Question: Most important issues to fix in Entropia for UE5?

Most important issues to fix in Entropia for UE5?

  • 1. Pull back a bit from the Pay-to-Win model

  • 2. Put more resources on Support ticket handling

  • 3. Fix and/or add Deposit options

  • 4. Less Grinding / More Fun

  • 5. More fun gameplay/content for lower levels/smaller budget

  • 6. More Linear Content (Lore, Storylines, Quests, ...)

  • 7. Take an official stance on Botting

  • 8. Remove Nanocubes from TT and/or EP4 from the game

  • 9. Do something about Loot waves (item drop, resource, globals, ...)

  • 10. Fulfill all past promises

  • 11. Fix PvP

  • 12. More tools and functionality to player Societies

  • 13. Give Planet Partners better event creation tools

  • 14. Revive side Professions (hairstyling, healing, taming, coloring, ...)

  • 15. Mac/Linux, Android/iOS and Console support for Entropia

  • 16. Make public the exact mechanics of taxes so players have more control

  • 17. Bring back dazzling visuals of alien landscapes and creatures to explore

  • 18. Make Mining/Crafting great again

  • 19. Make sure there are no bugs, broken content/missions this time!

  • 20. Other (please specify)

Results are only viewable after voting.


Dec 31, 2006
Twin Peaks mall, 2nd floor
Dirty Dingos
Avatar Name
Inherent Marxus Legends
Please look over the list of "Issues" and select up to 6 that you think are the most important ones for MindArk to focus on for the release of Entropia in the Unreal engine.

I know that this is not easy to do and that some people will find it frustrating to be able to select only 6, but in order to make the results more meaningful, I have to put a limit so we can see which ones really stand out over and above the rest as being the most important issues to be fixed in Entropia.

The list is based on issues I have seen being brought up mostly here in this forum over the years and might not be a full list so I apologize in advance if I have forgotten something (I usually do). If you think there is an issue in Entropia that is more important than anything else I have listed, please select "20. Other (please specify)", and please share your thoughts on what you think is the biggest issue by replying in this thread.

Most important issues to fix in Entropia for UE5?

1. Pull back a bit from the Pay-to-Win model

I have seen it brought up a few times here in this forum that certain people think Entropia has become too much of a Pay-to-Win type of game which makes it really difficult for casual players to really enjoy the game. From the introduction of Loot boxes to Loot 2.0 weapons, I suspose that claim has some merit, so I am including it in the list.

2. Put more resources on Support ticket handling
There are a lot of complaints about this, quite frequently. The main complaint being that filing support tickets never lead anywhere and usually only get you a "copy/paste" type of response. Do you think that MindArk should invest more resources in handling people's Support Tickets?

3. Fix and/or add Deposit options
Some deposit options seem to always be broken. That is a frequent complaint. Maybe more options need to be added. What do you think?

4. Less Grinding / More Fun
I've heard this a lot, Entropia is now nothing more than a giant grindfest. Almost all of the other interesting activities / professions have been abandoned in favor of creating more content for hunters, which usually just adds up to more grindy content. Do you think MindArk needs to figure out new content which doesn't involve grinding?

5. More fun gameplay/content for lower levels/smaller budget
There has been some complaints that the lower level content is not as fun/engaging as the higher level stuff. It also somewhat indirectly addresses the common complaint that Entropia costs too much to play. Some people feel they have no choice but to go up the levels to 'unlock' more interesting gameplay, which "costs" more money to engage in (more turnover anyway). One way to fix this would be to introduce some more interesting Raids or content for lower level players to engage in. For example some Raids for players level 10 to 20, which I don't think currently exist in the game. I think aside from a beginner instance at Icarus, there isn't really anything else until Cyclops Depths..

6. More Linear Content (Lore, Storylines, Quests, ...)
The Lore is almost non-existent in the game once you leave Icarus, at least it seemed that way for me. You are pretty much on your own after a certain point and it's just a big open world but no story and no lore to speak of. Yet the most played MMO of 2022 is known as the master of story-telling: Final Fantasy XIV. Elder Scrolls is also not far behind in that list of most played MMOs in 2022 and both of these games feature voice-acted quests which can make a game much more immersive and engaging. Do you think this is something MindArk needs to really work on for the Unreal version of Entropia?

