
Liz Mirah

Jan 24, 2007
[wrap=left][/wrap]So who is Liz and why should she have her own diary?...well at the moment Liz is no more important than the Smith’s, Jones’s and Jane’s of Entropia Universe. Matter of fact, I have accomplished nothing of any major importance that would benefit any of you in any way. However I hope to change all that, that being said, welcome to the wonderful world of Elizabeth Liz Mirah.

These will be the chronicles of that journey of going from average Jane who just comes and goes from the universe to really trying to make a difference in the Entropia community, through words, pictures and perhaps in the future videos, to stand out in my own way and put my own personal stamp on the world, and if I totally fail… well hopefully I’ve kept you all amused along the way :). If even one of you reads my stories and gets something out of it then my mission was successful. Still interested? If so, stay tuned…
Humble Beginnings

…Well not really, at least not any more or less than any other avatar that’s spawned in the universe ;) Although I was humbled at the scope of Entropia when I first joined. ;) My avatar spawned on December 30th 2006 I recall being ridiculously confused and immensely amazed by Calypso. Back then the world seemed as big and in depth as life on Earth. So what’s the first thing I do? …Why head to the visitor information kiosks of course. No sense exploring aimlessly when I can have kiosk npc's to tell me to go to the oil fields just off to the east for free oil to sell for PED or about how I can do all this cool hunting, never mind the fact you have little to no PED to start with, or that you’ll never ever reach the oil fields as a brand spankin' new player without help from someone. But eh, what did I know, I was new, so to the oil fields I went. :)

And what a journey it was, here is a picture showing the route I took.[wrap=left][/wrap]

What’s that you say, that’s not where the oil fields are…nonsense, soooo yeah, I obviously never made it there (Fun Fact: I've still never been to the oil fields.) My journey started in the right direction to the south east and somehow along the way I started thinking it was south. I made it all the way to the “X” without dying once…of course this feat required a few detours along the way.

Upon my arrival I was greeted by a lovely field of purple flowers [wrap=right][/wrap] I was confident that if that area wasn’t the oil field I had to be close…I mean I was running out land so it had to be there somewhere ;)

I burst into a run and am met by something quite……well……Foul, of course I didn’t know what it was at the time just that it was ugly and chasing me, so I ran like the wind. My luck had run out, where before I was easily avoiding mobs now I seemed to be easily attracting them. First one Foul then two and as if that wasn’t enough an Atrox Alpha joins the pursuit.

X marks the spot, I’m dead in one hit, I’m not sure from which creature nor did it matter, I had failed. (Fun Fact: The photos were taken after the VU 9 update, I retraced my journey to the outpost and am killed by an Atrox Alpha in the same spot.) Being my first death I didn’t know what to expect, I stared at the screen and the ugly monsters gloating over my dead body. Soon a window pops up asking if I want to resurrect at the nearest outpost so I select yes. I rez at the nearest outpost (red dot below X in picture) and finally decide to give up, at this point I didn’t care if the oil field was only 10 ft away I wanted to go back to civilization which for me was Port Atlantis. Only one problem….Atrox….everywhere, try as I might I died multiple times trying to leave the outpost, I was completely stuck and not very happy about it. [wrap=left][/wrap]

Lucky for me after my 13th or so death another player also resurrects at the outpost. I remember that despite the fact I desperately wanted to leave the outpost I was scared to talk to this other player as she looked nearly as horrendous as the monsters that had just killed me (no offense to whoever you are.) fortunately for me she started talking first. She asks me how I got to the outpost ( my orange jumper probably gave me away) I told her I ran there, she asked from where and seemed very impressed I made it there. She then asks how long I had been playing, after telling her only a few hours she seemed shocked. Whether out of pity or because she was nice…or both, she tells me she’ll give me an escort to the Port Atlantis zone area. I, still confused, follow her lead.

As we head north she explains to me the area I was in was not an area for beginning players, she explains that she is going to take me to a spot where I can press “T” and it will take me back to Port Atlantis. About 15 minutes later I’m finally back home, eternally grateful for what she did. I offer my thanks and she offers a goodbye, as she had other things to do and places to be and thus we parted ways, never to see each other again. Feeling very tired as it was very late I decide to retire for the day from Entropia and thus concluded day one of my adventures.


…Crazy day yesterday, spent all my free time fighting off a virus. I eliminated the virus but the damage was done, I ended up having to reformat my computer to get everything working correctly again but I was able to backup everything of importance so all is well.

