Jaas' Diary


Jun 1, 2006
USA, Texas
The Prophecy
Avatar Name
Zanzibar Zani Jones
Ok well I thought I would pick up on this and start a thread.

As of today I have been playing for 1 month. AN appropriate time to start one's diary. So far the game has run smoothly, with the exception a a few glitches, Disconnections more than anything else.

Other than that, the people have been very nice and very helpful. I am not part of a SOC yet, but I imagine at some point and time I will be, I just don't see the benefit of it yet, but that will come in time.

I am a disciple and I am doing fairly well. I am over 50% done my training. Incredible how time flies in this game. I find myself losing about 1 hour for every min I play. Incredible.

I so far have had my fair share of failure and profit. Both in hunting and mining.

I have found that Mineral/Ore Mining is much more profitable than EnMatter. That is my personal opinion though. And it is quite expensive. So for the most part I am going to stick to hunting and sweating, as long as that one will last.

I have figured out a few tricks to this game though. If you are going to sell something do it one of 2 ways.
1) Through auction, where you can add a PED or 2 to the value, and it will sell rather quickly. Hence getting the TT value plus a little on items.
2) Selling outright to other players in the field. This can often yield a higher return over the TT value, but it does take a little bit longer than auction, because you have to wait around for whomever is offering to buy what it is you are selling.

Overall, a fantastic experience, with tons of fun and minimal problems. More to come.
Wow, what a night. Spent a total of 3 hours on last night and was able to sweat nearly 1300. Incredible! The price of sweat fluctuates quite a bit, but if you are able to, hold off on selling it until you get a good price. There are some people out there willing to buy at 1.3.

I found though, there are some very inconsiderate people out there who think it is ok to dump their MOBs on others. Fine! Yes! We have all done it at one point or another. But to brings droves of them with you up onto the wing where all the noobs are sweating, that is just wrong.

I am not sure if I like the Jester D1 or not. I mean really there is hardly any difference between that and the opallo. I amp'd the Jester though last night and it did do a good job, and I did a lot more critical hits than I thought I would, so not bad.

Took my first trip to Treasure Island last night. Cool place. HUGE!!!! But cool. The apartments at Briton Towers are neat, but I only saw a few decorated and furnished. I think at some point and time I might want to own some land in EU, but specifically for the reason that I want to be able to advertise on the projection screens. So we'll see.

Tonight- More sweating. I want to finish out my skills for that, than I am going to start back up on my rifle and combat skills. I need to increase them more if I am to fight large MOBs efficiently.

More to come...
Ok last night was kind of uneventful. I sweated for nearly 2 hours solid and got only about 400 Sweat. I noticed a few things though, and this may help others who sweat on the ship SW of Pheonix.

1) The MOBs come back. If they run dry, come down off the wing so they will perish and new MOBs can be brought in.

2) If I miss the new herd of MOBs coming in then I go up on the win as high as I can, turn and face away from the herad, looking straight, and zoom my camera out and then pan around, That will alow me to see under the wing, and I can click and drag the MOBs off that way. Heck a of a lot easier than tying to go flank them on the hills, because they always see me and chase me.

3) I keep my hit list during sweating in one group, until I start losing the sweating. Meaning when it says, "You can no longer acquire sweat", I drag him to a separate group and just leave it there. That way I know which ones I can sweat and which ones I can not. Plus it gives me the ability to go back to my zoom and pan mode and pull out any MOBs I did not get in the beginning and sweat them. It also allows me to see the sweated MOBs die. So I know how many are left and when the new heard is going to be coming

This is just my method for sweating and it works for me.

Other than that, the night was very uneventful. :(
That's ok, good things come to those who wait!

I did notice something last night though. I had auctions up, and when I logged on it told me that my auctions had ended with no bids, and it would be placed back into my inventory, but it wasn't there. Oh well live and learn.
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Wednesday Night! Whew what a night. Not much of anything except now I am teaching my son to play this game. He picks up on stuff ratehr quickly. Though I can't get him to stay and sweat for a long period of time before he gets bored and wants to just start shooting stuff!