7. Take an official stance on Botting
This is I think the biggest complaint right now, botters and cheaters in Mayhems and elsewhere. No official statement has been made by MindArk in regards to this issue despite several threads about it here in this forum. Part of it is account-sharing which some feel is also unfair. There is no guarantee that MA would completely resolve this to everyone's satisfaction, but at least they could issue a full statement outlining exactly what is permitted and what isn't along with consequences so there is clear guidance on this. Do you think this is the #1 issue that MindArk should address?

8. Remove Nanocubes from TT and/or EP4 from the game
A ton of people have pointed to this as being the #1 thing to destroy markups of mats and resources in the game and causing the economy to falter since their introduction. They blame the fact that the blueprint ingredient being supplied directly from the Trade Terminal is obviously going to be favored by crafters over any other blueprint material which has markup. One solution put forth was to make it possible to convert anything into Nanocubes. Personally I think it's a bit more complicated than that but what do you think? Is removing Nanocubes from the game the #1 thing MindArk needs to do?

9. Do something about Loot waves (item drop, resource, globals, ...)
It is well known that there are waves of item drops and loot waves in Entropia. It used to be a lot more obvious before where all of a sudden you'd see a ton of globals in quick succession that could last for several minutes before going quiet again. When Loot 2.0 launched, MA seized the opportunity to make some changes to this mechanic and loot waves became a lot less obvious than before, but not non-existent. Now it is most obvious in mining where certain rare resources only drop for a short time every hour, but loot wave mechanisms are also to blame for circumstances where a hunter may have cycled millions of PED in Mayhem and still never looted a Rare Token; he/she just never caught one of those waves. Do you think MindArk needs to do more about loot waves to make it more fair to all types of players in all time zones?

10. Fulfill all past promises
This is a recurring complaint. Tier Upgrade skill removal (buy-back), Space transport missions, Land Plot, Gardening, etc... So many past promises still unfulfilled. Do you think this should be part of MA's top-priority list?

11. Fix PvP
There are exploits in PvP that have gone unhandled forever. Should MindArk prioritize fixing this?

12. More tools and functionality to player Societies
MMOs are all about the community of players and the interactions, playing a game with other people, and yet the Society interface and functionality in Entropia is so basic as to practically be useless. Pretty much the only thing it does is gather some people into 1 common chat and tally up their skills to give a statistic for the society. Nothing more than that. Some people have been clamoring for MA to give Societies more tools and functions for years. Should they really make it a priority this time and really focus on this now more than anything else?

13. Give Planet Partners better event creation tools
Calypso is the only Planet that has a Migration Event. Mayhem used to be only available on Calypso but even now that it is accessed through "Global Instances" in the Event interface, it still doesn't make much sense to participate in it on other planets since you can't claim your Codex rewards or access a Mayhem Token vendor until you actually go back to Calypso anyway. So other Planets are really severely limited when it comes to being able to host events or even create interesting events on their planets. Do you think this is a priority issue?

14. Revive side Professions (hairstyling, healing, taming, coloring, ...)
Healing is practically dead now. Who needs healing when lifesteal is so easy to get and so prevalent everywhere now? Coloring is a dead side profession now, have you seen the markup on the Colorer skill lately? It tanked badly.. What's the point of taming now if MA is going to expand the game in such a way that pets have practically become just an afterthought, an optional side activity that hunters can choose to participate in, or not, rather then it's own sustainable full-fledged profession with actual rewards at the end. Should MA make it a priority to work on reviving all these side-professions?

15. Mac/Linux, Android/iOS and Console support for Entropia
Mac/Linux used to be a recurring complaint in this forum, not so much now as there are some good tools today for cross-platform compatibility. Perhaps Android/iOS or console support might be more relevant now. Is this something MA needs to work on?

