Improvements For Event Creators - Read :)


Jan 30, 2005
Avatar Name

Yesterdays boxing event will remain unforgettable, it was ruined by some people who I doubt will have such a good reputation in the future. So I thought some improvements could be made to prevent this from happening. Singular's events are great for the community, and should not be ruined by these kinds of people.

I think Mindark should create a small rentable area. The area would be located close to a city, so as many spectators as possible would be able to go there. It would be around the same size as The Octagon. It would be fences around the area, and a small gate where invited people could enter it.

In the terminal, the event creator would be able to select the people that should be allowed to enter the area. The area will work just as private apartments, so if any uninvited guest try's to enter the area s/he will just bounce out again. The fence around the area will be there to prevent any visual bugs from happening.

Spectators would be able to see everything that's going on within the area, as the fences would not be that high. The area will not be located on a private server, as you should not have to enter the area to see what's going on in there.

The Terminal

The terminal will be simular to the one used for apartments and houses, and the person who is renting the area will be able to select if the area should be a PvP zone or not.

The event creator will also be able to select participants for the event, those people will be able to enter the event area. Everyone else will have to stay outside of the event area, as they would not be able to enter it.

After a person begins to rent an area, s/he will be able to stop renting it by pressing a button in the terminal. The area can be rented for tops 5 hours, after that it will be opened up for everyone again.

The Fee

The fee will be there to prevent noobs from renting the area without holding any events in it. The fee will remain rather low, I guess around 10 Ped could work.

Why should this be implented?

* Events like these are keeping the community alive, and they will most likely stop to take place unless we can stop the ones who are ruining them.

* It will be possible to hold events without them being ruined by anyone.

* Spectators will be able to see the event without entering a private area, and thus the event creators will get more spectators.

* The fee will either be given to Mindark or back to the players, so the money used would more or less be given back to the community.

* More events will problably be held.
I did not play this weekend so not certain what happened at the boxing event :( Sry to hear it did not go as planned however.

Yes Recoda, such a feature would be quite nice.

*Grrr... must spread the rep around first :banghead:
Gahh there always have to be someone ruining it :mad:

It happened last boxingevent I was on aswell. Who was it this time?

But good post, I totally agree :) I surely hope they will make something from this. They once said in support to me that they are gonna open supportcases to send complaints on whoever ruins events some day. I cant find the answer now since I cannot open ClientLoader on the PC even :rolleyes:

Argh, must spread rep..
ah nvm, I got to open ClientLoader :)

2005-02-02 MindArk Support:
Unfortuantly there is not we can do about such behaviour, of course we will have our eyes on that avatar and if such behavour continues he could be banned for sabotage. We have plans to implement support for such kind of events you are describing making such sabotage much more difficult.
Great ideas, my thoughs would be that a calander at this terminal with event times and descirptions would be usefull along with a way of paying the fee to the terminal to give events more ligitancy to the seceptical players

You got some rep from me, :tongue2: to svet and skam
Just an idea for next time. The appartment buildings have a nice viewing floor that is like a HUGE areana. and sinces it's all pvp you can always kill unwanteds. I'm sure some uberish ppl would love to play secuirty guard.

But yea MA does have plans for some sort of event system can't wait to see how it works.
I know you're allowed to name people on this forum, but I still don't feel like it, I'll leave that to someone else...

Yeah, Michyblueyes. That callender idea would be great. :)

RexDameon said:
Just an idea for next time. The appartment buildings have a nice viewing floor that is like a HUGE areana. and sinces it's all pvp you can always kill unwanteds. I'm sure some uberish ppl would love to play secuirty guard.

But yea MA does have plans for some sort of event system can't wait to see how it works.

Actually, that's what I thought about when I came up with this idea. Although, there's a few reasons why we need a real system instead of the apartments.

- Not everyone have access to the teleporters close to the apartments.

- The closer the better, the event creators will problably want as many spectators as possible.

- Sure, you can kill the unwanted. But you're able to do that in The Octagon aswell, right? But we're still getting alot of trouble.

- It's possible to make the apartments private, and thus keeping uninvited guests away. But by doing this, you won't get as many spectators as you want.
Recoda said:
Yesterdays boxing event will remain unforgettable, it was ruined by some people who I doubt will have such a good reputation in the future.

Our (Delta Force) general Pieces responded on Entropia Pioneers about this incident since one of these players was a Delta Force member:

"Well I hope this will alleviate any tensions anywhere, I have taken care of this problem and have kicked the offending member from our soc! I am so sorry he created such a mess! We do not and *I* will not tolerate this behaviour in our soc and will act in kind with any of them getting out of line! Please except my apologies in this matter! Never hesitate to inform me of my soc m8's actions! Ty so much for you time ! "
yes... tha sounds like a good idea For the renting area Recoda... and you could Per haps Pre-Book it as well?

But yes... the ones who ruining it.... i dont know why they do it, do they get some sort of thrill from ruining other peoples fun or somthing?!
Dolph said:
Our (Delta Force) general Pieces responded on Entropia Pioneers about this incident since one of these players was a Delta Force member:

"Well I hope this will alleviate any tensions anywhere, I have taken care of this problem and have kicked the offending member from our soc! I am so sorry he created such a mess! We do not and *I* will not tolerate this behaviour in our soc and will act in kind with any of them getting out of line! Please except my apologies in this matter! Never hesitate to inform me of my soc m8's actions! Ty so much for you time ! "

I wasnt aware of that one of your (now former) socmembers were involved. Its good to see youve taken care of this :) Delta Force is, in my eyes, a honorable society and I would like to keep on feeling that way about you :) I know you have many of the values as my own society have so ;)
I hope the persons involved get some kind of punishment. It isnt any way to create "safe" events ingame, and you cant "look up" an event in the game from NPC's like other games. I think then its only fair that people should respect a honorable efford to do good for the community by creating events, and therefore lock/ban the people sabotaging it with purpose.
Skam said:
I wasnt aware of that one of your (now former) socmembers were involved. Its good to see youve taken care of this :) Delta Force is, in my eyes, a honorable society and I would like to keep on feeling that way about you :) I know you have many of the values as my own society have so ;)

Thank you for your kind words Skam :) It's so sad when some people sabotage an event like this for no reason..They must be amused by harming others I guess. :mad: We try to do our best to uphold our reputation as an honorable and trusted society.
Kicking the player in question was in my opinion the only way out of this mess and hopefully we have regained at least some of the reputation.

// Dolph - Sergeant in Delta Force