Help: Max dmg from mob

Pete Longmorn

Jun 18, 2010

I've been collecting som data on max damage from different mobs and have some questions.

1. Is "min damage" always an integer?
2. Is "max dmg" always "min dmg" x 2?

If yes on both, "max dmg" is always an even integer.
If no, tell me what mob so i can do more testing.

Bonus question 3. I'm getting critical hit reduction, where does it come from?
I'm hunting with no armor and my rings do not have crit reduction features.

What for you collect this data mate?
Free bump
1. No
2. Yes (apart from some mobs that have several different attacks)

Bonus question:
your innate crit reduction exists so that buffs can improve it. :)
It is maxed at 15% of the maximum damage if your relevant defensive profession exceeds the mob's L more than 3x. Note that mob Ls are likely not integers and the direction of rounding is not known, so to be sure take 3*(L+1). So, for example: a L2 mob that does close attack, your Evader level is above 9 = crit reduction will always be 15% of mob's max damage. Note: this math does not apply to the reduction of armor-piercing attacks.
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Thanks for the explanation Haruto.

Cucublia, I don't understand your question.
Just a note that if you do this by analysising chat log, that some mobs have more than one type of attack even if it is not listed in wiki or forum bestiary page, thus max damage on main and secondary attack can be different.