Maria's Crafting Service


Apr 21, 2007
Auction room somewhere...
Avatar Name
Maria Mesh
I've decided to change the focus of my shop to melee items (see link below). As a result, I'm not going to continue this crafting service at this time.
--- - Maria's Melee Market! - Maria's Free Blueprint Library 'the Lost Library' - Holiday Party Pad, apartment 15 E in Delta Tower


As many of you know, I have been buying and selling a lot of various blueprints in Delta Discounts, my shop/booth/shopkeeper combo over at Omegaton West Habitat. You can read more about that over at:

I started blueprint trading as a part-time hobby from the very first days my avatar stepped in to Calypso for the first time. It has been a long strange trip, and I've spent a lot of peds, but now many of my avatar's own personal books are starting to get to a point that some of them are nearly full. Now that I've gotten to this stage, I plan to start crafting more often in the future, to stock my shop and for just general skilling, or crafting things for various other avatars.

Since my skills are not currently super high, I, just like any other crafter, even those UBER crafters, cannot guarantee any returns because the loot pool, like all of the rest of Entropia Universe is
d y n a m i c.

I will gladly, upon request, try to craft something for you if you provide the ingredients needed, along with any residue you want me to use.
I will click on the blueprint in my personal collection of books for you with your ingredients. I will give you back everything that I get back except blueprints usually. If I get a global or hall of fame, I will ask for a small portion of the residue though (maybe around 5%).

As I mentioned, my skills are not uber (yet), but over time, I will improve. Unlike a lot of other crafters who try to loot every blueprint they can on their own, I've been working on slowly building a library of blueprints BEFORE I do too much crafting so that I have a nice set of bps to skill up with over time. I'm not made out of peds though, so it's a slow process.

That's ok with me though since now that I have my shop, which is mainly focused on selling blueprints, but occasionally other things I craft or come across too, all I have is time on my hands to slowly skill in a safe manner that won't burn me out too fast.

If you want me to craft you something with the blueprints I have, use bob the builderto see the ingredients needed for each item. If you have a blueprint that I don't have that you want to sell at a descent price sometime, shoot me a PM and maybe we can work out something. I'm not a regular monthly depositor, but do sometimes deposit now and then if my economic situation IRL is doing ok...

Here's the blueprints and QR in my own personal collection as of today, 5/7/2011:

Blueprint/TT Value (0.01 = QR 1, 1.00 = QR 100)

Armor (Vol. I)
BodyGuard Arm Guards Blueprint 0.01
BodyGuard Face Guard Blueprint 0.01
BodyGuard Gloves Blueprint 0.01
BodyGuard Harness Blueprint 0.01
BodyGuard Shin Guards Blueprint 0.01
BodyGuard Thigh Guards Blueprint 0.01
Explorer Arm Guards Blueprint 0.01
Explorer Face Guard Blueprint 0.01
Explorer Gloves Blueprint 0.01
Explorer Thigh Guards Blueprint 0.01
Guardian Face Guard Blueprint 0.01
Guardian Gloves Blueprint 0.01
Guardian Harness Blueprint 0.01
Guardian Thigh Guards Blueprint 0.01
Pioneer Gloves Blueprint 0.01
Pioneer Harness Blueprint 0.01
Pioneer Shin Guards Blueprint 1
Pioneer Thigh Guards Blueprint 0.01
Settler Arm Guards Blueprint 0.02
Settler Harness Blueprint 0.01
Settler Shin Guards Blueprint 0.97
Settler Thigh Guards Blueprint 0.01

Armor (Vol. II)
BodyGuard Arm Guards (L) Blueprint 0.01
BodyGuard Face Guard (L) Blueprint 0.01
BodyGuard Foot Guards (L) Blueprint 0.01
BodyGuard Gloves (L) Blueprint 0.01
BodyGuard Harness (L) Blueprint 0.01
BodyGuard Shin Guards (L) Blueprint 0.01
BodyGuard Thigh Guards (L) Blueprint 0.01
Pioneer Arm Guards (L) Blueprint 0.01
Pioneer Face Guard (L) Blueprint 0.01
Pioneer Gloves (L) Blueprint 0.01
Pioneer Shin Guards (L) Blueprint 0.01
Pioneer Thigh Guards (L) Blueprint 0.01
Rascal Arm Guards (L) Blueprint 0.01
Rascal Foot Guards (L) Blueprint 0.01
Rascal Gloves (L) Blueprint 0.01
Rascal Shin Guards (L) Blueprint 0.01
Rascal Thigh Guards (L) Blueprint 0.01
Renegade Arm Guards (L) Blueprint 0.01
Renegade Face Guard (L) Blueprint 0.01
Renegade Gloves (L) Blueprint 0.01
Renegade Gloves Blueprint 0.01
Renegade Harness Blueprint 0.01
Renegade Shin Guards (L) Blueprint 0.01
Renegade Shin Guards Blueprint 0.01
Renegade Thigh Guards (L) Blueprint 0.01
Valiant Face Guard Blueprint 0.01
Zombie Arm Guards (L) Blueprint 0.01
Zombie Face Guard (L) Blueprint 0.01
Zombie Shin Guards (L) Blueprint 0.01
Zombie Thigh Guards (L) Blueprint 0.01

Attachments (Vol. I)
Abrer Laser Sight Blueprint 0.01
Alekz Precision Scope Blueprint 0.01
Beacin Laser Sight Blueprint 0.01
Bjornir Precision Scope Blueprint 0.12
Castar Laser Sight Blueprint 0.01
Cinclar Precision Scope Blueprint 0.01
Dacascos Precision Scope Blueprint 0.01
Dynera Laser Sight Blueprint 0.01
E-Amp 11 Blueprint 0.01
E-Amp 12 Blueprint 0.01
E-Amp 13 Blueprint 0.01
E-Amp 14 Blueprint 0.01
E-Amp 15 Blueprint 0.01
Ecivox Laser Sight Blueprint 0.01
Elkarr Precision Scope Blueprint 0.01
EnMatAmp MA-101 Light (L) Blueprint 0.01
Flexur Precision Scope Blueprint 0.01
Framur Laser Sight Blueprint 0.01
Hunnir Laser Sight Blueprint 0.01
Ignaritz Laser Sight Blueprint 0.01
OreAmp OA-101 Light (L) Blueprint 0.01

Component (Vol. I)
Advanced Feedback Panel Blueprint 0.01
Advanced Matrix Blueprint 0.01
Advanced Modulator Blueprint 0.01
Advanced Processor Blueprint 0.01
Advanced Security Module Blueprint 0.01
Advanced VisioMem Blueprint 0.01
Basic Auxiliary Socket Blueprint 1
Basic Bearings Blueprint 0.29
Basic Coil Blueprint 0.01
Basic Engine Blueprint 0.01
Basic Filters Blueprint 1
Basic Nuts Blueprint 0.23
Basic Power System Blueprint 0.18
Basic Processor Blueprint 0.39
Basic Pump Blueprint 0.01
Basic Relays Blueprint 0.01
Basic Rings Blueprint 0.04
Basic Screws Blueprint 0.01
Basic Sensor Blueprint 0.02
Basic Servo Blueprint 0.34
Basic Sheet Metal Blueprint 0.5
Basic Structure Blueprint 0.01
Basic Tube Blueprint 1
Basic Wires Blueprint 0.02
Durable Coil Blueprint 0.01
Durable Compressor Blueprint 0.01
Durable Damper Blueprint 0.01
Durable Hood Blueprint 0.01
Durable Motor Blueprint 0.01
Durable Structure Blueprint 0.01
Electropositive Capacitor Blueprint 0.01
Electropositive Communication Blueprint 0.01
Electropositive Connector Blueprint 0.01
Electropositive Modulator Blueprint 0.01
Electropositive Processor Blueprint 0.01
Electropositive Security Module Blueprint 0.01
Hardened Clips Blueprint 0.01
Hardened Foil Blueprint 0.01
Hardened Nuts Blueprint 0.02
Hardened Pipe Blueprint 0.01
Hardened Screws Blueprint 0.01
Heavy Duty Core Blueprint 0.01
Heavy Duty Coupling Blueprint 0.01
Heavy Duty Engine Blueprint 0.01
Heavy Duty Filter Blueprint 0.01
Heavy Duty Joints Blueprint 0.01
Heavy Duty Seals Blueprint 0.01
High Grade Alloy Blueprint 0.01
High Grade Bearings Blueprint 0.01
High Grade Nuts Blueprint 0.01
High Grade Plugs Blueprint 0.01
High Grade Screws Blueprint 0.01
High Grade Wedge Blueprint 0.01
High Performance Compressor Blueprint 0.01
High Performance Coupling Blueprint 0.01
High Performance Engine Blueprint 0.01
High Performance Filters Blueprint 0.01
High Performance Pump Blueprint 0.01
High Performance Vents Blueprint 0.01
Reinforced Bearings Blueprint 0.01
Reinforced Hinge Blueprint 0.01
Reinforced Nuts Blueprint 0.01
Reinforced Plate Blueprint 0.01
Reinforced Rod Blueprint 0.01
Reinforced Sheet Metal Blueprint 0.01
Standard Compressor Blueprint 0.01
Standard Core Blueprint 0.01
Standard Damper Blueprint 1
Standard Feedback Panel Blueprint 0.01
Standard Hinge Blueprint 0.01
Standard Holo Module Blueprint 0.01
Standard Intelligence Module Blueprint 0.01
Standard Lever Blueprint 0.25
Standard Locks Blueprint 0.07
Standard Matrix Blueprint 0.09
Standard Plate Blueprint 0.01
Standard Rod Blueprint 0.01
Standard Springs Blueprint 0.01
Standard Transparency Layer Blueprint 0.05
Standard Valve Blueprint 0.07
Standard Vents Blueprint 0.01
Standard VisioMem Blueprint 0.01
Standard Wedge Blueprint 0.01
Triphased Auxiliary Socket Blueprint 0.01
Triphased Holo Module Blueprint 0.01
Triphased Intelligence Module Blueprint 0.01
Triphased Power Systems Blueprint 0.01
Triphased Transmitter Blueprint 0.01
Triphased Wires Blueprint 0.01

Component (Vol. II)
Enhanced Mountings Blueprint 0.01
GEC Coil Springs 1M Blueprint 0.01
GEC Spur Gears 1K Blueprint 0.01
GEC Spur Gears 2K Blueprint 0.05
GEC Spur Gears 5k Blueprint 0.01
Galaxy 6V Gel Batteries Blueprint 0.01
Galaxy SI Ion Conductors Blueprint 0.01
Galaxy SII Ion Conductors Blueprint 0.01
Galaxy SIII Ion Conductors Blueprint 0.01
GeoTrek Buttstock Blueprint 0.01
GeoTrek Hardened Buttstock Blueprint 0.01
GeoTrek Hardened Talytic Converters Blueprint 0.01
GeoTrek Super Alloy Buttstock Blueprint 0.01
GeoTrek Super Alloy Talytic Converters Blueprint 0.01
GeoTrek Talytic Converters Blueprint 0.01
Hardened Metal Mountings Blueprint 0.01
Hardened Metal Plating Blueprint 0.01
Hardened Metal Ruds Blueprint 0.11
Metal Mountings Blueprint 0.01
Metal Plating Blueprint 0.01
Metal Ruds Blueprint 0.01
Simple I Conductors Blueprint 0.86
Simple I Plastic Ruds Blueprint 0.01
Simple I Plastic Springs Blueprint 0.78
Simple II Conductors Blueprint 0.25
Simple II Plastic Ruds Blueprint 0.01
Simple II Plastic Springs Blueprint 0.01
Simple III Conductors Blueprint 0.01
Solar 12V Gel Batteries Blueprint 0.01
Solar 14V Gel Batteries Blueprint 0.01
Solar 16V Gel Batteries Blueprints 0.01
Solar 6V Gel Batteries Blueprint 0.01
Solar 8V Gel Batteries Blueprint 0.01
Super Alloy Mountings Blueprint 0.01
Super Alloy Plating Blueprint 0.01
Super Alloy Ruds Blueprint 0.03