I’m as happy as can possibly be, I was just recently accepted into the JetStar Alliance (JSA) I can’t say I know much at all about the history of the society but I can say that the members I’ve met so far are awesome. My best Entropian friend Zar is a member and since I’m always with her and she’s always with other soc. members, it seemed only natural that I join.

For my inauguration I got to hunt bunni….I mean I got to hunt with Sir Odd (Sir. Odd Bunny, as MindStar9 has christened him.) We hunted Kerberos. It wasn’t my first time seeing them but it was my first time hunting them. As my friend Zar put it, they’re like hunting Daikabas [only bigger] [wrap=left][/wrap]

Here is a picture of OB and I, we took a short break to admire the scenery. I had a blast, …well I guess not as much of one as OB with his rocket launcher…that man and his guns, without us around he’d of blown himself to smithereens by now. ;)

Both Zar and Star had to log early (before OB and I had started hunting) so I hunted with OB until my ammo ran dry, then back to town I went. Once in Sakura I did my usual checking of auction prices (even though I had no more PED to spend, habit I guess…hehe) then off to reality I went. I’m very much looking forward to some great times with my new soc. mates and friends. Stay tuned for part two of my Humble Beginnings. :)
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(Humble Beginnings continuation)​

Having sworn against running ever again, I decide instead to see what this sweating is all about. After my journey to the southern island I figured it was in my best interest to read up about the game before continuing further, so I read about the sweating process and other activities from Entropia Forum beginner’s guides. After a few tries I was soon sweating like a pro. including using advanced newbie tactics like running to a turret when a mob started attacking and running into water. :)

Here's a pic of a popular sweat spot at the Port Atlantis Swamp Camp located NNW of Port Atlantis.

After a couple of hours sweating I decide to stop, head back to the Atlantis town square and see what I could make for it. Many of us are very familiar with the advertising system and pricing of items, however for a new player it’s like telling a 5 year old to read a stock ticker…its just a bunch of mumbo jumbo quickly appearing and disappearing from even more mumbo jumbo (see mumbo jumbo pic. ;))

I was utterly lost, I had prepared for sweating ahead of time but not for this. So I decide I’ll just announce I’m selling sweat and how much of it and let the potential buyers decide the price. (which I know now was not and for new players reading is not a good idea.) now I don’t recall the exact amount of sweat I was selling but I do remember it was really small compared to the amounts most guides and experienced players will tell you to save before selling, I’m talking like under 300 compared to the recommended 1 – 2k. Luckily for me a player named Knut picked up on my offer before anyone else.

Leopold Knut Dimming asked if I was new, after admitting I was, he informed me on how the prices were listed and that I should save up a lot more than what I had before selling so I could sell at a higher rate. Then, after all that, he bought what I had for .9 PEC a bottle. At the time, maybe even now, that was a really high rate since this was not long after the “sweat crash” when .4 pec a bottle was the best you could get. Anyway after Knut and I finished our transaction he continues to chat with me asking me if I needed help etc. at some point he asks if I want him to be my mentor, so I, not really knowing what a mentor was other than that they help you out, said yes.

I have no regrets having chosen him as my mentor however he lives in Sweden and there is a 10 hour or so difference between us, making it difficult to meet up for things, but all the same he helped me out big time in the beginning and even now when needed and for that I’m greatly appreciative (Fun Fact: Still havn’t completed my apprenticeship :ahh: but I’m getting close. :)
Another Fun filled day...well technically yesterday now but...whatever. ;) Anyway, I got a tailoring global! :D it wasn't big but whocares! I'll take what can get hehe. I posted it to the HOF's forum so here's a link if your interested, and don't forget to add some rep while your there. :cool:

I'm also excited because I finished making my signature. I think it looks cool a bit cheesy possibly with the planet but I mean c'mon it fits...right?... :)

Other than those 2 events I spent the day doing some mining NE of Wolverine Hope, I didn't find anything of interest though. I used to mine enmatter all the time, I've decided to switch to ores as I hear though it's a bit more expensive, it has better returns, so we'll see :)

That's all I have for now. (My Humble Beginnings saga shall continue so stay tuned!)
The ‘Zar
(Knut continuation)​

Almost two weeks pass, I gleefully log on each day sweating, sweating, and sweating some more, I think I had my heater to high that winter or something ;). One day, I forgot the circumstances but I met a player named Zar. Again I don’t remember exactly how we started talking but an educated guess tells me it was probably because she was buying sweat from me ;). She asks me where I’m from and I tell her California, USA. All the players I had run into who asked me that would always say “where is California?” So I learned to tag on USA and instead they would say something along the lines of “oh, ok.” Up until that point I hadn’t spoken to anyone else who was from the U.S. so I was beginning to think that maybe their were none NOOOOOOOOO!, what a scary thought that would be :laugh:.

