same profit as a large bankroll with slow turnover.
For advanced trades: At one spot your bankroll will be to big to effectively buy/sell with it in a daily rhytm, go for diversification, add another layer to your bussines, work with higher markup stuff or services in order to generate as much turnover as possible in the shortes amount of time.
This would be what I could advice, if anything else popps up in my mind Ill add it to this
Hope this will help not only you but other ppl who would like to get into trades.