Enhancers (Vol. I)
Armor Defense Enhancer I Blueprint 0.01
Mining Excavator Speed Enhancer I Blueprint 0.01
Weapon Accuracy Enhancer I Blueprint 0.01
Weapon Range Enhancer I Blueprint 0.01

Furniture (Vol. I)
Large Plug Blueprint 0.01
Nallo Ceiling Lamp Blueprint 0.01
Pall Stool Blueprint 0.01
Small Plugs Blueprint 0.01

Material Textures (Vol. I)
Aetherex Leather Texture Blueprint 0.01
Allophyl Leather Texture Blueprint 0.01
Argonaut Leather Texture Blueprint 0.01
Armax Leather Texture Blueprint 0.01
Atrax Leather Texture Blueprint 0.01
Atrox Leather Texture Blueprint 0.01
Belkar Texture Blueprint 0.01
Bigwig Texture Blueprint 0.01
Blausariam Texture Blueprint 0.01
Brukite Stone Texture Blueprint 0.08
Brushed Aluminium Texture Blueprint 0.01
Burlap Fabric Texture Blueprint 0.01
Caldorite Texture Blueprint 0.01
Caudatergus Leather Texture Blueprint 0.01
Cbase Plastic Texture Blueprint 0.01
Cersumon Leather Texture Blueprint 0.01
Coarse Frote Fabric Texture Blueprint 0.01
Cobalt Texture Blueprint 0.01
Cornundacauda Leather Texture Blueprint 0.01
Cornundos Leather Texture Blueprint 0.01
Cumbriz Texture Blueprint 0.01
Daikiba Leather Texture Blueprint 0.01
Denim Fabric Texture Blueprint 0.01
Erdorium Texture Blueprint 0.01
Evenweave Cotton Fabric Texture Blueprint 0.53
Exarosaur Leather Texture Blueprint 0.01
Faucervix Leather Texture Blueprint 0.01
Felt Fabric Texture Blueprint 0.01
Fine Frote Fabric Texture Blueprint 0.01
Fine Leather Texture Blueprint 0.01
Fine Silk Fabric Texture Blueprint 0.01
Firn Texture Blueprint 0.01
Flannel Fabric Texture Blueprint 0.01
Foul Leather Texture Blueprint 0.01
Frigulite Texture Blueprint 0.01
Ganganite Texture Blueprint 0.01
Gazzurdite Texture Blueprint 0.01
Generic Leather Texture Blueprint 0.17
Hammered Metal Texture Blueprint 0.01
Hessian Fabric Texture Blueprint 0.01
Itumatrox Leather Texture Blueprint 0.01
Kaldon Stone Texture Blueprint 0.01
Lanorium Texture Blueprint 0.01
Large Striped Cotton Fabric Texture Blueprint 0.01
Large Woven Cotton Fabric Texture Blueprint 0.01
Medium Frieze Fabric Texture Blueprint 0.01
Megan Texture Blueprint 0.01
Mermoth Leather Texture Blueprint 0.01
Midastree Texture Blueprint 0.01
Mourner Leather Texture Blueprint 0.01
Narcanisum Texture Blueprint 0.01
Nissit Stone Texture Blueprint 0.12
Oxidized Aluminium Texture Blueprint 0.01
Oxidized Iron Texture Blueprint 0.01
Oxidized Lysterium Texture Blueprint 0.01
Ribbed Velvet Fabric Texture Blueprint 0.01
Rough Metal Texture Blueprint 0.01
Rutol Stone Texture Blueprint 0.01
Sabakuma Leather Texture Blueprint 0.01
Satin Fabric Texture Blueprint 0.01
Snablesnot Leather Texture Blueprint 0.01
Snarksnot Leather Texture Blueprint 0.04
Soft Leather Texture Blueprint 0.01
Sopur Stone Texture Blueprint 0.01
Stinktree Texture Blueprint 0.01
Suede Fabric Texture Blueprint 0.01
Tantardion Leather Texture Blueprint 0.01
Terrycloth Fabric Texture Blueprint 0.01
Thermodure Plastic Texture Blueprint 0.01
Tight Knitted Wool Fabric Texture Blueprint 0.01
Trutun Stone Texture Blueprint 0.01
Velvet Fabric Texture Blueprint 0.01
Wrinkled Felt Fabric Texture Blueprint 0.01

Tailoring (Vol. I)
Basic Pattern Pants Blueprint 0.03
Basic Pattern Shirt Blueprint 0.13
Luna Pattern Pants Blueprint 0.01
Luna Pattern Shirt Blueprint 0.01
Urban Pattern Pants Blueprint 0.01
Urban Pattern Shirt Blueprint 0.01

Tailoring (Vol. II)
Flame Pattern Pants Blueprint 0.01
Mannell Shoes Blueprint 0.03
Multi Pattern Shirt Blueprint 0.01
Street Pattern Pants Blueprint 0.01
Street Pattern Shirt Blueprint 0.01
Work Pattern Shirt Blueprint 0.01

Tools (Vol. I)
EMT Kit Ek-1000 Blueprint 0.01
LifeScanner-I Blueprint 0.01
MatterDriller MD-101 Blueprint 0.01
MatterFinder MF-101 Blueprint 0.01
MatterTransformer MT-101 Blueprint 0.01
OreFinder OF-101 Blueprint 0.01
OreMiner OM-101 Blueprint 0.01
OreTransformer OT-101 Blueprint 0.01
OreTransformer OT-102 Blueprint 0.01

Tools (Vol. II)
Ziplex T100 Texturizer (L) Blueprint 0.01
Ziplex Z5 OreSeeker (L) Blueprint 0.01

Vehicle Parts (Vol. I)
Chair Frame Blueprint 0.01
Combustor Blueprint 0.1
Disc Brake Blueprint 0.01
Drive Shaft Blueprint 0.01
Girder Beams Blueprint 0.01
Lamp Attachments Blueprint 0.01
Radiator Blueprint 0.01
Rubber Lists Blueprint 0.01
Steering Rod Blueprint 0.01
Wind Screen Blueprint 0.01

Weapons (Vol. I)
Adapted Force Mace Basher (L) Blueprint 0.01
ClericDagger 1A Blueprint 0.01
ClericDagger 1B Blueprint 0.03
ClericDagger 1C Blueprint 0.01
ClericDagger 2A Blueprint 0.01
ClericDagger 2B Blueprint 0.01
ClericDagger 2C Blueprint 0.01
ClericDagger 3A Blueprint 0.01
ClericDagger 3B Blueprint 0.01
Jashonich AP Blueprint 0.01
Jashonich FP Blueprint 0.01
Jashonich MP Blueprint 0.01
Jester D-1 Blueprint 0.3
Jester D-2 Blueprint 0.01
Jester D-3 Blueprint 0.2
Killian Broadsword Blueprint 0.01
Killian Broadsword G2 Blueprint 0.01
Killian Longsword Blueprint 0.01
Killian Longsword G2 Blueprint 0.02
Killian Longsword G3 Blueprint 0.01
Killian Sword Blueprint 0.08
Killian Sword G2 Blueprint 0.01
L/Murdand Groover Blueprint 0.01
L/Murdand Styler Blueprint 0.01
Maddox I Blueprint 0.28
Maddox III Blueprint 0.01
Mann MPH Blueprint 0.14
Mann MPH DLx Blueprint 0.01
Mann MPH DLxE Blueprint 0.01
Mann MPH DLxEFi Blueprint 0.01
Mann MPH DLxEGrd Blueprint 0.01
Mar-Peeker Davidov Blueprint 0.01
Mar-Spark Davidov Blueprint 0.01
Mez-1 EnergyGlove Blueprint 0.01
Mir-1 EnergyGlove Blueprint 0.01
Mir-2 EnergyGlove Blueprint 0.01
Mux-1 EnergyGlove Blueprint 0.01
Mux-2 EnergyGlove Blueprint 0.01
Plasma Kyller Blueprint 0.01
Plasma Kyller Zwei Blueprint 0.01
Shriek Back Alley Blueprint 0.01
Shriek Basic Blueprint 0.01
Shriek Combat Blueprint 0.01
Shriek Covert Ops Blueprint 0.19
Shriek Offensive Blueprint 0.01
Shriek Street Blueprint 0.79
True Faith Blueprint 0.01

Weapons (Vol. II)
GeoTrek AL15 Taurus (L) Blueprint 0.01
GeoTrek AL17 Auriga (L) Blueprint 0.01
GeoTrek AL21 Canis (L) Blueprint 0.01
GeoTrek AL22 Lupus (L) Blueprint 0.01
GeoTrek H21 Scrof (L) Blueprint 0.01
GeoTrek H23 Crista (L) Blueprint 0.01
GeoTrek H25 Mikus (L) Blueprint 0.01
GeoTrek H26 Elima (L) Blueprint 0.01
GeoTrek H40 Brody (L) Blueprint 0.01
GeoTrek H41 Mina (L) Blueprint 0.01
GeoTrek H45 Ortso (L) Blueprint 0.01
GeoTrek LP120 Niloticus (L) Blueprint 0.01
GeoTrek LP175 Sphyra (L) Blueprint 0.01
GeoTrek LP470 Manis (L) Blueprint 0.01
Kesmek Bett (L) Blueprint 0.01
Kesmek Bik (L) Blueprint 0.01
Kesmek Slo (L) Blueprint 0.01
Kesmek Vass (L) Blueprint 0.01
Loughlin Cutter One (L) Blueprint 0.01
Loughlin Cutter Three (L) Blueprint 0.01
Loughlin Cutter Two (L) Blueprint 0.01
Loughlin Masher One (L) Blueprint 0.01
Loughlin Masher Two (L) Blueprint 0.01
Loughlin Scratcher One (L) Blueprint 0.01
Loughlin Scratcher Two (L) Blueprint 0.01
Loughlin Smacker One (L) Blueprint 0.01
Loughlin Smacker Three (L) Blueprint 0.01
Loughlin Smacker Two (L) Blueprint 0.01
Rutic Bett (L) Blueprint 0.01
Rutic Blix (L) Blueprint 0.02
Rutic Kil (L) Blueprint 0.01
Rutic Slo (L) Blueprint 0.01
Svempa S60 (L) Blueprint 0.15
Svempa T15 (L) Blueprint 0.01
Svempa T5 (L) Blueprint 0.01
Svempa X1 (L) Blueprint 0.04
Willard Heatray A (L) Blueprint 0.01
Willard Heatray B (L) Blueprint 0.01

Weapons (Vol. III)
Omegaton Bur Ning (L) Blueprint 0.01
Omegaton Caus Tik (L) Blueprint 0.01
Omegaton Frostbite (L) Blueprint 0.01
Omegaton Jupiter (L) Blueprint 0.01
Omegaton Sunstorm (L) Blueprint 0.01

========================================= - the shop! - the Library - the crafting service. - Holiday Party Pad
chipped up a bit. Now up to level 7 longblade engineer.