Zar tells me she is also from the U.S., when I heard this I felt as though a rescue boat had just arrived on my deserted island :yay:. We started talking about our likes and dislikes and goals in Entropia, our thoughts and opinions were so ridiculously similar it had to be sign we were meant for friendship….hehe. Zar had just joined a society called Moonlight Shadow and she was all excited about it. I remember her asking if I was already in a society or had any prospects to which I said no. At that time in the game I hadn’t even given consideration to joining a society. She goes on asking me if I had a mentor and if he was a good one or not. I answered yes but I didn’t really have a basis for comparison at the time, hehe. Zar became my surrogate mentor. As I mentioned in Knut there is a big time difference between us, where as Zar and I are only 3 hours apart so whenever I logged in and my mentor wasn’t around Zar took care of me. Of course I soon ended up joining Moonlight Shadow and had a blast. Now when I went to sweat I no longer had to do it alone, I would have company from Zar or other society mates. My days slowly turned from sweating to TP runs and hunts, which I can say was far more fun :).

I met some interesting people in Moonlight Shadow, some far more interesting than others, I met TB in Moonlight Shadow! He’s cool, I don’t know why he’s cool but he just is ;) Unfortunately the good times didn’t last, due to some internal conflicts that I hope to write about at a later time, I, Zar and many others decided to leave Moonlight Shadow. Zar is into the latest weaponry on Calypso and during our time in Moonlight Shadow she talked to me many times about starting her own society later down the lines when she felt ready. So, no time like the present, ;) since we were both “in the market” Zar decided to start her own society and I decided to join her. (to be continued...)

Here's a picture of Zar and I, this was taken the day I was accepted into JSA just before OB and I had started hunting together.

I've been so busy writing about the past I'm neglecting to talk about the things going on in the present. A couple of days ago ( hehe here I go again ;) )I was on and ran into an old friend Named Danka Soul Needue. I mentioned that when I was in Moonlight Shadow we did TP running, well one particular day I was approached by a new player asking for help. He claimed that for some reason no one was willing to talk to him or help him out. So I asked what it was he needed help with, I don't remember exactly what it was but I know it was something simple that I recall I didn't know either when I first started so I helped out as much as I could. I even added him to my FL list so he could contact me when needed.

I remember that for a lot of the TP runs I did with the society I would invite him along too, we would also go hunting together when we could. We had an odd ball relationship we didn't hang out together all the time just kinda at random when the mood struck...hehe. Anyway I rarely run into him anymore, he's on at strange times (for me anyway, probably normal time for everyone else...haha), but the other day I did and he did something very kind. As a sort of payment for all the times I had helped him he gave me a bunch of items for my apartment :) I bought my apartment back during the same time period when I was in Moonlight Shadow it was late at night and a player was advertising it at Port Atlantis for 175 PED! Even though this was all I had at the time I jumped on it, I asked him why he was selling it so cheap, he said because he was leaving the game.

Since I first purchased my apartment I had never put anything in it. I used it for a society storage during my time in The Way of the Knife and The Gun but other than that...nothing...well not anymore! I have lamps, stools shelving, even a vase!

[wrap=left][/wrap]Here's a picture I took of Danka and his apprentice while I was in his apartment. From left to right, Danka, Liz, and Danka's apprentice Weeeeeee (not a misprint that's really his name :))

So to Danka, thank you and to the rest of you, when those new players come asking for help don't just ignore them, you never know how they may thank you down the line :)
The Way of the knife and the Gun.
(The 'Zar continuation)​

Unfortunately this society never really got off the ground, we were hard pressed to find members, we didn’t want to just accept anyone so we were picky, then to top that off a lot of the members stoped playing soooo, :( sadness. Zar decided to close up shop, I think she moved on to the Entropia Directory society I decided to remain freelancer and take a break from the game to take care of things IRL. My break lasted probably about two months, in that time I popped in a few times but always at off hours and only just to see if anything good was on auction, none of my friends were on when I was so I never did anything else.

The Cat Came Back

Just not the very next day ;). Upon my return I was a college grad. with a degree in Software Engineering and I intended to make full use of the time previously dedicated to homework :). Zar introduced me to all kinds of crazy people he had met including Star, OB, (and others I can’t remember off the top of my head. ) Zar has introduced me to people plenty of times, but this was only the third time that I almost instantly liked them (the first was my mentor and the second was when I met Zar). So the goodtimes continued with Zar helping me with the TP’s I didn’t have, since the V.U. had changed on my break from the game. Here is a picture of me at Akmuul Island which was one of the new TP's at the time.

Zar and I did our usual hunts together and gun talks. Not to long after I came back I needed to take another break. I manage a mini golf facility and we were having a tournament and I was its coordinator. The job required my undivided attention, so I let my friends know I would be out a few weeks until the tournament was over. (to be continued...)

Oh yeah, I've made hot thread status :yay: which means I must be doing something right, hehe. I met a new society mate today, I was out doing some mining and he said hello on society chat which was a bit of a surprise as I thought I was the only one on :). His name is Arlander Mac MacLynster, so welcome to JSA Mac :).

We started talking and as I was at the end of my mining run, he decided to meet up with me in Sakura. Not long after meeting up Star logged on and joined in on the fun. [wrap=left][/wrap] However shortly after Mac had to go :(. Star went off mining and I went off on a hunt to find a shopkeeper that sold tailoring BP's (don't ask why, I just was ;)).

I don't think I've ever had as much fun doing nothing before. In the end all I was really doing was revisiting every TP in the list and running to nearby towns but that was ok because I had Star and a few minutes later OB to keep me company in society chat. Star in all her uberness claimed to not be finding anything lower than around average on her mining run (she was posting her finds as she found them in society chat...hehe) and she says this was an off day :O :laugh: (to any new players reading this...or players tired of always seeing her name pop up in globals...hehe, she has been playing for about 4 years so her skills are very high, she doesn't really have her own lootius angel....though I do wonder sometimes ;))

Anytime Star and OB are together it's nothing but laughs and I was enjoying myself, however that too eventually had to come to a close. Star completed her run and logged for the night and OB as well. My day ended as it began, alone, but that's ok because in JSA there's alway more fun waiting around the next corner ;).

Until next time...Liz Mirah, signing out.
The Cat Came Back…Again
(The Cat Came Back continuation)​

What can I say EU is just too much fun to stay gone for long ;). I returned just in time to take part in Zar’s first event (this is something she’s been telling me she wanted to do for a long time so I’m happy that she finally did it and that I was able to join in and help.) I won’t go into details of the event because I already wrote a story about it here. (a little past half way down) For those of you who don’t want to read it, the event was a blast and pretty unique (pretty vague description eh, guess you’ll just have to read it :nana: ;). (Writing about the event wasn’t something that just came out of the blue, I had wanted to write some kind of article about EU for a while and so I figured I’d make that my entry point.) At this time Zar also starts talking to me about joining JSA which of course I was totally for. (Fun Fact: I didn’t know Star, and OB were featured storytellers, Zar had told me they had written some articles on EF but I was thinking small stuff, imagine my surprise when I saw OB and Star’s name on the articles on the front page! Blond moment I know, and I’m not even blond…..or a girl! ;))

I feel more at home in JSA than in any society I have joined thus far, even more than the one Zar started. JSA is like that one except with the type of members we were trying so hard to get. On top of that as an added bonus I have 3 characters in particular I look up to all in one society; Zar for always being there when I needed her, Star for her stories, her “purple ass” silliness and her unique ability to make you feel like your at home when your around her and OB for being able to sit still long enough to write anything…I mean seriously if you know OB you’ll really wonder if the person writing the articles and the person controlling the character are one in the same ;).

Everyone in JSA is awesome however these are the people that stand out the most to me (mostly because I’ve interacted with them more than any other members :).) And so with them by my side I shall continue forward. This marks the end of my Humble Beginnings, however not the end of my journey. I will continue to post on my diary as things of interest occur, however I plan to focus on expanding my writing creativity. So keep a lookout on the forums, one day you may see the name Liz on the front page :).

Until next time...Liz Mirah, Away! :tele: