Jeccy's Diary


May 26, 2005
Swansea, Wales
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Apart from normally doing this on my blog (link here), I really can't be bothered to post on the website what has happened over the last week to me on that, and would rather post it on here. Even though I've had one or two damn interesting things happen to me (or someone I know, but more on that in a bit).

Where to start?

May as well start with my 2 yr old nephew Finnian. He's the youngest kid I know who'se had penis enlargement surgery in hospital :D He was born with a genetic disorder, where his penis started growing inside-out, and they had to perform plastic surgery for his "meat and two veg" to develop in the right direction. Even though he's two, and has been through alot of pain, I've still managed to laff like flip at this :) Went to the hospital to visit him, and cheered him up by letting him hit a balloon across my head 200 times.

This weekend was also a bit eventful. One of the regulars at our local pub got himself into a bit of bother. I kid you not with what I'm going to type here. Mark called in for about 20 minutes into the pub, and talked to a few of us (myself included). He had obviously had a few, five pints of lager by his own admittance, and told us he was going to drive down the Mumbles for a few more. We were all a bit questionable by this, as we ovbiously don't condone drink-driving, but he left before we could talk him out of anything.

This is the interesting bit. He must have carried on drinking, because apparently the next day, he was still paralatic drunk driving his car about. He at one point reversed his car into a wall, and then thought it would be a laugh to drive the car through his ex-girlfriend's workplace window (with people in the reception) and get himself arrested for attempted murder. Oh dear.

EDIT: just found this on the BBC page which was to do with him, yeyyyyy.

Still, it's all fun in Swansea. Stuff like this happens more often than it should. I was in the same year in school with a convicted rapist, a man who found out 27 years into his life that he was actually a she, and used to work with a woman who shagged Dev out of Coronation Street (Uk soap drama, more details on that in my blog). I'm not going to whinge though, as I have a damn good laff at most stuff, and I know things are no-where near as strange as some other people's lives (and I'm not even going to mention the mormons either when I say that).
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Lost in the land of PE

Found out that the guy from our local pub is not being charged with attempted murder, but for multiple driving offences.Click here for the info if anyone can be bothered.

Finding it quite hard-going starting out on PE. There's so much stuff which I haven't even begin to have seen on this game yet, and when you want to get an idea of what the game has to offer before diving in an buying everything I haven't fully been introduced. Yet. I'm not blaming anyone bar myself of course; I've just spent the first few hours just gathering as much sweat as I can carry; I've sold a few off and got 2.5 creds to start (plus about 50 sweat in my inventory). I was offered a nice deal by a hunter yesterday though, which I do think is a very good idea for beginners, which I posted here . I shall start advertising around the TP's shortly for that me thinks. There again, I must find more than 3 TP's. I have all the addresses and maps; all I need now is 600 hours to walk to each one of them lol. This is a game for ramblers, and no mistake :) Virtual here we come.

Sweat. Sweat again. Sweat some more. I get approached by someone asking if I want to buy a heath pack for 2 PEDs. I refuse politely, but he keeps coming back. I laugh and tell him to use it on his a$$, but politely :) The point is made. I look around, lost while people get on with bettering they're chars or waltzing off into different directions. The map looks like a simulated Brownian Motion test result, what with all the green dots bouncing randomly off each other, heading for destinations yet unknown to me. Choices, choices, choices. I seem to be waiting for something, yet I'm not sure what that is. A time will come though, when the patience will pay off.
Hayfever. Hystemene. God-dammit.

For the last six months, I've had problems with some unknown allergic reaction, which has resulted in me suffering from "Dermatographic Urticaria". Basically, if I scratch myself, or get certain skin cell irritation, I get what is reffered to a "hive". A hive is a buildup of hystemene under the skin which causes a big white lump under the skin. This initially used to burn like hell, but I've gotten used to the pain and can now write messages on my fore-arm at will :) I am a living etch-a-sketch; draw on me and a picture will appear and fade away after a few hours. The missus thinks it's great fun.

An unfornate side-effect of this is that due to the overboard amount of hystemene levels in my blood, I'm now a sufferer of hayfever. I'm working in an office filled with computers, blurry eyed and hurting. I've resorted to wearing sunglasses, which is getting odd looks from everyone due to this.

