Price Check marber BGH t0

just skill laser once u hit lvl 110 u basically at lvl 90 plasma . also codex grinds for plasma help a lot
Agreed there could be a armatrix line for plasma as UL is not optimal upto marber but does not mean marber should be low level
Nobody should use this at lvl90, it maxes at lvl100. Just keep skilling rifle of any kind and you'll get there, or grab some of those plasma rifles from the arkoin broker.

If you're lvl 100 plasma and don't have a better weapon then chances are you don't have 30k either.
2.97 DPP 20 shot per minute 62 raw (43 real) DPS
Personally i would never use it
1. level requirements
2. no UL amp available so it is a 100 ped every 7 hours mayhem amp losses ( 500 ped per month, 6000 ped loss per year in MU)
EDITED: numbers are : 10.000 shot for 1 mayhem, takes 10.000 / 1.15(reload) /20/60 = 7 hours per amp
1 hour gaming per day is those numbers, supercasual, that is where 6000 comes from, at a higher rate than 1 hour per day it can be a 12k loss per year easy)

3. incredible slow, every miss makes it 6 second between shots and the monster can hit twice+ so defense cost rise

i am astonished that is is valued more than 10k
Dont mayhem amps last for 50k hits?
Plasma. There isn’t much option to skill up plasma..

We can’t have big skill gaps between weapons.
we canhave free plasma rifles from arkoin exchange at supply depot in arkadia. it is not a bad weapon for 0 mu... (L) but with no MU

Dont mayhem amps last for 50k hits?
apologize i took 9999 use off wiki i dont use them much
so ti is 80% less MU wasted
How much have these been selling for lately?
How much have these been selling for lately?
There was a quick sale on auction a few months ago for like 19k but you cant rely on such anomalies. A more realistic price gotta be lik 24k T0. But even that's gotta be considered cheap for what it offers? Most would say 25 - 30k however.