PLEASE NOTE: All blueprints listed in this thread are from my own personal collection and are NOT for sale. If you are interested in purchasing blueprints, please see my shop in the Delta Tower at Omegaton West Habitat. Thank you.
If you are interested in "borrowing" blueprints, see "The Library"
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Video Archive 1 - 6/29/2010

Armor I

Armor II


Component I

Component II

Enhancers I


Material Textures

Tailoring I

Tailoring II

Tools I

Tools II


Weapons I

Weapons II

Weapons III
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If anyone does take me up on this deal sometime and allows me to work with materials they own for the clicks, I'll likely record the use of the materials in a video and either email it or do a private view youtube upload that I'll give you access to keep things honest, legit, and as transparent as possible. It'll all stay private unless you are ok with me making it public view...

I have a large number of boxes that I used for the consignment deals with the shop when I was taking blueprint consignments regularly, so I can and will use those to keep everyone's materials seperate, and stored away in a nice little place for you til I can get the final products back to you. I like using boxes and things like that to keep it all nice, neat, and seperate, where everyone's stuff is in their own individual boxes in my inventory til I can drop off whatever belongs to who it belongs to.

I still have a few consignment deals on the table for blueprints at the moment, so it's not completely out of the question for you to ask me to do consignment deals or outright bp buying sometimes if you have spare bps that you are having trouble selling. However, I'm not probably going to do too many more consignment deals like that for a while since it gets hard to track things down to the pec level when it's all converted in to profits from the shop.

It's not impossible to do, and I might get back in to it consignment deals eventually, it's just time consuming, and IRL I don't have enough time to keep track of it like I used to when I first started the shop. However, keeping stuff all seperated in to boxes, with the crafting is a lot easier since it's all done in game, not in a spreadsheet or google doc both in game and out of game, so it's a lot more doable, less time consuming, and with the use of video recordings going forward, should be fairly easy to keep things from getting too confusing.

You get back what your materials made when I clicked the blueprints in the machine. The video proves what was made and when. I get the free skills and most blueprints looted, nothing more unless there's a global - then it'll be around 5% of residue from the global.

If you want all the blueprints instead, and/or all the residue, we might even be able to work out something in some rare cases. I mainly just want the blueprints to fill the holes in my own bp books or to get a little closer to breaking even with the shop's maintenance fees.

Shoot, I'll even go a little further out on a limb here... if you are willing to pay my rent fees on the shop (12 peds a month), you can have all the stuff produced, including all residue, blueprints, globals, etc. when I click your ingredients back since you'll be giving me free rent and free skills. :)

I'm not online for a long time everyday, mainly because I don't have to keep restocking the shop daily, but if we set up some sort of monthly deal like that, I'll try to be online more, especially on weekends, so that I can click for you as much as you want or need me to.
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How about a pic showing the icons of the books that are at this level of being full...
I bought a few more weapon bps, and currently have some bids on auctions for a few more. Once I quit buying a while, I might do a new video for that book.
more bps...

Over the last several days I've started buying more blueprints for the books.. Bought quite a few component blueprints, and several more weapon bps, including an adapted force mace basher (L) blueprint for a pretty penny (ended up TTing my clothes and emptied out a lot of spare blueprint books to TT the books themselves to pay up). I'll probably make some more videos eventually once I get out of my shopping mood and get back to regularly depositing. ;)

The weapon I book cover and component I book cover changed since I got them to the next level... I'll probably post a screenie before too long since Component I is the most filled book I've ever seen yet - nice neat border on the front cover.... will keep you updated in the future with what's going on
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only 3 more blueprints til my component 1 book is full now. ;)
just checked last night... yes, I do have all the component bps needed as well as the weapon bp itself to make the adapted force mace basher (L) ... Now just got to get my skills up so that I can regularly stock this in my shop. ;)
Just a small advice for your service:

- You should provide information of which BPs that you currently max to get the best results. So customers know which BPs they want you to craft for them.

For example: I cannot hire you to click level VIII bps if you are not max it or even 90% to max it.
Just a small advice for your service:

- You should provide information of which BPs that you currently max to get the best results. So customers know which BPs they want you to craft for them.

For example: I cannot hire you to click level VIII bps if you are not max it or even 90% to max it.
Good advice. I'll post the QR 100 or 90+ in the first post and future posts as I get more bps to that level. As things are most of the high qr are far and few between, but over time, that will change.

Down to 2 component Book One open slots left! ;)

I need the Metallic Bone and Hardened Alloy to fill that book. Apparently these are fairly rare blueprints even though the level on them is not super high.
backup posting of Video Archive 1 - 6/29/2010