I played for about 3 hours last night. Wound up with about 1300 Sweat. Not bad.

Switched to Mining Ore for a bit last night. Spent 20 Ped got 21 Ped Back. I made 1 single PED. Eh, at least I made something. Stored everything. I want to build up a good supply of stuff up I can start skilling in other areas like Crafting. My main profession is still going to be hunting, but I like having other stuff to do.

Not much left to say, more tomorrow!
This is my last entry into the diary, as I am quitting EU.

I am having a hard time thinking that EU has players who are more concerned with themselves then they are with the game, game play and abiding by the rules of said game.

Sweating and the spiders are a prime example of this...
No where in the EULA (which was created by MA) does it say that you can not trap. Yet Marco comes around and says it's against their policies. If this is true than by all means, update the EULA so people know from the very start. Or put it in the MSG box in the game and alert everyone of this. Ignorance is no excuse. By doing this you eliminate that excuse.

From what I see, MA has an answer to trapping. The box reads that a MOB can not be harmed while it is trapped. But it can be sweated, therefore that shows me 1 of 2 things. That either this is in fact a bug and needs to be resolved, or they don't care. If it is a bug, it has been around for versions, from what I hear. If it isn't a bug, than people should be allowed to do it, and not be called cheaters for doing so.

That is all I have to say on the matter. Enjoy your games, I hope all of you well and prosperity. Later....
I have been convinced...

Thank you to the many people who PM'd me and asked me not to leave. Not for their own personal enjoyment, but rather to the enjoyment of my playing the game. They appealed to the gamer inside of me, and to the humanitarian.

I have realized this. In the world of Reality and Virtual Reality, we build relationships. Some relationships are vague communicational relationships, others are Society Friendship (team members) and then there are those with whom you speak to on a daily basis. Same as in real life, we have acquaintances, coworkers, and real life friends, some closer than others. But in both worlds as well we do tend to make enemies. I think we make more in real life though.

The point is, that in both worlds, people need to be treated the same way. With respect and honesty. In the dealings with these people, give respect and you shall receive respect. Show them no mercy and you will receive none.

The EU is a huge world devoted to bringing a part of you into the virtual world that can become a second life. You can live a part of you that only resides in your dreams and thoughts. Granted, it's not as real as in your head, but you live a whole different life, and you tend to be smarter with your choices, in professions, friends, investments and such, because you know the mistakes you have made out here, it's not real, and if you screw up, you can always try again.

I have no animosity towards anyone. I like everyone the same. To those of you who convinced me to stay, I say Thank you. To those who want me to leave, I say, I will try harder to become the best player I can be, and to those of you who don't care, I say, Play.

More to come....
Teaching the teacher

My son is learning how to play EU. And I have learned that sometimes, being older does not mean I am smarter. It took me a while to learn a few things in EU, with and without the help of those who did respond to my question. (Seems as though my questions are either too hard to answer or people just ignore me in general)

My son though however, just by watching me a few times, figured out how to move, sweat, click and drag the MOBs into a list and separated the ones that had become dry. Absolutely amazing.

We spent a good 2 hours sweating. Now he didn't get as much as I did, which I expected, but he got half, and I think that is pretty darn good.

The reason for this, is for the days where we might be inside because of weather, I want something we can do together as a team. We spend a lot of time playing and drawing, and other activities, but now this gives him an idea of the world in which I play. Plus it gives him a chance to interact with the rest of the world (the other EU players).

He said he want to be a hunter, which is good, and I am hunter and miner. So we make a good team. All I ask is if you guys see him out there by himself ask him is he needs some help. His name is Avas name is Preet. Thanks in advance.

More to come...
Not much goin on....

Last night was kind of a bust for me. I didn't play at all. But I did spend a lot of time on the forums yesterday and today just asking some noob questions. Still to me after playing for 2 months, I have noob questions. Of course one of the things I realized n doing so, is that some people have little tolerance for easy to answer questions. Yes easy for you the Uber player, but not for us noobs. Please stop treating us like we don't matter.

