Yes obviously Avatar sales happened. It's definitely in a grey area right now and MA seems to rather have things like this remain in a grey area than take a definitive stance. MA should just charge 300.00 USD for the transaction which would include Avatar name change and the internal work. Think that is fair as it would discourage non Ubers from trying to even make a sale.
The reason why Avatar sales happen is because you are paying for something that is priceless. The only thing that really matters... When you scan another player 1 of 2 things happen. Either your jaw drops because of their Big Dick Attributes or you go Awwww I thought it be bigger. That's right! No one cares about skills because the scanner reveals all and no one wants and itty bitty, tiny weenie, little Attribute man. They want those Big Triple Digit Swinging Avatars impressing all the Scanners and Screen Shots.
Now.... I'm not one to brag...but yea, all my Attributes are over 3 digits, so I'm packing
You can chip in as many skills as you want but you can't chip in what measures your junk in that nether region. So it's obvious that OLD Avatars that grinded the game and grinded OLD Attribute missions, that have to tuck their Attributes into their Shin guards, are way way more valuable than one that hasn't. You just can't get those Attributes anymore so Sales of these Avatars are priceless. Furthermore someone who also is grinding Meta codex is doing countless hours of work across Entropia to truly have the Largest Hammerhead in the Universe. So obviously that raises the price of your Avatar even more.
These are just the facts. People want to buy Avatars because skills only take you so far and EVERY Avatar that has been purchased is likely because the buyers wanted to own a Avatar that makes people drool over the 3rd arm that is revealed by a scanner. So hopefully MA in the future sets up a service for Avatar sales since it's a RCE and there should be one in place.
I would also like to add it could possibly be good PR for MA if someone sells an Avatar for 50 or 100,000 USD. That is news making material and might attract some players.