Login Error


Nov 21, 2012
The rig?
Avatar Name
Are the servers undergoing maintinence?
Try now was uber lag few minutes ago but is normal again :yay:
Try now was uber lag few minutes ago but is normal again :yay:

Thanks, btw lol I'm glad you are getting rid of your SGA rocket, maybe I won't die so fast at the rig lol.

Edit: It keeps telling me "The Entropia Universe is currently offline for maintenance or upgrades. More information may be available at the news or support sections."
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Really not sure what is going on. I have gone through all of the connections the game creates and I have traced all of the connections to mindark. Not sure what to do, I have even tried repairing my install but it did nothing.
Found the problem after a lot of trial and error if anyone else experiences this. The 64 bit client is not working. No clue why but I'm unable to connect with it. I will make a report for MA.
not just 64 bit (atleast not this time) I tried both 32 and 64 and still get internal error logging in.
Regrettably not alone... Internal error.
Was fine about three hours ago, but now cant get in.
Am on Ark.
Was ingame short time ago then client crashed. Now get the already logged in message after waiting 15 minutes.
im in space getting same message
Yup same problem here, cant login, looks like its going to work but then it fails , tried a lot but cant get in.
Its still not working, better to leave it to the MA = Mega Amateurs to take care of their own errors, i will go and sleep now.
Crashed and for last 20 mins it keeps saying I am logged in and to try after 1 minute. Before that pm's were not working and it kept giving error : player not found..

I guess the Ddos aftermath is still not over..
While being stupid enough to go out and try to kill the longtooth mobs.. I stood there taking damage without being able to shoot, fap, nothing for a looooooooong time then all of a sudden 'lost connection'. I gave up on this 'event' deciding I wasn't going to keep losing so many peds do to the errors. I tried to log in now and I get this:

"An Internal Error has occurred. Please try to login again in a few minutes. If the problem persists, please contact planet support for assistance."

So tired of this. Why the heck hasn't MA just SHUT IT DOWN AND FIXED THIS SHIT!!!!!!! :wise::wise:

Why are you bothering with some other 'event' of longtooth when things are still not working? OMG! :dunce:
Cant log in at all today but who cares, MA still want more money from us.
Why bother fixing the errors..
Bug 1: if you cant log in for the first time, it will ALWAYS disconnect you if you get in. This happen 1 or 2 months ago and has become a feature to the game.
Bug 2: random missing message centre or chat bar
Bug 3: random game exit
Bug 4 to thousands are known but never got fix.
And yes everything became a feature! :yay:
Any News Yet?

just wondering if anyone has heard any news yet about the Internal error?
News Just in.....
its still fked :) what did you expect
having same issue..
i guess MA forgot to water the Hampster and grease its wheel before they went home
All I get is the 'Already logged in' error. I shouldn't have logged off lol
Weeeeeeee I'm in

My House
Not me, still internal error all the time
Same and im even on Ark with the login issues
Same and im even on Ark with the login issues

And not a single word from MA...

Still early morning in sweden :p
Guess their load test didn't go as well as expected..