16. Make public the exact mechanics of taxes so players have more control
There has been some complaints that hidden taxes are actually way more then what players are aware. Some claim that hunting/mining on taxed LAs on Calypso results in double taxation and have asked MA to clarify how this works exactly so we are better informed and can make better decisions going forward, but MA has not come out and made any concise statement in regards to this. Then there is also the PP tax to consider. Does an Ark tagged avatar, hunting on a taxed LA on Calypso end up having to pay 3 taxes? 1 tax to Ark, 1 tax to the privately-owned Land Area and 1 more tax to Calypso? This should be explained and knowned so the players have more control over taxes they incur. Is this something MA needs to prioritize now before UE5 release?

17. Bring back dazzling visuals of alien landscapes and creatures to explore
Many have complained that the "sandy-beach" Entropia of CryEngine is much too Earth-like and doesn't feel like an alien planet anymore. Entropia lost a lot of it's Sci-fi feel at that point and a lot of people want that brought back, including Hadesheim. What do you think?

18. Make Mining/Crafting great again
Mining in its current form is pretty boring and predictable. It also lacks end-game content, Events, UL gear, etc... Same goes for Crafting. I'm joining them together because I'm limited to 20 items per poll and I'm running out of items now but if this polls at all, we can seperate them and see. Do you think MA needs to prioritize the Mining and Crafting professions now?

19. Make sure there are no bugs, broken content/missions this time!
Over the years there has been a lot of complaints about broken content and bugs in Entropia. Should MA invest additional time and resources in making sure that there is absolutely no bugs or broken content in the new Unreal version of Entropia and perhaps have a dedicated team or slots in the schedule for the handling of anything that comes up in a timely manner?

20. Other (please specify)

1. You can select up to 6 items - please pick the ones you think are most important
2. Your votes are public
3. You can change your votes later if you realize you made a mistake
4. This Poll will never close, it is a persistent customer survey of sorts
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Quests in MMO are basically 3 kind
1. kill N rats (killpoint)
2. bring me xx rat tails (turn in special drop)
3. talk to the ratmaster (interaction)
4. Reputationh toward a Faction (ARC Style badge collection, adds NPC available)
5. Unlock feature (specialized is NI)

and of course "KEEP PROMISES"
remove loot waves, make all system percent of chance based with no limit set on lootable parts

and remove Nanocubes, make all residue the same "oil, robot, tailor, metal, enmatter" all "Craft Residue" to be used as EP4 propellent
and crafting is again connected to hunting
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Regarding point 8. Remove Nanocubes from TT and/or EP4 from the game

I always thought they could make EP craft from Shrapnel instead. It would still be a very cheap craft and would make a sliver of sense. On the subject...

"...and remove Nanocubes, make all residue the same "oil, robot, tailor, metal, enmatter" all "XCraft Residue" to be used as EP4 propellent
and crafting is again connected to hunting"

... add some other residues to the recipie why not. I don't like Nanocubes, what a cheesy implementation to CRAFT ALL THE THINGS! :=0
A few surprises already just with the first 20 votes, very interesting 🤔
Some of your points are lame showing your knowledge about certain stuff.
Some of your points are lame showing your knowledge about certain stuff.

It's not based on my knowledge for the most part, as I stated above, the list is based on years of reading threads in this forum. I don't even agree with all of these complaints, off the top of my head there's at least 3 of the points above I completely disagree with, and a few more I really don't see as an issue.

It's a Survey/Poll to gather feedback, that's all it is.

But please go ahead, educate me if you think I'm ignorant :)
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You are not ignorant. As you said you added those options based on some opinions from players that dont understand some mechanics.
Regarding point 8. Remove Nanocubes from TT and/or EP4 from the game

I always thought they could make EP craft from Shrapnel instead. It would still be a very cheap craft and would make a sliver of sense. On the subject...

... add some other residues to the recipie why not. I don't like Nanocubes, what a cheesy implementation to CRAFT ALL THE THINGS! :=0

That was my take before i started crafting. When you actually start crafting more than casual you realize nanocubes were added in some recipes to reduce the actual cost(markup paid by L users). You have as example old "gizmo" system,how much cheaper is now vs old system.