Armor I

Armor II


Component I

Component II

Enhancers I


Material Textures

Tailoring I

Tailoring II

Tools I

Tools II


Weapons I

Weapons II

Weapons III
List of my personal blueprints as of 7/24/2010
Blueprint and TT value are listed. TT Value tells you the QR.
Pioneer Shin Guards Blueprint 1
Basic Auxiliary Socket Blueprint 1
Basic Filters Blueprint 1
Basic Tube Blueprint 1
Standard Damper Blueprint 1
Settler Shin Guards Blueprint 0.97
Simple I Conductors Blueprint 0.85
Shriek Street Blueprint 0.79
Simple I Plastic Springs Blueprint 0.78
Evenweave Cotton Fabric Texture Blueprint 0.53
Basic Sheet Metal Blueprint 0.5
Basic Processor Blueprint 0.39
Jester D-1 Blueprint 0.3
Basic Bearings Blueprint 0.29
Maddox I Blueprint 0.28
Standard Lever Blueprint 0.25
Simple II Conductors Blueprint 0.25
Basic Nuts Blueprint 0.23
Jester D-3 Blueprint 0.2
Shriek Covert Ops Blueprint 0.19
Basic Power System Blueprint 0.18
Svempa S60 (L) Blueprint 0.15
Mann MPH Blueprint 0.14
Basic Pattern Shirt Blueprint 0.13
Bjornir Precision Scope Blueprint 0.12
Nissit Stone Texture Blueprint 0.12
Hardened Metal Ruds Blueprint 0.11
Generic Leather Texture Blueprint 0.11
Combustor Blueprint 0.1
Standard Matrix Blueprint 0.09
Standard Locks Blueprint 0.07
Standard Valve Blueprint 0.07
Brukite Stone Texture Blueprint 0.07
Killian Sword Blueprint 0.07
Standard Transparency Layer Blueprint 0.05
GEC Spur Gears 2K Blueprint 0.05
Basic Rings Blueprint 0.04
Snarksnot Leather Texture Blueprint 0.04
Svempa X1 (L) Blueprint 0.04
Super Alloy Ruds Blueprint 0.03
Basic Pattern Pants Blueprint 0.03
Mannell Shoes Blueprint 0.03
ClericDagger 1B Blueprint 0.03
Settler Arm Guards Blueprint 0.02
Basic Sensor Blueprint 0.02
Basic Wires Blueprint 0.02
Hardened Nuts Blueprint 0.02
Killian Longsword G2 Blueprint 0.02
Rutic Blix (L) Blueprint 0.02
BodyGuard Arm Guards Blueprint 0.01
BodyGuard Face Guard Blueprint 0.01
BodyGuard Gloves Blueprint 0.01
BodyGuard Harness Blueprint 0.01
BodyGuard Shin Guards Blueprint 0.01
BodyGuard Thigh Guards Blueprint 0.01
Explorer Arm Guards Blueprint 0.01
Explorer Face Guard Blueprint 0.01
Explorer Gloves Blueprint 0.01
Explorer Thigh Guards Blueprint 0.01
Guardian Face Guard Blueprint 0.01
Guardian Gloves Blueprint 0.01
Guardian Harness Blueprint 0.01
Guardian Thigh Guards Blueprint 0.01
Pioneer Harness Blueprint 0.01
Pioneer Thigh Guards Blueprint 0.01
Settler Harness Blueprint 0.01
Settler Thigh Guards Blueprint 0.01
BodyGuard Arm Guards (L) Blueprint 0.01
BodyGuard Face Guard (L) Blueprint 0.01
BodyGuard Foot Guards (L) Blueprint 0.01
BodyGuard Gloves (L) Blueprint 0.01
BodyGuard Harness (L) Blueprint 0.01
BodyGuard Shin Guards (L) Blueprint 0.01
BodyGuard Thigh Guards (L) Blueprint 0.01
Pioneer Arm Guards (L) Blueprint 0.01
Pioneer Face Guard (L) Blueprint 0.01
Pioneer Shin Guards (L) Blueprint 0.01
Pioneer Thigh Guards (L) Blueprint 0.01
Rascal Arm Guards (L) Blueprint 0.01
Rascal Foot Guards (L) Blueprint 0.01
Rascal Gloves (L) Blueprint 0.01
Rascal Thigh Guards (L) Blueprint 0.01
Renegade Arm Guards (L) Blueprint 0.01
Renegade Face Guard (L) Blueprint 0.01
Renegade Gloves (L) Blueprint 0.01
Renegade Gloves Blueprint 0.01
Renegade Harness Blueprint 0.01
Renegade Shin Guards (L) Blueprint 0.01
Renegade Shin Guards Blueprint 0.01
Renegade Thigh Guards (L) Blueprint 0.01
Valiant Face Guard Blueprint 0.01
Zombie Arm Guards (L) Blueprint 0.01
Zombie Face Guard (L) Blueprint 0.01
Zombie Shin Guards (L) Blueprint 0.01
Zombie Thigh Guards (L) Blueprint 0.01
Abrer Laser Sight Blueprint 0.01
Alekz Precision Scope Blueprint 0.01
Beacin Laser Sight Blueprint 0.01
Castar Laser Sight Blueprint 0.01
Cinclar Precision Scope Blueprint 0.01
Dacascos Precision Scope Blueprint 0.01
Dynera Laser Sight Blueprint 0.01
E-Amp 11 Blueprint 0.01
E-Amp 12 Blueprint 0.01
E-Amp 13 Blueprint 0.01
E-Amp 14 Blueprint 0.01
E-Amp 15 Blueprint 0.01
Ecivox Laser Sight Blueprint 0.01
Elkarr Precision Scope Blueprint 0.01
EnMatAmp MA-101 Light (L) Blueprint 0.01
Flexur Precision Scope Blueprint 0.01
Hunnir Laser Sight Blueprint 0.01
Ignaritz Laser Sight Blueprint 0.01
OreAmp OA-101 Light (L) Blueprint 0.01
Advanced Feedback Panel Blueprint 0.01
Advanced Matrix Blueprint 0.01
Advanced Modulator Blueprint 0.01
Advanced Processor Blueprint 0.01
Advanced Security Module Blueprint 0.01
Advanced VisioMem Blueprint 0.01
Basic Coil Blueprint 0.01
Basic Engine Blueprint 0.01
Basic Pump Blueprint 0.01
Basic Relays Blueprint 0.01
Basic Screws Blueprint 0.01
Basic Servo Blueprint 0.01
Basic Structure Blueprint 0.01
Durable Coil Blueprint 0.01
Durable Compressor Blueprint 0.01
Durable Damper Blueprint 0.01
Durable Hood Blueprint 0.01
Durable Motor Blueprint 0.01
Durable Structure Blueprint 0.01
Electropositive Capacitor Blueprint 0.01
Electropositive Communication Blueprint 0.01
Electropositive Connector Blueprint 0.01
Electropositive Modulator Blueprint 0.01
Electropositive Processor Blueprint 0.01
Electropositive Security Module Blueprint 0.01
Hardened Clips Blueprint 0.01
Hardened Foil Blueprint 0.01
Hardened Pipe Blueprint 0.01
Hardened Screws Blueprint 0.01
Heavy Duty Core Blueprint 0.01
Heavy Duty Coupling Blueprint 0.01
Heavy Duty Engine Blueprint 0.01
Heavy Duty Filter Blueprint 0.01
Heavy Duty Joints Blueprint 0.01
Heavy Duty Seals Blueprint 0.01
High Grade Alloy Blueprint 0.01
High Grade Bearings Blueprint 0.01
High Grade Nuts Blueprint 0.01
High Grade Plugs Blueprint 0.01
High Grade Screws Blueprint 0.01
High Grade Wedge Blueprint 0.01
High Performance Compressor Blueprint 0.01
High Performance Coupling Blueprint 0.01
High Performance Engine Blueprint 0.01
High Performance Filters Blueprint 0.01
High Performance Pump Blueprint 0.01
High Performance Vents Blueprint 0.01
Reinforced Bearings Blueprint 0.01
Reinforced Hinge Blueprint 0.01
Reinforced Nuts Blueprint 0.01
Reinforced Plate Blueprint 0.01
Reinforced Rod Blueprint 0.01
Reinforced Sheet Metal Blueprint 0.01
Standard Compressor Blueprint 0.01
Standard Core Blueprint 0.01
Standard Feedback Panel Blueprint 0.01
Standard Hinge Blueprint 0.01
Standard Holo Module Blueprint 0.01
Standard Intelligence Module Blueprint 0.01
Standard Plate Blueprint 0.01
Standard Rod Blueprint 0.01
Standard Springs Blueprint 0.01
Standard Vents Blueprint 0.01
Standard VisioMem Blueprint 0.01
Standard Wedge Blueprint 0.01
Triphased Auxiliary Socket Blueprint 0.01
Triphased Holo Module Blueprint 0.01
Triphased Intelligence Module Blueprint 0.01
Triphased Power Systems Blueprint 0.01
Triphased Transmitter Blueprint 0.01
Triphased Wires Blueprint 0.01
GEC Coil Springs 1M Blueprint 0.01
GEC Spur Gears 1K Blueprint 0.01
GEC Spur Gears 5k Blueprint 0.01
Galaxy 6V Gel Batteries Blueprint 0.01
Galaxy SI Ion Conductors Blueprint 0.01
Galaxy SII Ion Conductors Blueprint 0.01
Galaxy SIII Ion Conductors Blueprint 0.01
GeoTrek Buttstock Blueprint 0.01
GeoTrek Hardened Buttstock Blueprint 0.01
GeoTrek Hardened Talytic Converters Blueprint 0.01
GeoTrek Super Alloy Buttstock Blueprint 0.01
GeoTrek Super Alloy Talytic Converters Blueprint 0.01
GeoTrek Talytic Converters Blueprint 0.01
Hardened Metal Mountings Blueprint 0.01
Hardened Metal Plating Blueprint 0.01
Metal Mountings Blueprint 0.01
Metal Plating Blueprint 0.01
Metal Ruds Blueprint 0.01
Simple I Plastic Ruds Blueprint 0.01
Simple II Plastic Ruds Blueprint 0.01
Simple II Plastic Springs Blueprint 0.01
Simple III Conductors Blueprint 0.01
Solar 12V Gel Batteries Blueprint 0.01
Solar 14V Gel Batteries Blueprint 0.01
Solar 16V Gel Batteries Blueprints 0.01
Solar 6V Gel Batteries Blueprint 0.01
Solar 8V Gel Batteries Blueprint 0.01
Super Alloy Mountings Blueprint 0.01
Super Alloy Plating Blueprint 0.01
Armor Defense Enhancer I Blueprint 0.01
Mining Excavator Speed Enhancer I Blueprint 0.01
Weapon Accuracy Enhancer I Blueprint 0.01
Weapon Range Enhancer I Blueprint 0.01
Large Plug Blueprint 0.01
Nallo Ceiling Lamp Blueprint 0.01
Pall Stool Blueprint 0.01
Small Plugs Blueprint 0.01
Aetherex Leather Texture Blueprint 0.01
Allophyl Leather Texture Blueprint 0.01
Argonaut Leather Texture Blueprint 0.01
Armax Leather Texture Blueprint 0.01
Atrax Leather Texture Blueprint 0.01
Atrox Leather Texture Blueprint 0.01
Belkar Texture Blueprint 0.01
Bigwig Texture Blueprint 0.01
Blausariam Texture Blueprint 0.01
Brushed Aluminium Texture Blueprint 0.01
Burlap Fabric Texture Blueprint 0.01
Caldorite Texture Blueprint 0.01
Caudatergus Leather Texture Blueprint 0.01
Cbase Plastic Texture Blueprint 0.01
Cersumon Leather Texture Blueprint 0.01
Coarse Frote Fabric Texture Blueprint 0.01
Cobalt Texture Blueprint 0.01
Cornundacauda Leather Texture Blueprint 0.01
Cornundos Leather Texture Blueprint 0.01
Cumbriz Texture Blueprint 0.01
Daikiba Leather Texture Blueprint 0.01
Denim Fabric Texture Blueprint 0.01
Erdorium Texture Blueprint 0.01
Exarosaur Leather Texture Blueprint 0.01
Faucervix Leather Texture Blueprint 0.01
Felt Fabric Texture Blueprint 0.01
Fine Frote Fabric Texture Blueprint 0.01
Fine Leather Texture Blueprint 0.01
Firn Texture Blueprint 0.01
Flannel Fabric Texture Blueprint 0.01
Foul Leather Texture Blueprint 0.01
Frigulite Texture Blueprint 0.01
Ganganite Texture Blueprint 0.01
Gazzurdite Texture Blueprint 0.01
Hammered Metal Texture Blueprint 0.01
Hessian Fabric Texture Blueprint 0.01
Itumatrox Leather Texture Blueprint 0.01
Kaldon Stone Texture Blueprint 0.01
Lanorium Texture Blueprint 0.01
Large Striped Cotton Fabric Texture Blueprint 0.01
Large Woven Cotton Fabric Texture Blueprint 0.01
Medium Frieze Fabric Texture Blueprint 0.01
Megan Texture Blueprint 0.01
Mermoth Leather Texture Blueprint 0.01
Midastree Texture Blueprint 0.01
Mourner Leather Texture Blueprint 0.01
Narcanisum Texture Blueprint 0.01
Oxidized Aluminium Texture Blueprint 0.01
Oxidized Iron Texture Blueprint 0.01
Oxidized Lysterium Texture Blueprint 0.01
Ribbed Velvet Fabric Texture Blueprint 0.01
Rough Metal Texture Blueprint 0.01
Rutol Stone Texture Blueprint 0.01
Sabakuma Leather Texture Blueprint 0.01
Satin Fabric Texture Blueprint 0.01
Snablesnot Leather Texture Blueprint 0.01
Soft Leather Texture Blueprint 0.01
Sopur Stone Texture Blueprint 0.01
Stinktree Texture Blueprint 0.01
Suede Fabric Texture Blueprint 0.01
Tantardion Leather Texture Blueprint 0.01
Terrycloth Fabric Texture Blueprint 0.01
Thermodure Plastic Texture Blueprint 0.01
Tight Knitted Wool Fabric Texture Blueprint 0.01
Trutun Stone Texture Blueprint 0.01
Velvet Fabric Texture Blueprint 0.01
Wrinkled Felt Fabric Texture Blueprint 0.01
Luna Pattern Pants Blueprint 0.01
Luna Pattern Shirt Blueprint 0.01
Urban Pattern Pants Blueprint 0.01
Urban Pattern Shirt Blueprint 0.01
Flame Pattern Pants Blueprint 0.01
Multi Pattern Shirt Blueprint 0.01
Street Pattern Pants Blueprint 0.01
Street Pattern Shirt Blueprint 0.01
Work Pattern Shirt Blueprint 0.01
EMT Kit Ek-1000 Blueprint 0.01
LifeScanner-I Blueprint 0.01
MatterDriller MD-101 Blueprint 0.01
MatterFinder MF-101 Blueprint 0.01
MatterTransformer MT-101 Blueprint 0.01
OreFinder OF-101 Blueprint 0.01
OreMiner OM-101 Blueprint 0.01
OreTransformer OT-101 Blueprint 0.01
OreTransformer OT-102 Blueprint 0.01
Ziplex T100 Texturizer (L) Blueprint 0.01
Ziplex Z5 OreSeeker (L) Blueprint 0.01
Adapted Force Mace Basher (L) Blueprint 0.01
ClericDagger 1A Blueprint 0.01
ClericDagger 1C Blueprint 0.01
ClericDagger 2A Blueprint 0.01
ClericDagger 2B Blueprint 0.01
ClericDagger 2C Blueprint 0.01
ClericDagger 3A Blueprint 0.01
ClericDagger 3B Blueprint 0.01
Jashonich AP Blueprint 0.01
Jashonich FP Blueprint 0.01
Jashonich MP Blueprint 0.01
Jester D-2 Blueprint 0.01
Killian Broadsword Blueprint 0.01
Killian Broadsword G2 Blueprint 0.01
Killian Longsword Blueprint 0.01
Killian Longsword G3 Blueprint 0.01
Killian Sword G2 Blueprint 0.01
L/Murdand Groover Blueprint 0.01
L/Murdand Styler Blueprint 0.01
Mann MPH DLx Blueprint 0.01
Mann MPH DLxE Blueprint 0.01
Mann MPH DLxEFi Blueprint 0.01
Mann MPH DLxEGrd Blueprint 0.01
Mar-Peeker Davidov Blueprint 0.01
Mez-1 EnergyGlove Blueprint 0.01
Mir-1 EnergyGlove Blueprint 0.01
Mir-2 EnergyGlove Blueprint 0.01
Mux-1 EnergyGlove Blueprint 0.01
Mux-2 EnergyGlove Blueprint 0.01
Plasma Kyller Blueprint 0.01
Plasma Kyller Zwei Blueprint 0.01
Shriek Back Alley Blueprint 0.01
Shriek Basic Blueprint 0.01
Shriek Combat Blueprint 0.01
Shriek Offensive Blueprint 0.01
True Faith Blueprint 0.01
GeoTrek AL15 Taurus (L) Blueprint 0.01
GeoTrek AL17 Auriga (L) Blueprint 0.01
GeoTrek AL21 Canis (L) Blueprint 0.01
GeoTrek AL22 Lupus (L) Blueprint 0.01
GeoTrek H21 Scrof (L) Blueprint 0.01
GeoTrek H23 Crista (L) Blueprint 0.01
GeoTrek H25 Mikus (L) Blueprint 0.01
GeoTrek H26 Elima (L) Blueprint 0.01
GeoTrek H40 Brody (L) Blueprint 0.01
GeoTrek H41 Mina (L) Blueprint 0.01
GeoTrek H45 Ortso (L) Blueprint 0.01
GeoTrek LP120 Niloticus (L) Blueprint 0.01
GeoTrek LP175 Sphyra (L) Blueprint 0.01
GeoTrek LP470 Manis (L) Blueprint 0.01
Kesmek Bett (L) Blueprint 0.01
Kesmek Bik (L) Blueprint 0.01
Kesmek Slo (L) Blueprint 0.01
Kesmek Vass (L) Blueprint 0.01
Loughlin Cutter One (L) Blueprint 0.01
Loughlin Cutter Three (L) Blueprint 0.01
Loughlin Cutter Two (L) Blueprint 0.01
Loughlin Masher One (L) Blueprint 0.01
Loughlin Masher Two (L) Blueprint 0.01
Loughlin Scratcher One (L) Blueprint 0.01
Loughlin Scratcher Two (L) Blueprint 0.01
Loughlin Smacker One (L) Blueprint 0.01
Loughlin Smacker Three (L) Blueprint 0.01
Loughlin Smacker Two (L) Blueprint 0.01
Rutic Bett (L) Blueprint 0.01
Rutic Kil (L) Blueprint 0.01
Rutic Slo (L) Blueprint 0.01
Svempa T15 (L) Blueprint 0.01
Svempa T5 (L) Blueprint 0.01
Willard Heatray A (L) Blueprint 0.01
Willard Heatray B (L) Blueprint 0.01
Omegaton Bur Ning (L) Blueprint 0.01
Omegaton Caus Tik (L) Blueprint 0.01
Omegaton Frostbite (L) Blueprint 0.01
Omegaton Jupiter (L) Blueprint 0.01
Omegaton Sunstorm (L) Blueprint 0.01
Free bump for maria ;)
another little bump. Yes, I do plan on depositing more in the future, and yes, most of those deposits will go towards increasing QR on some of these blueprints.

