Hell Yeah !


Aug 3, 2010
.... LOADING ....

For public record.

starting small

Recruitment Closed
Will update when we open up again after next culling.

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Welcome to HELL YEAH !

Preferred "Requirements":



Yes the Hell Yeah cap is a real ingame item.

Original Promo text.​
Our prime focus / activity ( USP ) will be on frequent LARGE Only mob, Event Mobs and Special Drop Mob hunting sessions consisting of roughly 200 to 600 + kills per session as often as possible depending.

Needless to say anyone over our entry level requirement to ubers who can solo large mob ( Dasp, Eomon etc) should only apply if you like to save peds whilst gunning for those ubr loots.

Our Focus Area and Goals :
  • Team hunting 200 to 600 + LARGE only & Event or Special drop mobs per session as often as possible.
  • To recruit and retain between 20 and 50 max tight knit, trustworthy highly active self sustaining members.
  • To share knowledge, develop friendships, trustworthy networks and have a all round good time doing so.

Base requirements :
  • 40 + dps or higher
  • Suitably Plated Mid level armour or higher
  • TP chip, Any suitable Resto Chip, H-DNA, Transport Mode & Gear at the ready at all times
  • Sufficient Bankroll depending on mob, ideal kill count and teamsize
  • Ability to speak, read and write in English
  • Apply via soc terminal "Hell Yeah" with full details as outlines bellow.

Third Circle Applicants and higher must include :
  • In English
  • Entropia , PCF Forum Name
  • Max dps you can use
  • Time zone Country
  • How many avg hours do you play

Mobs and Teams :
  • Regular large mobs will include Eomon, Dasp etc, nothing much smaller unless it is a special or event or client chosen ( sponsored ) mob.
  • Were looking at session teams of between 5 and 10 members per session
  • We will aim for per session kill counts of between 200 to 600 Large, Special, Event or Client Chosen ( Sponsored Hunts ) mobs.
  • Prob gonna need ideally 1K + peds per session depending on mob and team size which will be offset by session loot splitz/share.

Note these are early days, i'm far from uber and this thing is only just getting setup, we will need roles filled and a person of good repute to be appointed as accountant/bookkeeper. Also working on some measures to ensure there is some form of accountability.

Please note we are still "work in progress" and while our requirements may change over time our core USP will remain the same. Happy consider any input, or suggestion if you all have any.
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Added :
  • Focus Area's and Goals - We now have a clear USP.
  • Base Requirements - We now have a clear base ( Evolving ) criteria.
  • Mobs and Teams - A brief glimpse of what and how we will hunt.
  • Applications must include - Hopefully this format will reduce intake errors.
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