Let's win la65 event!!!


Old Alpha
Jan 31, 2008
Guess Who
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Victor 'Brick' Vonn
There is only one way LA65 is going to change hands in one year! That is with teamwork! So here is a subevent to the Hunt LA, Win LA event(thread here: https://www.planetcalypsoforum.com/...-LA-WIN-the-LA!/page3&highlight=shinkiba+la65):


1) All team member names must be registered here, please give team captain name as well or it will just be the registering ava on message post; this is the person to whom all winnings will be disbursed and all communication directed
2) All teams must be named: DANBRICK (yes all caps and no punctuation just like that)
3) All globals must be screenied and posted here for all to see
4) All globals must be on LA65 and proper mob and maturity as per Hunt LA, Win LA requirements with appropriate tag in global chat
5) All team members names must be visible(and registered) on screenie to get credit
6) All teams are competing for an 80% share of all winnings by team DANBRICK
7) In event of 'cheating', i.e. more DANBRICK numbers and screenies posted than Hunt LA, Win LA organizers give credit for, we will do our best to affirm screenies are accurate representation of what occurred and figure out who 'error' is attributed to
8) Winnings will be split according to ratio of number of globals your ava contributed and total team members involved in each global
9) All uses of funds at time of redemption will be solely mine or Dan Danny Mata's responsibility and are final but will obviously be based on best return

OK. That is all I have for now. The rules may need some tweaking but those are the rules for now. This doesnt have to be as hard as it sounds. We need teams to contribute about 30 globals a day and you can certainly develop subrules that apply to your own teams. That is your business. You can develop noob hunts and ferry people out for free or just heal teammates. Even if u contribute only 1% or 100 globals to the 10k required and we sell the LA or take cash option you will receive AN ESTIMATED 1450 ped based on valuation given on Hunt LA, Win LA event thread. Obviously we have to reach that 10k threshold to get the LA. There is NO way anyone can do this on their own or that a society can do it on its own, its bigger than that and if we work together we can do something noone expects to happen.

Good Luck and lets see how much interest there is in this! I think its exciting! :eyecrazy:

Victor Brick Vonn
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