This means that the outside is an enemy, and world of PE will be tinted for today. I'm double dosed on the antihystemenes, and ready for some sweat sucking this afternoon. Who invented allergies anyway? Most probs some n00b.

Work is dead quiet today. The sun is good for something. We wait by our computers for people to heckle us with their ignorance, and are randomly not disappointed by contacts from idiot people expecting everything for nothing. I've already spoken to an elderly lady who had to plug in one usb cable to fix her issue. She plugged and unplugged roughly twenty different wires, before pulling out the telephone wire and cutting me off. I was most amused :) If this job was a definition, it would be "Work is to put up with petty annyonances until pay day". If a trapist Monk needed training in patience and universe attenuation, this is the job for him. Stupid arguments flair all the time over completely ridiculous details; I asked someone earlier for a post code, and she was adamant that the telephone number she gave me was what I was asking for. You don't just get n00bs in gaming, oh no, they're everywhere :(

Still, can't wait to get away from everything for a few hours this afternoon. Got a few things to try out in PE later (a bit of TP exploring required plus some more sweating, when the oppertunity arises). I've got to raise my TP count from 3 so far lol. All I've done so far is make it to Camp Phoenix, and that's like a Bruce Lee jumpsuit convention with the amount of n00b sweaters in orange suits there (myself included). I must see more, if I am ever going to progress.
Today's Lament

I got my two hours of freedom away from the real world today. Decided that I'd get to explore a bit arount the atlus. First up, I'd examined a map (link provided by this forum, thankyou ta) and decided to head for the next two nearest TPs. First up on the agenda was the Zychion Citadel. Needs a spot of polish here and there. I don't know what the background is on this area, but it sure looks bleak. I see 4 other players there, all attending to their own agendas, keeping to their own. I decide to respect that, and do what I went there to achieve.

I activate the TP, and go back to Camp Phoenix. A few traders are there, including a "Jando" who'se buying sweat like candy for 3 PECs each. After selling some 100 sweat to him, I remember there's a clearing with another TP roughly north-east of Camp Phoenix on the other side of a lake. No-one really wants to speak to me; there's a few hunting parties assembling but there's no need for a n00b with a few credits to his name. So I head off north-east, heading for the Limnadian District TP. Unfortunately, like a n00b, I have forgotten to take down the coordinates for this, but that does not dismay me, no sir. I'm meant to be exploring, so I'll find it if it kills me. I head towards a valley which I follow up past a large downed space-ship to the left of me, until I reach a large lake of some kind. On the way there, I am approached by a group of beasts, one of which resembled a large grey fat baby. I may need to tweak my graphics card. I keep running until I hit the side of the lake, and the baby drowns in it's own pre-programmed stupidity. I get out of the lake, and keep heading north-east until I hit a clearing. A hunters's clearing morelike, as there are a few hunters fighting some tripod type creatures in the shallow water. I ask one of them where the nearest TP is (a player called Sobi), and he tells me to "Die and look around the hanger". That doesn't really help me in the slightest to be fair, but Sobi's legged it after more wild game. I see a mountain ahead, and run up the side of it. Over the other side, I find the teleport and activate it.

Only another 30 to go. This is going to take ages. But it's got to be done.
Managed to make it to Chimera Canyon today. I don't know why. It's a desolated outpost in the middle of some strange wastelands. There was one other person there, who was in all orange as well. He looked like he was as lost as me; trying to get further into the areas, trying to find out about Calypso more.

I've decided to give in to a bit of temptation and buy a basic weapon to start. Some crap handgun apparently. But I'm not one of those n00bs who will attack the first thing I see. I'd die on the spot. I'm just going to stick to sweating and basic trading (I've started dabbling a bit). I laughed at some n00b who wanted me to pay 6 pecs per sweat bottle. Blimey, am I a mug or something?

Still haven't even met up with a group, or tried running yet either. I seem to be edging around approaching other players...nervous almost. But I am starting to like the look of this PE, and I will be up for a bit of purchasing (as soon as I come back from Paris in a few months, 1st Wedding anniversary hols) when the time arises. I will need to get a mentor (Ona sounds fun, but because of the timezone issue we keep missing each other lol), and start learning "the ways of the force" as it were. I've got a long way to go to get familiar with the game and crowd, but one day I shall get there.