Is there a certain blueprint you see in the list you want me crafting for you with eventually? Shoot me a PM so that I know which bps to focus on skilling with.

updated a few links on first post.
been a while since I bumped this, but the offers still out there.

I can't deposit for a while but when I do start depositing again, I'll likely work on upping my crafting skills and qr level on some of these.

I am going to change the first post eventually. If I do take on any deals like this I'm going to limit it to one avatar that I'm crafting for at a time to keep things safer/easier to keep it all straight as to who's materials is whos.

Also, I've started a second library of books that are rentable, but qr on those is even lower then my main prints (at least for now). Advantage of using the library though is that even though the collateral will be fairly high (roughly 3x highest highest auction history price), the library rentals are "free." You have to pay collateral, but get back 100% of collateral as soon as you return the blueprint. I might post all the bps in the rentable library later.

Going to redo the first few posts in this thread in a while because rent is now free... Now if only there was some apartments in Delta Tower that I could buy again to put this little "library" in, lol.
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Good advice. I'll post the QR 100 or 90+ in the first post and future posts as I get more bps to that level. As things are most of the high qr are far and few between, but over time, that will change.

Maxing a blueprint has more to do with your skills than blueprint QR, so it would be really useful if you would post all your relevant your pro levels. Thanks :)

Sounds like a great service and i wish you all the best of luck.

For myself , I'm looking for someone who could craft Omegton Sunstorm for me, or maybe loan, or sell, the BP to our soc crafter. I notice you do have that BP in your list.

jay :)
PS. Re the Sunstorm: i just looked up the ingredients, and the UL BP requires some high mu materials, so likely isn't really worth crafting :(. This might account for the shortage of them on auction. The (L) BP looks cheap to craft, mind. Is it rare? (anther problem is that it's level XI, though, so you need some pretty high skills to craft it)

jay :)
PS. Re the Sunstorm: i just looked up the ingredients, and the UL BP requires some high mu materials, so likely isn't really worth crafting :(. This might account for the shortage of them on auction. The (L) BP looks cheap to craft, mind. Is it rare? (anther problem is that it's level XI, though, so you need some pretty high skills to craft it)

jay :)
My skills are still fairly low... but I am going to keep this service available because it won't always be that way, and I guess I'll give this a little bump now because I just got the vehicle book filled with blueprints. Yes, I know they will make more blueprint slots open in there someday, but for now the book is as full as it'll get.

also bought a Maddox III blueprint... :)

I'll probably do another video archive in a few months or something. Maybe they will fix the booths by then.
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chipped up a bit. Now up to level 7 longblade engineer.

So now at ok at level III and below sib longblade blueprints as I'm in the sib window there, and getting close to being ok at level IV soon as I'm above 90% in to the sib window there.

I'll likely chip up again at some point in time later this year.

Here's the blueprints and QR list as of today, 1/28/2011:

Blueprint/TT Value (0.01 = QR 1, 1.00 = QR 100)

Armor (Vol. I)
BodyGuard Arm Guards Blueprint 0.01
BodyGuard Face Guard Blueprint 0.01
BodyGuard Gloves Blueprint 0.01
BodyGuard Harness Blueprint 0.01
BodyGuard Shin Guards Blueprint 0.01
BodyGuard Thigh Guards Blueprint 0.01
Explorer Arm Guards Blueprint 0.01
Explorer Face Guard Blueprint 0.01
Explorer Gloves Blueprint 0.01
Explorer Thigh Guards Blueprint 0.01
Guardian Face Guard Blueprint 0.01
Guardian Gloves Blueprint 0.01
Guardian Harness Blueprint 0.01
Guardian Thigh Guards Blueprint 0.01
Pioneer Gloves Blueprint 0.01
Pioneer Harness Blueprint 0.01
Pioneer Shin Guards Blueprint 1
Pioneer Thigh Guards Blueprint 0.01
Settler Arm Guards Blueprint 0.02
Settler Harness Blueprint 0.01
Settler Shin Guards Blueprint 0.97
Settler Thigh Guards Blueprint 0.01

Armor (Vol. II)
BodyGuard Arm Guards (L) Blueprint 0.01
BodyGuard Face Guard (L) Blueprint 0.01
BodyGuard Foot Guards (L) Blueprint 0.01
BodyGuard Gloves (L) Blueprint 0.01
BodyGuard Harness (L) Blueprint 0.01
BodyGuard Shin Guards (L) Blueprint 0.01
BodyGuard Thigh Guards (L) Blueprint 0.01
Pioneer Arm Guards (L) Blueprint 0.01
Pioneer Face Guard (L) Blueprint 0.01
Pioneer Gloves (L) Blueprint 0.01
Pioneer Shin Guards (L) Blueprint 0.01
Pioneer Thigh Guards (L) Blueprint 0.01
Rascal Arm Guards (L) Blueprint 0.01
Rascal Foot Guards (L) Blueprint 0.01
Rascal Gloves (L) Blueprint 0.01
Rascal Shin Guards (L) Blueprint 0.01
Rascal Thigh Guards (L) Blueprint 0.01
Renegade Arm Guards (L) Blueprint 0.01
Renegade Face Guard (L) Blueprint 0.01
Renegade Gloves (L) Blueprint 0.01
Renegade Gloves Blueprint 0.01
Renegade Harness Blueprint 0.01
Renegade Shin Guards (L) Blueprint 0.01
Renegade Shin Guards Blueprint 0.01
Renegade Thigh Guards (L) Blueprint 0.01
Valiant Face Guard Blueprint 0.01
Zombie Arm Guards (L) Blueprint 0.01
Zombie Face Guard (L) Blueprint 0.01
Zombie Shin Guards (L) Blueprint 0.01
Zombie Thigh Guards (L) Blueprint 0.01

Attachments (Vol. I)
Abrer Laser Sight Blueprint 0.01
Alekz Precision Scope Blueprint 0.01
Beacin Laser Sight Blueprint 0.01
Bjornir Precision Scope Blueprint 0.12
Castar Laser Sight Blueprint 0.01
Cinclar Precision Scope Blueprint 0.01
Dacascos Precision Scope Blueprint 0.01
Dynera Laser Sight Blueprint 0.01
E-Amp 11 Blueprint 0.01
E-Amp 12 Blueprint 0.01
E-Amp 13 Blueprint 0.01
E-Amp 14 Blueprint 0.01
E-Amp 15 Blueprint 0.01
Ecivox Laser Sight Blueprint 0.01
Elkarr Precision Scope Blueprint 0.01
EnMatAmp MA-101 Light (L) Blueprint 0.01
Flexur Precision Scope Blueprint 0.01
Framur Laser Sight Blueprint 0.01
Hunnir Laser Sight Blueprint 0.01
Ignaritz Laser Sight Blueprint 0.01
OreAmp OA-101 Light (L) Blueprint 0.01

Component (Vol. I)
Advanced Feedback Panel Blueprint 0.01
Advanced Matrix Blueprint 0.01
Advanced Modulator Blueprint 0.01
Advanced Processor Blueprint 0.01
Advanced Security Module Blueprint 0.01
Advanced VisioMem Blueprint 0.01
Basic Auxiliary Socket Blueprint 1
Basic Bearings Blueprint 0.29
Basic Coil Blueprint 0.01
Basic Engine Blueprint 0.01
Basic Filters Blueprint 1
Basic Nuts Blueprint 0.23
Basic Power System Blueprint 0.18
Basic Processor Blueprint 0.39

Basic Pump Blueprint 0.01
Basic Relays Blueprint 0.01
Basic Rings Blueprint 0.04
Basic Screws Blueprint 0.01
Basic Sensor Blueprint 0.02
Basic Servo Blueprint 0.01
Basic Sheet Metal Blueprint 0.5
Basic Structure Blueprint 0.01
Basic Tube Blueprint 1
Basic Wires Blueprint 0.02
Durable Coil Blueprint 0.01
Durable Compressor Blueprint 0.01
Durable Damper Blueprint 0.01
Durable Hood Blueprint 0.01
Durable Motor Blueprint 0.01
Durable Structure Blueprint 0.01
Electropositive Capacitor Blueprint 0.01
Electropositive Communication Blueprint 0.01
Electropositive Connector Blueprint 0.01
Electropositive Modulator Blueprint 0.01
Electropositive Processor Blueprint 0.01
Electropositive Security Module Blueprint 0.01
Hardened Clips Blueprint 0.01
Hardened Foil Blueprint 0.01
Hardened Nuts Blueprint 0.02
Hardened Pipe Blueprint 0.01
Hardened Screws Blueprint 0.01
Heavy Duty Core Blueprint 0.01
Heavy Duty Coupling Blueprint 0.01
Heavy Duty Engine Blueprint 0.01
Heavy Duty Filter Blueprint 0.01
Heavy Duty Joints Blueprint 0.01
Heavy Duty Seals Blueprint 0.01
High Grade Alloy Blueprint 0.01
High Grade Bearings Blueprint 0.01
High Grade Nuts Blueprint 0.01
High Grade Plugs Blueprint 0.01
High Grade Screws Blueprint 0.01
High Grade Wedge Blueprint 0.01
High Performance Compressor Blueprint 0.01
High Performance Coupling Blueprint 0.01
High Performance Engine Blueprint 0.01
High Performance Filters Blueprint 0.01
High Performance Pump Blueprint 0.01
High Performance Vents Blueprint 0.01
Reinforced Bearings Blueprint 0.01
Reinforced Hinge Blueprint 0.01
Reinforced Nuts Blueprint 0.01
Reinforced Plate Blueprint 0.01
Reinforced Rod Blueprint 0.01
Reinforced Sheet Metal Blueprint 0.01
Standard Compressor Blueprint 0.01
Standard Core Blueprint 0.01
Standard Damper Blueprint 1
Standard Feedback Panel Blueprint 0.01
Standard Hinge Blueprint 0.01
Standard Holo Module Blueprint 0.01
Standard Intelligence Module Blueprint 0.01
Standard Lever Blueprint 0.25
Standard Locks Blueprint 0.07
Standard Matrix Blueprint 0.09
Standard Plate Blueprint 0.01
Standard Rod Blueprint 0.01
Standard Springs Blueprint 0.01
Standard Transparency Layer Blueprint 0.05
Standard Valve Blueprint 0.07
Standard Vents Blueprint 0.01
Standard VisioMem Blueprint 0.01
Standard Wedge Blueprint 0.01
Triphased Auxiliary Socket Blueprint 0.01
Triphased Holo Module Blueprint 0.01
Triphased Intelligence Module Blueprint 0.01
Triphased Power Systems Blueprint 0.01
Triphased Transmitter Blueprint 0.01
Triphased Wires Blueprint 0.01

