What you write reveals who you are. You write and reveal about yourself in fact.
I really cared for making things better including for ubers and as a semi-uber I can see and I have experienced the problem and can sometimes find it too boring and not good for health to be this much at keyboard in the game. It happens much more for ubers.
You can be jealous about them but yes they are human and we (most people) care.
"they got it good here"
- This is one of them: "I hunt like 20hours out of 24 during mayhem times! You think I like doing that? No I don't"
And s/he is not alone. We care.
Semi-ubers like me experience the problem to some extent as well.
It is a player issue, not MA issue. Players should play responsibly, that includes taking care of themselves physically.
You left out the important detail when quoting the hunter where he stated it was his choice to play so many hours. Imposing paternalism onto the playerbase will not fix this problem. The player can still stay awake 20 hours to play other games if entropia suddenly got restricted to less than 20 hours per day.