Loot Sound when using Loot window feature


Apr 26, 2019
I know this is pure nostalgia. Yet completely serious.

There are 2 separate looting sounds in game, pending if you have disable loot window toggled on or off.

Can we have a toggle for the "Loot Window Sound" to be used when standard looting?

Just a thought if I am alone on this or not haha.

It just seems like it puts a smirk on my face.

Best Regards All! ~Fist Bummmmmmp
After every vu or patch the non-loot-window loot ping becomes a double ping whenever I loot something again for the first time after such a vu/patch. It feels satisfying somehow and hits a sweetspot after most normal loots have dropped and I get the occassional double ping for something mildly unusual.
Is it just a software lag issue of a few tenths, or something which could actually be (made) intentional?
Does clearing the cache or changing graphics settings result in the same as vus? I've not tried, as the lag of reloading all the icons each vu is actually a pain (but with this minor benefit :) ) on my potato...

It's just an idea in response to the OP - sounds we like to hear! Kinda more positive to sounds we don't (see other current threads).