Component (Vol. II)
GEC Coil Springs 1M Blueprint 0.01
GEC Spur Gears 1K Blueprint 0.01
GEC Spur Gears 2K Blueprint 0.05
GEC Spur Gears 5k Blueprint 0.01
Galaxy 6V Gel Batteries Blueprint 0.01
Galaxy SI Ion Conductors Blueprint 0.01
Galaxy SII Ion Conductors Blueprint 0.01
Galaxy SIII Ion Conductors Blueprint 0.01
GeoTrek Buttstock Blueprint 0.01
GeoTrek Hardened Buttstock Blueprint 0.01
GeoTrek Hardened Talytic Converters Blueprint 0.01
GeoTrek Super Alloy Buttstock Blueprint 0.01
GeoTrek Super Alloy Talytic Converters Blueprint 0.01
GeoTrek Talytic Converters Blueprint 0.01
Hardened Metal Mountings Blueprint 0.01
Hardened Metal Plating Blueprint 0.01
Hardened Metal Ruds Blueprint 0.11
Metal Mountings Blueprint 0.01
Metal Plating Blueprint 0.01
Metal Ruds Blueprint 0.01
Simple I Conductors Blueprint 0.85
Simple I Plastic Ruds Blueprint 0.01
Simple I Plastic Springs Blueprint 0.78
Simple II Conductors Blueprint 0.25
Simple II Plastic Ruds Blueprint 0.01
Simple II Plastic Springs Blueprint 0.01
Simple III Conductors Blueprint 0.01
Solar 12V Gel Batteries Blueprint 0.01
Solar 14V Gel Batteries Blueprint 0.01
Solar 16V Gel Batteries Blueprints 0.01
Solar 6V Gel Batteries Blueprint 0.01
Solar 8V Gel Batteries Blueprint 0.01
Super Alloy Mountings Blueprint 0.01
Super Alloy Plating Blueprint 0.01
Super Alloy Ruds Blueprint 0.03

Enhancers (Vol. I)
Armor Defense Enhancer I Blueprint 0.01
Mining Excavator Speed Enhancer I Blueprint 0.01
Weapon Accuracy Enhancer I Blueprint 0.01
Weapon Range Enhancer I Blueprint 0.01

Furniture (Vol. I)
Large Plug Blueprint 0.01
Nallo Ceiling Lamp Blueprint 0.01
Pall Stool Blueprint 0.01
Small Plugs Blueprint 0.01

Material Textures (Vol. I)
Aetherex Leather Texture Blueprint 0.01
Allophyl Leather Texture Blueprint 0.01
Argonaut Leather Texture Blueprint 0.01
Armax Leather Texture Blueprint 0.01
Atrax Leather Texture Blueprint 0.01
Atrox Leather Texture Blueprint 0.01
Belkar Texture Blueprint 0.01
Bigwig Texture Blueprint 0.01
Blausariam Texture Blueprint 0.01
Brukite Stone Texture Blueprint 0.08
Brushed Aluminium Texture Blueprint 0.01
Burlap Fabric Texture Blueprint 0.01
Caldorite Texture Blueprint 0.01
Caudatergus Leather Texture Blueprint 0.01
Cbase Plastic Texture Blueprint 0.01
Cersumon Leather Texture Blueprint 0.01
Coarse Frote Fabric Texture Blueprint 0.01
Cobalt Texture Blueprint 0.01
Cornundacauda Leather Texture Blueprint 0.01
Cornundos Leather Texture Blueprint 0.01
Cumbriz Texture Blueprint 0.01
Daikiba Leather Texture Blueprint 0.01
Denim Fabric Texture Blueprint 0.01
Erdorium Texture Blueprint 0.01
Evenweave Cotton Fabric Texture Blueprint 0.53
Exarosaur Leather Texture Blueprint 0.01
Faucervix Leather Texture Blueprint 0.01
Felt Fabric Texture Blueprint 0.01
Fine Frote Fabric Texture Blueprint 0.01
Fine Leather Texture Blueprint 0.01
Fine Silk Fabric Texture Blueprint 0.01
Firn Texture Blueprint 0.01
Flannel Fabric Texture Blueprint 0.01
Foul Leather Texture Blueprint 0.01
Frigulite Texture Blueprint 0.01
Ganganite Texture Blueprint 0.01
Gazzurdite Texture Blueprint 0.01
Generic Leather Texture Blueprint 0.17
Hammered Metal Texture Blueprint 0.01
Hessian Fabric Texture Blueprint 0.01
Itumatrox Leather Texture Blueprint 0.01
Kaldon Stone Texture Blueprint 0.01
Lanorium Texture Blueprint 0.01
Large Striped Cotton Fabric Texture Blueprint 0.01
Large Woven Cotton Fabric Texture Blueprint 0.01
Medium Frieze Fabric Texture Blueprint 0.01
Megan Texture Blueprint 0.01
Mermoth Leather Texture Blueprint 0.01
Midastree Texture Blueprint 0.01
Mourner Leather Texture Blueprint 0.01
Narcanisum Texture Blueprint 0.01
Nissit Stone Texture Blueprint 0.12
Oxidized Aluminium Texture Blueprint 0.01
Oxidized Iron Texture Blueprint 0.01
Oxidized Lysterium Texture Blueprint 0.01
Ribbed Velvet Fabric Texture Blueprint 0.01
Rough Metal Texture Blueprint 0.01
Rutol Stone Texture Blueprint 0.01
Sabakuma Leather Texture Blueprint 0.01
Satin Fabric Texture Blueprint 0.01
Snablesnot Leather Texture Blueprint 0.01
Snarksnot Leather Texture Blueprint 0.04
Soft Leather Texture Blueprint 0.01
Sopur Stone Texture Blueprint 0.01
Stinktree Texture Blueprint 0.01
Suede Fabric Texture Blueprint 0.01
Tantardion Leather Texture Blueprint 0.01
Terrycloth Fabric Texture Blueprint 0.01
Thermodure Plastic Texture Blueprint 0.01
Tight Knitted Wool Fabric Texture Blueprint 0.01
Trutun Stone Texture Blueprint 0.01
Velvet Fabric Texture Blueprint 0.01
Wrinkled Felt Fabric Texture Blueprint 0.01

Tailoring (Vol. I)
Basic Pattern Pants Blueprint 0.03
Basic Pattern Shirt Blueprint 0.13
Luna Pattern Pants Blueprint 0.01
Luna Pattern Shirt Blueprint 0.01
Urban Pattern Pants Blueprint 0.01
Urban Pattern Shirt Blueprint 0.01

Tailoring (Vol. II)
Flame Pattern Pants Blueprint 0.01
Mannell Shoes Blueprint 0.03
Multi Pattern Shirt Blueprint 0.01
Street Pattern Pants Blueprint 0.01
Street Pattern Shirt Blueprint 0.01
Work Pattern Shirt Blueprint 0.01

Tools (Vol. I)
EMT Kit Ek-1000 Blueprint 0.01
LifeScanner-I Blueprint 0.01
MatterDriller MD-101 Blueprint 0.01
MatterFinder MF-101 Blueprint 0.01
MatterTransformer MT-101 Blueprint 0.01
OreFinder OF-101 Blueprint 0.01
OreMiner OM-101 Blueprint 0.01
OreTransformer OT-101 Blueprint 0.01
OreTransformer OT-102 Blueprint 0.01

Tools (Vol. II)
Ziplex T100 Texturizer (L) Blueprint 0.01
Ziplex Z5 OreSeeker (L) Blueprint 0.01

Vehicle Parts (Vol. I)
Chair Frame Blueprint 0.01
Combustor Blueprint 0.1
Disc Brake Blueprint 0.01
Drive Shaft Blueprint 0.01
Girder Beams Blueprint 0.01
Lamp Attachments Blueprint 0.01
Radiator Blueprint 0.01
Rubber Lists Blueprint 0.01
Steering Rod Blueprint 0.01
Wind Screen Blueprint 0.01

Weapons (Vol. I)
Adapted Force Mace Basher (L) Blueprint 0.01
ClericDagger 1A Blueprint 0.01
ClericDagger 1B Blueprint 0.03
ClericDagger 1C Blueprint 0.01
ClericDagger 2A Blueprint 0.01
ClericDagger 2B Blueprint 0.01
ClericDagger 2C Blueprint 0.01
ClericDagger 3A Blueprint 0.01
ClericDagger 3B Blueprint 0.01
Jashonich AP Blueprint 0.01
Jashonich FP Blueprint 0.01
Jashonich MP Blueprint 0.01
Jester D-1 Blueprint 0.3
Jester D-2 Blueprint 0.01
Jester D-3 Blueprint 0.2
Killian Broadsword Blueprint 0.01
Killian Broadsword G2 Blueprint 0.01
Killian Longsword Blueprint 0.01
Killian Longsword G2 Blueprint 0.02
Killian Longsword G3 Blueprint 0.01
Killian Sword Blueprint 0.08
Killian Sword G2 Blueprint 0.01
L/Murdand Groover Blueprint 0.01
L/Murdand Styler Blueprint 0.01
Maddox I Blueprint 0.28
Maddox III Blueprint 0.01
Mann MPH Blueprint 0.14
Mann MPH DLx Blueprint 0.01
Mann MPH DLxE Blueprint 0.01
Mann MPH DLxEFi Blueprint 0.01
Mann MPH DLxEGrd Blueprint 0.01
Mar-Peeker Davidov Blueprint 0.01
Mar-Spark Davidov Blueprint 0.01
Mez-1 EnergyGlove Blueprint 0.01
Mir-1 EnergyGlove Blueprint 0.01
Mir-2 EnergyGlove Blueprint 0.01
Mux-1 EnergyGlove Blueprint 0.01
Mux-2 EnergyGlove Blueprint 0.01
Plasma Kyller Blueprint 0.01
Plasma Kyller Zwei Blueprint 0.01
Shriek Back Alley Blueprint 0.01
Shriek Basic Blueprint 0.01
Shriek Combat Blueprint 0.01
Shriek Covert Ops Blueprint 0.19
Shriek Offensive Blueprint 0.01
Shriek Street Blueprint 0.79
True Faith Blueprint 0.01