On a brighter note, I have learned so much from this forum. Most people are eager to answer even the simplest of questions. And I have found that I have much to learn. There are so many little details to this game I am missing. Like the beautiful landscape, the detail on the buildings and animals, and more is added every version.

The players themselves have been, for the most part on the up and up. I have run into a few scammers, but common sense will tell you to stay away. Remember, there is no such thing as free lunch.

My son is also eager to get back to playing. I hope I can be a good mentor for him, and I hope at some point an time he can become a good mentor himself.
I had a pretty good night last night. I have to admit, after selling about 1k in sweat got some ammo, I thought, well I might go try some Argos. And indeed I did. I showed up in TP with very little PED, except for what I had gotten from selling my sweat. I had some hides I got rid of at a fairly decent price. I bought some more ammo, repaired my a103, and headed off over the peaks.

My first 5 Argos, nothing. Shot a few Daik Providers and Guardians, nothing special there, 1 or 2 PED. But the next Argo I killed looted 30 Fine Wool. I was like WOOHOOooo. Then next Argo, 5 Ped and a FAP5, not too shabby.

I think I got one more small PED amount from another Argo, then nothing till I ran out of ammo. Not bad. Started off spending around 20 PED came home with 37, and some loot. Very nice indeed.

Hopefully tonight will be as productive. But I might change things around a bit. I have a few friends who play, and we have been trading up items. SO I might just start collecting Materials, and see where that takes me. I might actually wind up making some PED, :)

Catch up on the last 2 days!

Ok first of all, congrats to me for my first Global. You can see it here .

Then after that mining went well. First time I went mining on TI and got some very nice stuff, and lot of it at that. Yeah, he has a 4% Tax and all, but to tell you the truth I didn't notice it hardly.

Then while back out hunting I got a Pistol, Fap, and 3 sets of shin guards. Nice weekend. Things are dwindling down a bit now, but Friday I will bite the bullet and deposit some more. I love this game and I am totally addicted to it.
I have been asked to Join a SOC, and a very prestigious one to boot, so we'll see what happens.

More to come....
My new Group of friends!!!

I have been accepted into the Jamhot Weapons & Armor Society. This guy is so great. He is very knowledgeable and just and all around nice guy. I am glad to be part of the SOC and hope I can bring lots of business to it.

On a lighter note, I spent most of the night Sweating. I have a boatload of Nexus I need to refine and sell. I need to find buyers. But that means spending time around the Camps just standing and Socializing. Not my strong suit, but I will make it happen.

I also spent some of my time online teaching my son the basics of the game. Seeings how he can not deposit, I taught him to use sweat as a bargaining tool, and so far he is doing well. He got his first piece of Armor last night and a Pistol. I am very proud of him. He is using his mind, instead of his wallet. Good Job Buddy!!! I am proud of you.

Ok well, I will be able to play for a bit tonight, so we will see what fortunes EU has in store for me or my son!

Wow, What a night!

Ok so last night was probably one of the best night so far in EU.
First I went sweating. I need some to refine my FN to ME. Cool, wound up getting nearly 1500 in Sweat. Refine the FN to ME, and sold it. I didn't want to wait for auction, so I would up selling it cheaper than what is listed on MyTwoPecs. But I still made more than I had originally put in.

Took some of that money, did a few repairs, bought some ammo, hooked up with Markoz, friend of mine, and we team up to hunt Argos. Not a bad killing spree. Wound up getting over 100 Iron, A FAP (Only a 5) and about 45 PED. Not a bad night there. Well I thought it couldn't get any better, since I saw the Global on an argo, just a few feet from where we were, I decided to head to TI to ddo a little mining.

So I bought just EM Probes and started out. Not much there at first, just a few small depositis of FN and Sweetstuff. But on my last 3 probes, I hit a Modest amount of Nexus and then a Large amount of Sweetstuff. All in all, I wound up with 2k In Nexus and 5K in Sweetstuff.

Incredible night. Now I didn't global at all last night, but I have a feeling after I deposit tonight, I will. Probably sometime this weekend. I am building up a good supply of stuff. I need to get some land or an apartment, and a shop keeper. I will succeed in this game, if it kills me.

Where has the time gone?

WHEW! Ok 10 days later, I have had a total of 3 globals. 2 within 24 hours. Awesome! I am writing this after the new VU has come out. Cool new areas and some new MOBs. They say new EnMat and Ores and items, but I haven't seen any of that yet. I did explore some of the New Snow area. Cool to see snow. Makes it hard to see the crosshairs when aiming at the Mobs, but it works.

I have had GREAT success in crafting. I am trying to build up all my skills, so I can graduate from my Mentor, even though I still don't ever hear from him. Oh well....

I am progressing at a good rate I think. I have gone further in this game than I have in any other. Maybe it the aspect of the Uber loot or the Uber Skills, I don't know.

I will write more later when I have time, until then....
Yesterday.....all my troubles seemed so far away....

Yesterday, while at work, and having nothing to do, I was browsing the Entropia Universe site, and upon going to the community links I came across a gentleman who was no longer happy with EU. And his once site, now directs you to a game called Second Life

Now I love new an innovative games. And this game claims to be a Real Cash Economy as well. And I read the site and what it had to offer. I even downloaded the software, signed up and got an account, just to see what the game was all about.
First off, you can play for free and you can deposit or sign up for a monthly charge. Of course I chose the free account. And after configuring my Avatar, I was thrown into the Second Life world.
From first view the game seemed very plain. The characters seemed very plain and just cheesy if you ask me. Yes you can configure a butt load of crap, but is it worth it? So I walked around a bit, was confronted by a gentleman who evidently did not approve of my choice of appearance and decided to harass me about it non stop for my entire time in the game (about 15 mins). I got sick of it quick.

But then I started to compare that game to EU. and these are the thing I saw.
-Both games claim to be a real cash economy. Saying they both have paid out countless amounts of money to the users
-Both games have a life based environment. meaning you are there to build yourself, not wealth.
-SecondLife offered complete object generation capabilities, meaning, they say you can create anything. Based upon a 3d Polygon editor built in.
Also the game is windowed, which makes it easy to accomplsh other tasks in the Windows Environment and to work on dual monitors.
-EU has better graphics, better music, and better in game events, or things to do.
-SecondLife has a forum on their site devoted to their Users, unlike MA who relys on a third party person to host forums

I am sure there is much more to the game then I saw, but like Entropia, they don't give you much idea on how to do anything. Except on how to minimally get through the game, but then again, maybe that is the point.

In the end, I had never decided to leave EU, but seeing Second Life has given me all the reason to not even think about leaving. Not yet that is ;)
The Loot Theory

Ok I have seen some things, and I am going to make a small observation. Having ADD allows me to change my mind quite frequently, but anyway....
I have seen so many people say, when posting their globals, HoFs, etc, "I haven't been hunting in a while, and look what I got" or "Noobie Miner finds HoF Deposit", etc etc etc. Also I noticed that in some of the Globals, for the same person, they are usually in different places, meaning, different servers.
And this has happened to me as well.

But I think that loot is based upon how much you deposit. Meaning that if you deposit $300, you are going to get anywhere between 100-150 of it back. Enough to keep you interested in the game.

EU is nothing more than a casino with a pretty game sheet over top of it. But I think it's fixed. Is there a way to prove this? No. Not unless I start a company that goes around and checks Program coding to make sure they haven't written code to deliberately cheat the players, or basically lie to them to make them think they have a chance, when in fact they do not.

I will still play the game, because I like it, not because I am looking for the mother load of Lyst or Uber Armor. I like the game play.

But you have to wonder, why did MA give you the option to withdrawal money from an ATM if they had no intention on allowing you the ability to do so from within the game, through huge loots.

Just my viewpoint. Of course Marco will read this now, and I am damn sure I won't get any good loots! :)
Huge update

Ok, well since I last posted, I got HOF mining. Real cool!
But then things tapered off a bit. My son started playing again and now my daughter as well. they work well as a team and often get quite a bit of loot. Congrats for them.

The loot last night was great, the Fets and Corns were just handing out PED left and right. No globals but I did wind up getting roughly around 150 PED in total. Incredible. Which again leads me to believe that loot is based upon you and not the grid.

While I was hunting last night, I saw a guy say, "No use hunting here I already globalled." But I continued to hunt and wound up with all that PED and some nice items.

All in all a really good night.
Till the next report, this is Chet Youbetcha signing off.
The people you team up with...

Ok so does loot matter in a team environment? I believe it does.
When you are in a team play, I believe that the EU system calculates the teams loot based upon everyone's averages. Now, how do you know Jaas? Well, after being on several teams and scanning a lot of my team members (maybe I should have told them I was, oops) I found that there was a large variety of skill sets. And the loots varied. But when I teamed up with people who had little or no skills, the loots were horrible. When I teamed up with people who had about the same skills or better then me, the loot was quite good.

So what does this prove? Well it doesn't prove anything actually. This is my consensus. Loot is based upon skill. Globals and HoFs, same thing. It's the only way that MA can truly calculate how much one player receives when playing the game. Sure there are noobs who get globals and HoFs, random. But the main loot, that which we receive a lot of is based upon how well you are doing in the game.

Ok so sum it all up Jaas.

Well, if you want better loot, stay and play. Deposit some money and work your way to becoming better at what you are. Your loot will get better.
But there is an old rule to the basic laws of physics, you will never get out more than you put in. Simple as that. And if you do, it was a fluke, or a serious calculation error.
Wow, been a long time.....

Ok so I had to start over in EU, cuz I lost my other account. No biggie though. But I have learned from past mistakes. For instance, first think I did upon entering EU was headed straight for the Exos and began sweating. Since MA removed the sweat cap, sweating has become a lot harder. Meaning that getting sweat has become less frequent & the mobs don't give out as much as they used to before they dry up. No big deal you roll with the punches, ya know?

But like I was saying in another thread, EU pulled me back in because of 2 things. The beautiful scenery and uniquely designed MOBs and the hope. The dream of maybe just by some stroke of luck, hitting the HoF that makes me crap my pants.

I also have included my son into the EU. I want him to learn about starting from nothing and succeeding. This game, aside from the casino type programming, does have it's draws, like the game play, the environment, and the people you meet. It truly is amazing.

Till next time....
Hot in the city tonight...

Since coming back to the game, I am developing new ways to achieve loots. I need to rebuild my skills sooo... I decided to start from the very beginning.
So I deposited 10$ and bought basic armor, an opollo, a scanner and ammo., and a short sword.

I then went to a decently populated area with Exos and Daikibas. Somewhere where there weren't a lot of noobs and other folks. So I started my new long trek to Fort Troy. Iknew this area was hevily MOB populated and still a little scarce because of it's distance from Port Atlantis. Yeah for me... hardly any noobs. (No offense)

Once there, I started me sweating and skilling. And I did it in this order:

1) Find a MOb
2) Start Sweating the MOB
3) If I succeed in getting sweat and then MOB becomes dry move to number 5.
If it attacks while sweating move to number 4
4) Try to keep sweating a few times untill your health can't take it anymore.
5) Pull out sword and attack MOB
6) When MOB starts to run away (Exos and Daiks are like this) pull up opollo and shoot. You will only have to shoot 2 or 3 times at the most to kill the MOB. Hence only using 2-6 Ammo each MOB.

And when my sword is to the damaged point of no more usage, I just unload my ammo into MOBs around.

Has been pretty lucrative so far. I've recouped a little over half of what I have deposited. (Ok I have deposited more than $10 now ;) )

Seems to be a good system. My skills are increasing pretty quick.