I was reading the other diaries on this site, to get an idea of what's going on with our people's experiences. There's alot of advanced players on this forum, which is good for learing purposes. Plus well done to Ragna Rock on his good start on PE too, keep it up man.
I have met up with a player called Ehoshua Ben Moshe, and he has offered me mentorship. I've initially accepted this, but am a bit dubious about him, as he spent most of the time off on his own agenda. Still though, I've given myself a credit boost of 100 PEDs to start, so I've got a bit of starting capitol behind me.

Have found a cool sweating spot inbetween Camp Phoenix and the Zychion Citadel, which is a small valley full of easy sweating. I've clocked up over 100 bottles this afternoon, which helps.

I'm still a complete n00b though. Ho hum.
New Day, New Mentor

I can't beleive this, I've typed up loads here and lost it all :(

I've swopped from the not-that-much-speaking-engly-type-Ehoshua to someone else.

Firstly I sweated alot (about 230 bottles, Avon lady's crapping it), then I thought that I needed more TPs. So I head off from Zychion Citadel east, and where-ever I went, I got decimated by the first MOB. So I thought it was time to buy some armour. I head to Port Atlantis, and buy and repair a complete Goblin armour kit for roughly 40 PEDs. Not a bad buy, and well repaired as well.

I equip the suit, then decide to head to Camp Phoenix to buy a cheap n00by axe of some kind. When I get there, I end up getting to talk to a player called "Ask". After a good laugh with him, he invites me to have him as the mentor, and I hartily agree to this. He's advised me on which initial guns etc to buy, and wants to run me through hunts etc, which is great. My faith in PE is restored!
1st Hunt...broke even

Me and Ask went on a basic hunt run, and ran from Port Atlantis due north to the first revival point, then SE to Billy's Shipyard. Wasn't as simple as that though lol. Ask was escorting a n00b character called Asazrael, who'd just started. I met up with them just north of the Port, and we continued north for the revival terminal. We had one or two encounters with a few n00b creatures (Ask gracefully kept me alive with health while I killed them), earned a few PEC (literally) until we reached the terminal. We then headed SE, straight into a mixture of n00b creatures, and some rather nasty ones too. After killing a few, we headed straight for about 40 bloody MOB. These started chasing us, and we had a Benny Hill moment for about 5 minutes lol. We made it to Billy's Spaceport, and the autoguns took them apart, and after a PEC check it looked like I had broke even. I think Ask didn't though, as his gun costs him 14 PEC a shot, which is bad.

Oh well, will be trying that again, was a right laff.
Sincere lack of HoFmeister

Went on a hunt last night between 4 of us...after about 20 kills got literally 2 PED back. Ask used up about 2000 cells luring them in for us, while we run about frantically beating up some big nasties (well, big for us, we're all n00bs lol). I was too tired in the end, and gave up for sleep until I shall try again later.

PS was laffing at two posts in the diaries from the last two days, both about dentists. I can't say fluff all about them, as my wife is a dental receptionist. Her boss is a bit retentive towards anything daring; even as far as drinknig something that isn't water. He slags off anyone to their face who'se drunk alcohol, smoked at least once in their life, and has tasted chocolate.

Recently, alot of his elderly patients have died of different natural causes (I'm sure it's just coincidence), so I've nicknamed him Dr Shipman :)

Am in work, and tired as hell. Working these splits shifts have taken their toll on me for the last two years; I currently could sleep on a camel's lip. But the hunt goes on.

I tried some basic hunting yesterday, Ask gave me an axe 1x0, and got me to repair it. They don't half wear down quick...swear they're made out of wax. They do big beginner's damage though, which was cool. It worked out that I lost a few PED, but I managed to gain quite a few skins for my trouble.

Have got one of the guys from work on this; he's just started and can't even make it to Camp Phoenix yet. Blimey, it took me about 18 attempts too lol. He's going by the name of Atilla (after the hun, obviously :p), so later on I've arranged to drag him up there.

PS Soz about that post last night...should have warned everyone before clicking. I was shocked about finding that myself, but should have warned anyone, soz to offend.