Weapons (Vol. II)
GeoTrek AL15 Taurus (L) Blueprint 0.01
GeoTrek AL17 Auriga (L) Blueprint 0.01
GeoTrek AL21 Canis (L) Blueprint 0.01
GeoTrek AL22 Lupus (L) Blueprint 0.01
GeoTrek H21 Scrof (L) Blueprint 0.01
GeoTrek H23 Crista (L) Blueprint 0.01
GeoTrek H25 Mikus (L) Blueprint 0.01
GeoTrek H26 Elima (L) Blueprint 0.01
GeoTrek H40 Brody (L) Blueprint 0.01
GeoTrek H41 Mina (L) Blueprint 0.01
GeoTrek H45 Ortso (L) Blueprint 0.01
GeoTrek LP120 Niloticus (L) Blueprint 0.01
GeoTrek LP175 Sphyra (L) Blueprint 0.01
GeoTrek LP470 Manis (L) Blueprint 0.01
Kesmek Bett (L) Blueprint 0.01
Kesmek Bik (L) Blueprint 0.01
Kesmek Slo (L) Blueprint 0.01
Kesmek Vass (L) Blueprint 0.01
Loughlin Cutter One (L) Blueprint 0.01
Loughlin Cutter Three (L) Blueprint 0.01
Loughlin Cutter Two (L) Blueprint 0.01
Loughlin Masher One (L) Blueprint 0.01
Loughlin Masher Two (L) Blueprint 0.01
Loughlin Scratcher One (L) Blueprint 0.01
Loughlin Scratcher Two (L) Blueprint 0.01
Loughlin Smacker One (L) Blueprint 0.01
Loughlin Smacker Three (L) Blueprint 0.01
Loughlin Smacker Two (L) Blueprint 0.01
Rutic Bett (L) Blueprint 0.01
Rutic Blix (L) Blueprint 0.02
Rutic Kil (L) Blueprint 0.01
Rutic Slo (L) Blueprint 0.01
Svempa S60 (L) Blueprint 0.15
Svempa T15 (L) Blueprint 0.01
Svempa T5 (L) Blueprint 0.01
Svempa X1 (L) Blueprint 0.04
Willard Heatray A (L) Blueprint 0.01
Willard Heatray B (L) Blueprint 0.01

Weapons (Vol. III)
Omegaton Bur Ning (L) Blueprint 0.01
Omegaton Caus Tik (L) Blueprint 0.01
Omegaton Frostbite (L) Blueprint 0.01
Omegaton Jupiter (L) Blueprint 0.01
Omegaton Sunstorm (L) Blueprint 0.01

Last edited:
up-to-date listing of my own personal collection

--- - Maria's Melee Market! - Maria's Free Blueprint Library 'the Lost Library' - Holiday Party Pad, apartment 15 E in Delta Tower


Here's the blueprints and QR in my own personal collection as of today, 5/7/2011:

Blueprint/TT Value (0.01 = QR 1, 1.00 = QR 100)

Armor (Vol. I)
BodyGuard Arm Guards Blueprint 0.01
BodyGuard Face Guard Blueprint 0.01
BodyGuard Gloves Blueprint 0.01
BodyGuard Harness Blueprint 0.01
BodyGuard Shin Guards Blueprint 0.01
BodyGuard Thigh Guards Blueprint 0.01
Explorer Arm Guards Blueprint 0.01
Explorer Face Guard Blueprint 0.01
Explorer Gloves Blueprint 0.01
Explorer Thigh Guards Blueprint 0.01
Guardian Face Guard Blueprint 0.01
Guardian Gloves Blueprint 0.01
Guardian Harness Blueprint 0.01
Guardian Thigh Guards Blueprint 0.01
Pioneer Gloves Blueprint 0.01
Pioneer Harness Blueprint 0.01
Pioneer Shin Guards Blueprint 1
Pioneer Thigh Guards Blueprint 0.01
Settler Arm Guards Blueprint 0.02
Settler Harness Blueprint 0.01
Settler Shin Guards Blueprint 0.97
Settler Thigh Guards Blueprint 0.01

Armor (Vol. II)
BodyGuard Arm Guards (L) Blueprint 0.01
BodyGuard Face Guard (L) Blueprint 0.01
BodyGuard Foot Guards (L) Blueprint 0.01
BodyGuard Gloves (L) Blueprint 0.01
BodyGuard Harness (L) Blueprint 0.01
BodyGuard Shin Guards (L) Blueprint 0.01
BodyGuard Thigh Guards (L) Blueprint 0.01
Pioneer Arm Guards (L) Blueprint 0.01
Pioneer Face Guard (L) Blueprint 0.01
Pioneer Gloves (L) Blueprint 0.01
Pioneer Shin Guards (L) Blueprint 0.01
Pioneer Thigh Guards (L) Blueprint 0.01
Rascal Arm Guards (L) Blueprint 0.01
Rascal Foot Guards (L) Blueprint 0.01
Rascal Gloves (L) Blueprint 0.01
Rascal Shin Guards (L) Blueprint 0.01
Rascal Thigh Guards (L) Blueprint 0.01
Renegade Arm Guards (L) Blueprint 0.01
Renegade Face Guard (L) Blueprint 0.01
Renegade Gloves (L) Blueprint 0.01
Renegade Gloves Blueprint 0.01
Renegade Harness Blueprint 0.01
Renegade Shin Guards (L) Blueprint 0.01
Renegade Shin Guards Blueprint 0.01
Renegade Thigh Guards (L) Blueprint 0.01
Valiant Face Guard Blueprint 0.01
Zombie Arm Guards (L) Blueprint 0.01
Zombie Face Guard (L) Blueprint 0.01
Zombie Shin Guards (L) Blueprint 0.01
Zombie Thigh Guards (L) Blueprint 0.01

Attachments (Vol. I)
Abrer Laser Sight Blueprint 0.01
Alekz Precision Scope Blueprint 0.01
Beacin Laser Sight Blueprint 0.01
Bjornir Precision Scope Blueprint 0.12
Castar Laser Sight Blueprint 0.01
Cinclar Precision Scope Blueprint 0.01
Dacascos Precision Scope Blueprint 0.01
Dynera Laser Sight Blueprint 0.01
E-Amp 11 Blueprint 0.01
E-Amp 12 Blueprint 0.01
E-Amp 13 Blueprint 0.01
E-Amp 14 Blueprint 0.01
E-Amp 15 Blueprint 0.01
Ecivox Laser Sight Blueprint 0.01
Elkarr Precision Scope Blueprint 0.01
EnMatAmp MA-101 Light (L) Blueprint 0.01
Flexur Precision Scope Blueprint 0.01
Framur Laser Sight Blueprint 0.01
Hunnir Laser Sight Blueprint 0.01
Ignaritz Laser Sight Blueprint 0.01
OreAmp OA-101 Light (L) Blueprint 0.01

Component (Vol. I)
Advanced Feedback Panel Blueprint 0.01
Advanced Matrix Blueprint 0.01
Advanced Modulator Blueprint 0.01
Advanced Processor Blueprint 0.01
Advanced Security Module Blueprint 0.01
Advanced VisioMem Blueprint 0.01
Basic Auxiliary Socket Blueprint 1
Basic Bearings Blueprint 0.29
Basic Coil Blueprint 0.01
Basic Engine Blueprint 0.01
Basic Filters Blueprint 1
Basic Nuts Blueprint 0.23
Basic Power System Blueprint 0.18
Basic Processor Blueprint 0.39
Basic Pump Blueprint 0.01
Basic Relays Blueprint 0.01
Basic Rings Blueprint 0.04
Basic Screws Blueprint 0.01
Basic Sensor Blueprint 0.02
Basic Servo Blueprint 0.34
Basic Sheet Metal Blueprint 0.5
Basic Structure Blueprint 0.01
Basic Tube Blueprint 1
Basic Wires Blueprint 0.02
Durable Coil Blueprint 0.01
Durable Compressor Blueprint 0.01
Durable Damper Blueprint 0.01
Durable Hood Blueprint 0.01
Durable Motor Blueprint 0.01
Durable Structure Blueprint 0.01
Electropositive Capacitor Blueprint 0.01
Electropositive Communication Blueprint 0.01
Electropositive Connector Blueprint 0.01
Electropositive Modulator Blueprint 0.01
Electropositive Processor Blueprint 0.01
Electropositive Security Module Blueprint 0.01
Hardened Clips Blueprint 0.01
Hardened Foil Blueprint 0.01
Hardened Nuts Blueprint 0.02
Hardened Pipe Blueprint 0.01
Hardened Screws Blueprint 0.01
Heavy Duty Core Blueprint 0.01
Heavy Duty Coupling Blueprint 0.01
Heavy Duty Engine Blueprint 0.01
Heavy Duty Filter Blueprint 0.01
Heavy Duty Joints Blueprint 0.01
Heavy Duty Seals Blueprint 0.01
High Grade Alloy Blueprint 0.01
High Grade Bearings Blueprint 0.01
High Grade Nuts Blueprint 0.01
High Grade Plugs Blueprint 0.01
High Grade Screws Blueprint 0.01
High Grade Wedge Blueprint 0.01
High Performance Compressor Blueprint 0.01
High Performance Coupling Blueprint 0.01
High Performance Engine Blueprint 0.01
High Performance Filters Blueprint 0.01
High Performance Pump Blueprint 0.01
High Performance Vents Blueprint 0.01
Reinforced Bearings Blueprint 0.01
Reinforced Hinge Blueprint 0.01
Reinforced Nuts Blueprint 0.01
Reinforced Plate Blueprint 0.01
Reinforced Rod Blueprint 0.01
Reinforced Sheet Metal Blueprint 0.01
Standard Compressor Blueprint 0.01
Standard Core Blueprint 0.01
Standard Damper Blueprint 1
Standard Feedback Panel Blueprint 0.01
Standard Hinge Blueprint 0.01
Standard Holo Module Blueprint 0.01
Standard Intelligence Module Blueprint 0.01
Standard Lever Blueprint 0.25
Standard Locks Blueprint 0.07
Standard Matrix Blueprint 0.09
Standard Plate Blueprint 0.01
Standard Rod Blueprint 0.01
Standard Springs Blueprint 0.01
Standard Transparency Layer Blueprint 0.05
Standard Valve Blueprint 0.07
Standard Vents Blueprint 0.01
Standard VisioMem Blueprint 0.01
Standard Wedge Blueprint 0.01
Triphased Auxiliary Socket Blueprint 0.01
Triphased Holo Module Blueprint 0.01
Triphased Intelligence Module Blueprint 0.01
Triphased Power Systems Blueprint 0.01
Triphased Transmitter Blueprint 0.01
Triphased Wires Blueprint 0.01

Component (Vol. II)
Enhanced Mountings Blueprint 0.01
GEC Coil Springs 1M Blueprint 0.01
GEC Spur Gears 1K Blueprint 0.01
GEC Spur Gears 2K Blueprint 0.05
GEC Spur Gears 5k Blueprint 0.01
Galaxy 6V Gel Batteries Blueprint 0.01
Galaxy SI Ion Conductors Blueprint 0.01
Galaxy SII Ion Conductors Blueprint 0.01
Galaxy SIII Ion Conductors Blueprint 0.01
GeoTrek Buttstock Blueprint 0.01
GeoTrek Hardened Buttstock Blueprint 0.01
GeoTrek Hardened Talytic Converters Blueprint 0.01
GeoTrek Super Alloy Buttstock Blueprint 0.01
GeoTrek Super Alloy Talytic Converters Blueprint 0.01
GeoTrek Talytic Converters Blueprint 0.01
Hardened Metal Mountings Blueprint 0.01
Hardened Metal Plating Blueprint 0.01
Hardened Metal Ruds Blueprint 0.11
Metal Mountings Blueprint 0.01
Metal Plating Blueprint 0.01
Metal Ruds Blueprint 0.01
Simple I Conductors Blueprint 0.86
Simple I Plastic Ruds Blueprint 0.01
Simple I Plastic Springs Blueprint 0.78
Simple II Conductors Blueprint 0.25
Simple II Plastic Ruds Blueprint 0.01
Simple II Plastic Springs Blueprint 0.01
Simple III Conductors Blueprint 0.01
Solar 12V Gel Batteries Blueprint 0.01
Solar 14V Gel Batteries Blueprint 0.01
Solar 16V Gel Batteries Blueprints 0.01
Solar 6V Gel Batteries Blueprint 0.01
Solar 8V Gel Batteries Blueprint 0.01
Super Alloy Mountings Blueprint 0.01
Super Alloy Plating Blueprint 0.01
Super Alloy Ruds Blueprint 0.03

