Is it ok for PP to have private spawning parties?



Mar 9, 2021
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There was indeed a time where an Official from caly got "fired" cuz he in a drunk mode had spawned mobs on planet for the fun.
Have something changed, because on some private Discord channels it is described to be happening again.
Private mob spawning in a instances where there should only be Molochs.


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Maybe i can live in the cave and he can spawn Gorgons for me?
i think that such behaviour is not appeopriate

in my personal opinion he is not mature enough for the role

" With great power comes great responsibility "
Peter Parker, the Spiderman
There are very few things in this world that after being bent do not break.
You are welcome to come to the Epic Boss Wave Events too. It is open to all players and Free! They have been quite successful. I’ll get you an invite next time. What is your in game name?
On the one hand people complain about botting in instances all the time on the other when a planet partnner 'jumps' players in instances often with mobs that do vastly different damage which would take out any botter while entertaining active grinders here and there people complain of spawning parties.
Feels like the Lynch mob is out for planet partners during christmas time - long live the christmas spirit while we have a new vu and tons of great content to enjoy thanks to many very active and creative planet partners.
Please keep to the subject.
Is it ok for PP to have PRIVATE spawning parties?

If the mob in question isn’t tied to a certain seasonal event, such as mayhem creatures, and doesn’t require a pre requisite to hunt it, such as sweat payment, mission unlocks etc. then fair game IMO.

In addition to what JBK says about Botting in instances. Maybe this is a good thing that PPs are jumping in to do a check up. It would be pretty obvious that somebody was Botting if a moderator jumped in and spawned a different mob and the hunter just killed it without any reaction to the scenario.
Soo bot detection strategy?
a planet partnner 'jumps' players in instances often with mobs that do vastly different damage
Do you mean that this is a often occurring activity?
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If they don't interfere negatively in other players gameplay, why not ? Its not that they spawn a mob with an ATH in it. Now if its the other way arround, a Moloch in another private cave, that would be unfair to other players since u need to do a chain mission to get to Molochs.
regarding OP

socrates spawned into my very first moloch instance as a "welcome here" thing. i legit thought it was a bug, hence posting in discord as i often do when i find bugs.

he spawned as drone and threw grenades at me for 10 seconds then "trasnformed" back into official form. The whole thing lasted less than 10 seconds because foeripper has big deeps, he said hi and told me to have fun, and then left. honestly might have the stream vod still if you're so nosey. it was pretty funny though.

mind you this was a few days after i literally berated socrates in the EU discord over some really shitty drop mechanics for the moloch pre-requisite missions and flamed the entire planet of NI for being a pile of lazy garbage, but i'm sure you didn't scroll up enough for that lol.
another thought. i hunt a lot, some insane hours too. this could be seen as a bit of fun which was actually desguising a "check-up" to make sure i wasn't AFK-botting instance like so many people do.
Do you mean that this is a often occurring activity?
botting instances is a rampant plague in EU so yes it is often occurring, and officials do check in from time to time, even on caly.
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To clear some things up:

1. Calypso officials and Planet Partners do not do "private" spawning of anything. Occasionally, at the official's discretion, for fun, they may do RANDOM spawning. There is a difference, clearly.
2. Officials and planet partners may spawn any creature they want that normally spawns on the planet. This excludes seasonal, event, or boss mobs without prior consultation and approval from certain teams at MindArk.
3. In an effort to support the players that support the planets with content creation, officials are often happy to provide fun and interesting content in the form of random creature spawning for the players that stream regularly. Same spawning rules apply.
4. Officials typically avoid instances, in order to not bother players clearly wishing to hunt alone.
5. If at any point any player does not wish random creatures spawned at his location, he merely has to ask the official not to. Very simple. I do not think this is a common enough occurrence to be a problem.
6. If an official is spawning creatures, ANY player, at ANY planet, at ANY time, is welcome to come hunt those creatures. No private events, no exclusion. This is the rule, and always has been so. It has not been violated.

