Help: Hunting Daikiba/Shinkiba (Young-Guardian): What weapon(s) should I use, better loot, armour, and other stuff.

Aug 28, 2013
Hey everyone, so I have been trying to hunt Daikiba/Shinkiba but I have had a few questions.
1. What weapon is good for hunting them eco-ly and damage-wise. I currently use a SmallFry-1 Laser Rifle but it is not on Auction House a lot so i'm looking for an alternative while waiting for one to appear.
Laser sniper hit - 18
ranged laser dmg - 14 ( about 90% to 15 ) I prefer laser rifle since pistol and blp are pretty low.

2. Which has better loot? Does one drop something everyone wants that the other doesn't drop? Something with bigger MU?

3. Should i be using my adj. pixie on gaurdians? Or is there a different type of armor I should be looking into?

4. Where are some good spots to hunt Shinkiba/Daikiba? I know Shinks spawn outside Twin Peaks but where are some other spawns?

Any help is greatly appreciated and i'll do my best to provide any more information i can.
i completed shink/daik mainly at daik waves by icarus, and outside of cape corinth.

daik wool has good markup

try a kallous-2 or 3
old and above it is definitely a contender. use only your finisher on young/mat if ya want.

or go K-1, but its not much of a dps upgrade