Enhancers (Vol. I)
Armor Defense Enhancer I Blueprint 0.01
Mining Excavator Speed Enhancer I Blueprint 0.01
Weapon Accuracy Enhancer I Blueprint 0.01
Weapon Range Enhancer I Blueprint 0.01

Furniture (Vol. I)
Large Plug Blueprint 0.01
Nallo Ceiling Lamp Blueprint 0.01
Pall Stool Blueprint 0.01
Small Plugs Blueprint 0.01

Material Textures (Vol. I)
Aetherex Leather Texture Blueprint 0.01
Allophyl Leather Texture Blueprint 0.01
Argonaut Leather Texture Blueprint 0.01
Armax Leather Texture Blueprint 0.01
Atrax Leather Texture Blueprint 0.01
Atrox Leather Texture Blueprint 0.01
Belkar Texture Blueprint 0.01
Bigwig Texture Blueprint 0.01
Blausariam Texture Blueprint 0.01
Brukite Stone Texture Blueprint 0.08
Brushed Aluminium Texture Blueprint 0.01
Burlap Fabric Texture Blueprint 0.01
Caldorite Texture Blueprint 0.01
Caudatergus Leather Texture Blueprint 0.01
Cbase Plastic Texture Blueprint 0.01
Cersumon Leather Texture Blueprint 0.01
Coarse Frote Fabric Texture Blueprint 0.01
Cobalt Texture Blueprint 0.01
Cornundacauda Leather Texture Blueprint 0.01
Cornundos Leather Texture Blueprint 0.01
Cumbriz Texture Blueprint 0.01
Daikiba Leather Texture Blueprint 0.01
Denim Fabric Texture Blueprint 0.01
Erdorium Texture Blueprint 0.01
Evenweave Cotton Fabric Texture Blueprint 0.53
Exarosaur Leather Texture Blueprint 0.01
Faucervix Leather Texture Blueprint 0.01
Felt Fabric Texture Blueprint 0.01
Fine Frote Fabric Texture Blueprint 0.01
Fine Leather Texture Blueprint 0.01
Fine Silk Fabric Texture Blueprint 0.01
Firn Texture Blueprint 0.01
Flannel Fabric Texture Blueprint 0.01
Foul Leather Texture Blueprint 0.01
Frigulite Texture Blueprint 0.01
Ganganite Texture Blueprint 0.01
Gazzurdite Texture Blueprint 0.01
Generic Leather Texture Blueprint 0.17
Hammered Metal Texture Blueprint 0.01
Hessian Fabric Texture Blueprint 0.01
Itumatrox Leather Texture Blueprint 0.01
Kaldon Stone Texture Blueprint 0.01
Lanorium Texture Blueprint 0.01
Large Striped Cotton Fabric Texture Blueprint 0.01
Large Woven Cotton Fabric Texture Blueprint 0.01
Medium Frieze Fabric Texture Blueprint 0.01
Megan Texture Blueprint 0.01
Mermoth Leather Texture Blueprint 0.01
Midastree Texture Blueprint 0.01
Mourner Leather Texture Blueprint 0.01
Narcanisum Texture Blueprint 0.01
Nissit Stone Texture Blueprint 0.12
Oxidized Aluminium Texture Blueprint 0.01
Oxidized Iron Texture Blueprint 0.01
Oxidized Lysterium Texture Blueprint 0.01
Ribbed Velvet Fabric Texture Blueprint 0.01
Rough Metal Texture Blueprint 0.01
Rutol Stone Texture Blueprint 0.01
Sabakuma Leather Texture Blueprint 0.01
Satin Fabric Texture Blueprint 0.01
Snablesnot Leather Texture Blueprint 0.01
Snarksnot Leather Texture Blueprint 0.04
Soft Leather Texture Blueprint 0.01
Sopur Stone Texture Blueprint 0.01
Stinktree Texture Blueprint 0.01
Suede Fabric Texture Blueprint 0.01
Tantardion Leather Texture Blueprint 0.01
Terrycloth Fabric Texture Blueprint 0.01
Thermodure Plastic Texture Blueprint 0.01
Tight Knitted Wool Fabric Texture Blueprint 0.01
Trutun Stone Texture Blueprint 0.01
Velvet Fabric Texture Blueprint 0.01
Wrinkled Felt Fabric Texture Blueprint 0.01

Tailoring (Vol. I)
Basic Pattern Pants Blueprint 0.03
Basic Pattern Shirt Blueprint 0.13
Luna Pattern Pants Blueprint 0.01
Luna Pattern Shirt Blueprint 0.01
Urban Pattern Pants Blueprint 0.01
Urban Pattern Shirt Blueprint 0.01

Tailoring (Vol. II)
Flame Pattern Pants Blueprint 0.01
Mannell Shoes Blueprint 0.03
Multi Pattern Shirt Blueprint 0.01
Street Pattern Pants Blueprint 0.01
Street Pattern Shirt Blueprint 0.01
Work Pattern Shirt Blueprint 0.01

Tools (Vol. I)
EMT Kit Ek-1000 Blueprint 0.01
LifeScanner-I Blueprint 0.01
MatterDriller MD-101 Blueprint 0.01
MatterFinder MF-101 Blueprint 0.01
MatterTransformer MT-101 Blueprint 0.01
OreFinder OF-101 Blueprint 0.01
OreMiner OM-101 Blueprint 0.01
OreTransformer OT-101 Blueprint 0.01
OreTransformer OT-102 Blueprint 0.01

Tools (Vol. II)
Ziplex T100 Texturizer (L) Blueprint 0.01
Ziplex Z5 OreSeeker (L) Blueprint 0.01

Vehicle Parts (Vol. I)
Chair Frame Blueprint 0.01
Combustor Blueprint 0.1
Disc Brake Blueprint 0.01
Drive Shaft Blueprint 0.01
Girder Beams Blueprint 0.01
Lamp Attachments Blueprint 0.01
Radiator Blueprint 0.01
Rubber Lists Blueprint 0.01
Steering Rod Blueprint 0.01
Wind Screen Blueprint 0.01

Weapons (Vol. I)
Adapted Force Mace Basher (L) Blueprint 0.01
ClericDagger 1A Blueprint 0.01
ClericDagger 1B Blueprint 0.03
ClericDagger 1C Blueprint 0.01
ClericDagger 2A Blueprint 0.01
ClericDagger 2B Blueprint 0.01
ClericDagger 2C Blueprint 0.01
ClericDagger 3A Blueprint 0.01
ClericDagger 3B Blueprint 0.01
Jashonich AP Blueprint 0.01
Jashonich FP Blueprint 0.01
Jashonich MP Blueprint 0.01
Jester D-1 Blueprint 0.3
Jester D-2 Blueprint 0.01
Jester D-3 Blueprint 0.2
Killian Broadsword Blueprint 0.01
Killian Broadsword G2 Blueprint 0.01
Killian Longsword Blueprint 0.01
Killian Longsword G2 Blueprint 0.02
Killian Longsword G3 Blueprint 0.01
Killian Sword Blueprint 0.08
Killian Sword G2 Blueprint 0.01
L/Murdand Groover Blueprint 0.01
L/Murdand Styler Blueprint 0.01
Maddox I Blueprint 0.28
Maddox III Blueprint 0.01
Mann MPH Blueprint 0.14
Mann MPH DLx Blueprint 0.01
Mann MPH DLxE Blueprint 0.01
Mann MPH DLxEFi Blueprint 0.01
Mann MPH DLxEGrd Blueprint 0.01
Mar-Peeker Davidov Blueprint 0.01
Mar-Spark Davidov Blueprint 0.01
Mez-1 EnergyGlove Blueprint 0.01
Mir-1 EnergyGlove Blueprint 0.01
Mir-2 EnergyGlove Blueprint 0.01
Mux-1 EnergyGlove Blueprint 0.01
Mux-2 EnergyGlove Blueprint 0.01
Plasma Kyller Blueprint 0.01
Plasma Kyller Zwei Blueprint 0.01
Shriek Back Alley Blueprint 0.01
Shriek Basic Blueprint 0.01
Shriek Combat Blueprint 0.01
Shriek Covert Ops Blueprint 0.19
Shriek Offensive Blueprint 0.01
Shriek Street Blueprint 0.79
True Faith Blueprint 0.01

Weapons (Vol. II)
GeoTrek AL15 Taurus (L) Blueprint 0.01
GeoTrek AL17 Auriga (L) Blueprint 0.01
GeoTrek AL21 Canis (L) Blueprint 0.01
GeoTrek AL22 Lupus (L) Blueprint 0.01
GeoTrek H21 Scrof (L) Blueprint 0.01
GeoTrek H23 Crista (L) Blueprint 0.01
GeoTrek H25 Mikus (L) Blueprint 0.01
GeoTrek H26 Elima (L) Blueprint 0.01
GeoTrek H40 Brody (L) Blueprint 0.01
GeoTrek H41 Mina (L) Blueprint 0.01
GeoTrek H45 Ortso (L) Blueprint 0.01
GeoTrek LP120 Niloticus (L) Blueprint 0.01
GeoTrek LP175 Sphyra (L) Blueprint 0.01
GeoTrek LP470 Manis (L) Blueprint 0.01
Kesmek Bett (L) Blueprint 0.01
Kesmek Bik (L) Blueprint 0.01
Kesmek Slo (L) Blueprint 0.01
Kesmek Vass (L) Blueprint 0.01
Loughlin Cutter One (L) Blueprint 0.01
Loughlin Cutter Three (L) Blueprint 0.01
Loughlin Cutter Two (L) Blueprint 0.01
Loughlin Masher One (L) Blueprint 0.01
Loughlin Masher Two (L) Blueprint 0.01
Loughlin Scratcher One (L) Blueprint 0.01
Loughlin Scratcher Two (L) Blueprint 0.01
Loughlin Smacker One (L) Blueprint 0.01
Loughlin Smacker Three (L) Blueprint 0.01
Loughlin Smacker Two (L) Blueprint 0.01
Rutic Bett (L) Blueprint 0.01
Rutic Blix (L) Blueprint 0.02
Rutic Kil (L) Blueprint 0.01
Rutic Slo (L) Blueprint 0.01
Svempa S60 (L) Blueprint 0.15
Svempa T15 (L) Blueprint 0.01
Svempa T5 (L) Blueprint 0.01
Svempa X1 (L) Blueprint 0.04
Willard Heatray A (L) Blueprint 0.01
Willard Heatray B (L) Blueprint 0.01

Weapons (Vol. III)
Omegaton Bur Ning (L) Blueprint 0.01
Omegaton Caus Tik (L) Blueprint 0.01
Omegaton Frostbite (L) Blueprint 0.01
Omegaton Jupiter (L) Blueprint 0.01
Omegaton Sunstorm (L) Blueprint 0.01

Last edited: