Buying: Mod Merc BOUGHT thank you

i think the lowest tier in the game is a T6. maybe a 5, but i think they tiered it up
sure. best of luck with it. its a great gun. you'll probably be looking at around 60k for a t5/6
yeah. people are all over the place with ideas. 85k is around what i seen last for a T10. last i seen a 5/6 was 60-65.
If anyone has one send me your offers. I'm in no rush to buy. I'll be using it a long time.

Looking for 0-7 MM
Looking for 0-4 Strong Claw
Looking for Adj V1 maybe? If price is right.
So as not to waste anyone's time, I'm putting up 50-60k depending on tier. Pure ped. Thanks!
Please, if you don't like what I am offering or you feel it is too low for you, DO NOT pm that you have one and tell me I'm not offering enough. This is what I have to spend and you don't have to sell it to me lol. I've had some nice conversations with GOOD players and some not so nice that had me scratching my head. I'm not a reseller. I'm being honest with what I want to spend so be honest with what you will actually take.
You get SO MUCH skills from melee and its fun to beat stuff =)