Looking at Entropia Life


Mar 7, 2021
Dirty Dingos
Avatar Name
Marco Killy Stur
Waiting for servers to restart i read EntropiaLIfe .... today 3903 active hunters sent data to the website.
in Lockdown it was just above 5000 so about 20% of contributing players are inactive last month.

Apart the usual "top20" that reads always the same names, to enter in top 100 just need 274 globals
that is not few but way lower than usual.

The lower activity is reflected also in CLD earning 3.5ish instead of 5ish ped per week

as per globals we miss toulan data but many days NI passed ARK aparte meta grinders
seems that there is some activity.

Poor Cyrene made a killing with new armor.. but the success was too much.... and was closed out
so now it is half on the others

i suspect that RT is just a kong for some event, and wolf, vampires and vixen for crafting D amps
and Grindhouses. it is a small violet line barely visible.

All in all the 83% of shrapnels on caly are more interesting that the zero market zero markup for loots
in other planets.... at least in my humble opinion... at least we can convert them and add 0.8% to loot
I feel for the planets but MA literally shot themselves in the foot. They made interplanetary travel LOOTABLE PVP which makes no one want to travel. Ah, but to make it safe, we sold off large ships for 1000's of dollars. Ok Great..... That's not what I wanted. That's what no one wanted. Fix the Lootable PVP and buy out the warp ships. Planets will thrive, economy will thrive, more players, more things to do without RISK and without paying ridiculous ped amounts to travel.
"today 3903 active hunters sent data to the website.
in Lock down it was just above 5000 so about 20% of contributing players are inactive last month."

nice info (y)
5,000 when exactly? August is typically always a down month (vacation, summer wrapping up in the northern hemisphere) so you’d want to make sure the comparison is year over year or August to August. Otherwise, it’s too easy to pick the peak and valley of the annual cycle and say there’s a decrease in accident.
Poor Cyrene made a killing with new armor.. but the success was too much.... and was closed out
so now it is half on the others

that foot in the nuts is the most humiliating thing i ever encountered towards a "partner" in all my years of business practice, that's premium

@ king was during pre-mayhem december, i dont mean ppl is leaving game at all
and i am sure that MA would not ivnest in UE5 if not healthy
so i am ready to throw in more money
and also i recognize that summer is less "gamish" than winter
i just mean that there is 20% lower "registered" players swo market is "thinner"
just to clarify better.