Ideas To Improve Next Week's Avatar Update


Nov 29, 2005
Alberta, Canada
Avatar Name
Coelacanth Coelacanth Maryka
Rather than whine about issues with the recent avatar creation system, wonky clothes, etc., I thought it might be helpful to outline some things that could be addressed by MindArk when they roll-out the "Avatar Do-over" next week. I start off with this list, based on my own issues and some that I read from other players' posts. Feel free to add your suggestions, but please don't repeat what was already said.

1) Make color palette sliders bigger so it's easier to adjust hair, skin, eye color.

2) For hair & skin, make "natural" colors ADJACENT to each other so choosing a natural color of skin & hair is easier. For example, put red between brown & orange/yellow, and NOT between pink/purple & blue. I was unable to select a natural red color because full red--fire engine Ferrari red, in other words--was a tiny little dot in the color slider right between blue & pink, and anything other than full red resulted in purplish or pinkish hair, and not something natural, such as auburn or strawberry blonde.

3) Of course, body proportions are wonky. What I thought were lower half proportions that I liked, as shown in the avatar creation window, turned out to be overly chunky or muscular. I've seen a lot of new avatars that are middle & bottom-heavy as the in-game seems to emphasize those proportions. What I created & selected in the Creator wasn't exactly what resulted in-game.

4) Skin-tone being too dark is a frequent complaint. This might be due to the overly reddish lighting in the creation room. Even the few light-skinned avatars I saw had a distinctly orange spray-on tan color in-game.

5) When we get the do-over next week, it would be GREAT if we could be given our existing avatar as a starting point, not a generic avatar. I'd rather not have to re-create every option that I'd already spent over an hour designing. If I could start with my avatar as it is now, I would be happy to only have to adjust a few things here and there that need fixing, not start all over from scratch.

6) Many clothes and armors are buggy, but I think that's another topic entirely. The new avatar creation system is just a few bugs short of being really good.

Any other suggestions? Please add them here.
I suggest makeup masks for the male avatars, the females get them. shouldnt the males be able to get them also?
4) Skin-tone being too dark is a frequent complaint. This might be due to the overly reddish lighting in the creation room. Even the few light-skinned avatars I saw had a distinctly orange spray-on tan color in-game.

5) When we get the do-over next week, it would be GREAT if we could be given our existing avatar as a starting point, not a generic avatar. I'd rather not have to re-create every option that I'd already spent over an hour designing. If I could start with my avatar as it is now, I would be happy to only have to adjust a few things here and there that need fixing, not start all over from scratch.

6) Many clothes and armors are buggy, but I think that's another topic entirely. The new avatar creation system is just a few bugs short of being really good.

Any other suggestions? Please add them here.

Agree with you.

Thanks Mindark, ¿Society Terminal is next sistem upgrade?
I suggest makeup masks for the male avatars, the females get them. shouldnt the males be able to get them also?

Right, I forgot that one. EVERY avatar should have the makeup mask option, not just one gender. Thanks for adding.
If they do make the color boxes larger etc (good ideas btw), just a reminder to MA to make it the same in the beauty profession :).
Also, on the beauty topic, I would prefer a type of hover over the slider bars to see SR % (as it stands, you must click on it, in which if you don't click dead center of the tiny black dot it moves the notch a bit from what was originally ).

Another :), saw some people say on here before, some markers on the sliders both in the creation and beauty professions would be nice. Such as height, kg, any type of number on the basic sliders etc. For the creation screen to judge where you will fit & very much so in the beauty profession for easy remembering of what the customer wanted during those "near successes". :)
Maybe not possible but avatar creation should be possible on planet instead of in a room were you have no reference at all about height and size, on the planet we would have reference points so would be much easier to get the right proportions.
I was going to say the same as toad, don't have it in the black space room. Have it on the planet also for the in-game lighting and comparative colors. The black room throws off your sense of color to a degree.
Make the preview of the Avatar actually look like it'll turn out in game.
I just wish they will improve performance as promised, right now I cannot see any of my storage / carried inventory - it just sit there searching and searching at 95% CPU.

MA - if you implemented safe mode, make the damn safe mode safe - text based if needed, for objects, after all you try to push the game on phones.

On topic, if many changes are added to the new ava system, I think MA cannot make it in 1 week - accurate color/size implementation + texture fix should be enough, any other additions will send us waiting right into 2014.
1) Make color palette sliders bigger so it's easier to adjust hair, skin, eye color.

I have a much better suggestion - instead of the fairly weird palettes we have now, instead make HSV style color wheels.
In-game lighting needs to be fixed. Everything in game has taken on a darker hue, which caused the over-tanned appearances of avatars. Even when it's supposedly bright day in game, I feel like I am staring at my computer monitor with sunglasses on. Until this is resoved, there will be issues with avatar creation.
increase font size in avatar creation gui so that it's easier to read.

yep, hopefully the increase lighting in game and in objects for interior designs. Apartments are really dark these days even with a bunch of lights on.

Allow clothes on avatar to be in the preview when creating avatar since the generic ones in the creation room are not what end results will really be.

If you do leave the clothes in there, at least make the clothes in the preview a 'gift' for everyone similar to the makeup masks, etc. If that means changing the preview to be only OJs so be it.
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as already mentioned, give some relation

maybe a couple of different rooms/scenes on planet with actual lighting, maybe some mob to relate to, e.g. Atrox/merp or a teleporter or something to get a better idea of size

pictures of the last 40 playmates to know what direction to design (sry, couldnt resist; and yes, im utterly bad in designing my ava :S)
i hope i dont crash when someone dies in my radar fix this pls
5) When we get the do-over next week, it would be GREAT if we could be given our existing avatar as a starting point, not a generic avatar.


Another :), saw some people say on here before, some markers on the sliders both in the creation and beauty professions would be nice. Such as height, kg, any type of number on the basic sliders etc. For the creation screen to judge where you will fit & very much so in the beauty profession for easy remembering of what the customer wanted during those "near successes". :)

And This^^
In the color department you could also add optional fields where you could enter numbers for RGB instead of the tiny box to fine tune colors.
Make the preview of the Avatar actually look like it'll turn out in game.

I dont think it could be more simply and more accurately expressed.

I remember having to have my ava redone in vu 9 as WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) didn't work back then either (4 or more years ago).

This infinite remakes is fine for us who are active players right now, not so good for those who are on a short break / new arrivals who will get one chance to get the look right.

Why is skin tone so different in avatar creation to in-game anyway? :scratch2: