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- Juniper Jaywalker Jones

the biggest and best shop on Calypso! to a see a large range of my customised clothing, as well as hoplite armour, rk-5 s, cyrene weapons, RT weapons etc. all at great prices

I am currently level 20 in colouring (maxed up to brown) and level 21 texturing. This allows me apply 11 colours perfectly, plus a wide variety of textures (see illustrated list, below)
Until I skill up quite a bit further, I am happy do colouring and texturing work for free, if you provide paints and item. (Tips appreciated, but not expected). I will not normally accept work where a colour or texture that I have not maxed is required, but will help you to find a more experienced designer instead. ( I may be willing to make exceptions, if I am close to maxing the ingredient, but will always inform you if this is the case)
Please read the notes below before booking me. They will help you decide how to make the most of my service, and also help you to avoid scammers who prey upon ignorance


Not enough colours? I can create a much wider range of colours, including red, black, pink, navy blue, royal blue, dark green, bright yellow, deep purple by using a combination of colour and texture. In most cases this will work out cheaper than using the appropriate paint. Please browse the pictures in this thread to see examples.
various browns that can be got by combining brown paint with texture
I also have an arrangement with Leeloo Faith, whereby she will apply any colours that I can't to items that I've textured, at cut price.
PED return
Do you know that when a paint or texture is applied to a full TT item , you get 90% of the TT value returned in PED? This means that a customisation job might cost you much less than you think. If a service is genuinely free then you should get ALL of those PED returned. Beware scammers who offer a “free” service, but keep some or all of the PED.
The item supplied should be at full TT, if repairable. If less than this, not only is it hard to view the result properly, but also the PED return is automatically used to repair the item. This confuses the issue.
Quantity of Paints and Textures:
The recommended amount is 323 cans/ textures per customisable field
The fewer paint cans used, the greater the chance of failure. 200 cans will usually give very satisfactory results (around 96% saturation) but this cannot be guaranteed. 323 cans give maximum saturation and/or full control of resulting shade. If you want to save PED by using fewer cans/textures then you must be aware of, and accept this risk. In any case, I will not undertake to use fewer than 100 cans.
“failure” means that only a very thin application of the colour/texture results, often just enough to make the field look a dirty sort of white
Customisable items have1-3 customisable fields.
For three-field items , it is recommended that you supply the maximum (323) no of cans/textures per field, even if you don't want full saturation but prefer a more subtle shade. Failure is more likely with a 3-field job, and would result in much wastage, if the item needed re-doing.
Please note that that all fields must be painted or textured simultaneously, but that colour and texture are applied separately. Thus I can add texture to a coloured item, or vice versa but cannot add a third field of paint to an item that is already coloured.
If an item needs to be bleached, I am also happy to do this for free, provided that you want me to customise it! (as bleachig gives no skill, I do not offer a “bleaching only” service, except for undecided clients)
Contacting me: add me to your FL in-game from the player register, or PM me on PCF (I check my PM box there more often than other fora)
Well, that covers all the essential info. If you're not too bored yet, do dip into the further notes below(next 3-4 posts). Also, if you're looking for ideas, you'll find a lot more illustrations scatterere through the thread (starting on page 3)

ISLAND SHIRT: customised with jori +blue and ostelok+ purple
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