I hope this was helpful.
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The following is NOT MindArk official position, it is merely my interpretation of old rules, and some logic, in an attempt to help:

"Botting" is a difficult concept to grasp here. There are so many forms of "auto play" that botting has become a generic term for. Understand a few things though...

1. Third party software is NOT permitted, per the ToU.
2. Driver software that comes with your computer's connected devices that one may use to create macros is not considered third party software. I suspect this is a majority of "botting" we see today, thus the lack of platform reaction to it.
3. Any actual third party software that does some kind of autoplaying is VERY difficult to PROVE use of. Some players in the past have been banned, when this proof was obtained.
4. Staying out of player's instances does not encourage botting. I can watch an avatar running around clearly F spam auto hunting. Is it a macro? Is it a third party software? Is it a person watching a movie and not looking at the screen? Do they have a complex series of pulleys tapping his keyboard? I do not know, and thus, will likely do nothing unless an official position by the platform is issued. This has not happened, and the new camera system was designed with targeting of creatures clearly in mind.
5. An official can and will step in if any of the above kind of behaviors actively interferes with another player's gameplay.

Thank you.
5. An official can and will step in if any of the above kind of behaviors actively interferes with another player's gameplay.
I confirm.I once asked for an official to come see a bot in action, he came and insta logged off that botter so I can't collect further information.
another thought. i hunt a lot, some insane hours too. this could be seen as a bit of fun which was actually desguising a "check-up" to make sure i wasn't AFK-botting instance like so many people do.
Afk hunting is indeed a problem, as most avatars that do so in not only private instances now, but also out in public areas. Have had 2 avatars in particular that think its ok to afk hunt in public areas since they have higher dps than most.

Solution, make all calypso lootable pvp, afk hunting stops overnight :D
Just saying, ant anyone spawned mobs for me. Since I joined EU -.- and I been round for a minute...
6. If an official is spawning creatures, ANY player, at ANY planet, at ANY time, is welcome to come hunt those creatures. No private events, no exclusion. This is the rule, and always has been so. It has not been violated.

I hope this was helpful.

Please add a global chat that is system wide on all planets EVERY AND EACH time it is done WITH EXACT COORDINATES AND WAYPOINT MAP ADDITION IN THOSE CLOBAL CHAT messages so ANY AND ALL PLAYERS VIRTUAL UNIVERSE WIDE CAN PARTICIPATE... in such chat messages please include free tp from any planet directly there at the time of the spawning. ;)
In my opinion there is quite a difference between borrowing official items and spawning mobs, spawning for selected few ("private") and randomly promotionally. I have no problem with the latter. The OP mixes it all together.
"Botting" is a difficult concept to grasp here...
2. Driver software that comes with your computer's connected devices that one may use to create macros is not considered third party software. I suspect this is a majority of "botting" we see today, thus the lack of platform reaction to it.
..... and there i was, slaving every mayhem, hunting 8 hours a day, stuck in my chair staring in to the monitor like a zombie, when the solution was just to make a macro.

i have been playing this game all wrong for past 10 yrs.

could you give a clear example of how to set up these macros? i wanna make sure im doing it correct within the guidelines.
Some thoughts

1. seems OP is generated by a joke between some officer and a player
2. anyway a spawn of a creature was made into an instance, so its is not a FFA event but a "Private spawn". if it was leading to a 9.999x multi, how should we consider it? that is the responsibility tied to the power.... a conspiration theory would start and the position of the player and officer would be bad.... Prevent, not solve.....
3. like "Botting", "macro" is a generic term.... what people call botting or macroing is simply autorepeat F can be obtained with a weight on the key, being it a finger, or a 60 gram lead for fishing line, or via keyboard programming or via SW.
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4. regarding power and responsibility, yes Peter learned from "uncle Ben" but was saying it continuously +1 for Marvel Lore ability

inthis specific case it seems to me that was a "no issue" situation, but i appreciate very much to see messages from MA officers in the thread. thankx for this.
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Short answer: Yes, PPs can and should be allowed to do that!

Longer answer: Yes, PPs can and should be allowed to do that BUT have to do so with caution so that they dont favor (to much) any singel player.
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