
Well if they can get me on their privateer without wanting it and then I have to pay fee to get of the ship is that not a bit too far of??

The game is already expensive enough without these silly things anyway...

If the pirate shoots me I got to repair my quad too it costs me oil to travel so I think I contribute my share already on that :girl:

Evidently people who this has happened to have not filed enough "Stuck, please move" support tickets :silly2:
micjack was the first to be imprisoned by Anhithe XXIII Pathfinder. He spent several years doing hard repairing labor until his Pirate friend Xane found the remote prison ship and broke micjack out. If you feel you have been falsely imprisoned contact the offices of your local pirate soc.


Rep for funny picture.
Support case has already been submitted before it happened, you can refer to the below number if you want to write your own case to show mindark that its the same issue.
Protokoll für Supportfall 238890:

2012-10-12 11:39 Du schriebst:


please consider that the issues mentioned in case 238744 in regards to public revives on motherships are valid even stronger for privateers. In your patch message you indicated that only motherships would receive public access rights , but privateers got them as well. Please be aware that there is no way how someone who dies in space and revives on a public privateers revive can leave the ship if it isnt docked - those people will be trapped. A honest owner if online would carry them to station but a pirate owned privateer could cause harm to any space traveler who has a disconnect while traveling through space in a sleipnir or quad. And if the owner isnt online there is just the option to wait.

Kind regards

2012-10-17 15:37 Entropia Universe-Support:

Hi John,

Thank you for sending us this detailed information. I have forwarded this infromation to members of the design team for further investigation and all the irregularities found will be adjusted. Please stay tuned to the News and Release Notes sections on the website for further information and developments.

Thank you for your patience.

Kind regards,
George | Planet Calypso Support