About EP4> it used to be main revenue for them years ago. I used to put in 2018 like 40k peds residue order and get filled in 30 mins lol. Its just insane 20 ped *5% > 1 PED/ 0,1$ profit for MA per click.
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all i see here in this post, is someone who is trying hard to hide behind his pool his little frustrations, spiced here and there with some general things that are sensitive to most of the player base like ......

"Make sure there are no bugs, broken content/missions this time!"...i mean seriously? that's a thing? .... where did u saw in this world things that are done from scratch to be perfect from the first attempt?
"Make Mining/Crafting great again"... i dont think mining was more profitable in the past than it is now, and i was a miner for several years before i started to hunt for real @2017-2018
this thread is not more than an expression of an inside yelling towards everything u dislike and has nothing to do with a neutral approach, a well disguised collection of things that prove a lack of adaptation and a search for validation thru a pool

"Take an official stance on Botting"...there is one, u lack of perspective to see it, read the TOU again and again.
"More fun gameplay/content for lower levels/smaller budget"...u always expect and never do something, u like to be served as many others outhere, u have a platform to create your own fun base, just do it!
"Less Grinding / More Fun"... i dont understand why u need the grinders on your side to have fun? isnt u asking for lower lvl to have more fun? do u think an uber want to play with sweat circle ppl?
"Fulfill all past promises"...this absurdity is a proof that u cant let things go, u want badly some promises to be fulfilled just to be there even tho are outdated and rusty as fk
"Revive side Professions (hairstyling, healing, taming, coloring, ...)"...fantastic how u only care about 20 healers.. eventually instead of everyone else that realy can hunt now above they regular lvl cause of the new content, LS-resto chips-cheap healing tools
"Pull back a bit from the Pay-to-Win model" really hurts isnt it? ..i can point out few ppl who had nothing and now have most of it, starting from nothing not even a depo
"Make public the exact mechanics of taxes so players have more control"... huh? geez...

and so on and on.....

whatever dude.
Added a vote to 20. Other (please specify)

Make Vehicle weapons require operator skill levels appropriate to the damage output.

Too easy and consequence free to conjure pirate fleets when all you need is a bunch of no name no skill alts.
One of my options was #20 Other.

I'd like to see the blueprint ingredients and the loot tables tidied up. There is far too much loot with no effective use and too many blueprints with items that no longer drop. This will be the perfect opportunity to sort this mess out.
I like that you have now added some context to each point on the list, even though it has also brought some quite specific commenting by someone with it. I'll look to answer in a bit, so thanks for now ...

edit: rightiho. In #9 I think you mean MA seized and not MA ceased...
Once more onto the beach, dear friends, ushers in my repeated comments about (for me at least) unnecessary wording, this time "all" in "fulfill all past promises". Simplify, simplify, as one philosopher put it: why do we fritter away our lives answering surveys.. ermm I mean playing EU? ;)

On the common reply of loot waves, the system now appears to be quite complicated once priorities/quality rankings are factored in. Without giving too much away, it does appear that there are mechanisms in place to now keep even the lowest of tt-value loot from simply gushing out for a minute or two the moment it is added to the loot pool, various mechanisms even! Make proper use of that pls MA, and most? of the problems would go away in my opinion. There are also more ways than pure hunting to get your hands on various mats now, related to missions and choices you can make at the relevant npc. I have zero idea how much MA plans to make this new 'unexplained, discover the connections for yourself' UE5 universe in any way more transparent on this matter... nuff said for now.

#other: don't dead-end paths for years, such as plots, but many other truncated paths too. Have at least one meaningful addition to each profession path per year, whether it be a new MF weap/tool, a new building/ add-on, space mob etc.
Pay more attention to some specific areas that you have neglected. Not ALL promises, as mentioned above, but areas of investment such as spaceships, stables, plots.

Pay more attention to the concept of time spent against usefulness as players progress. I understand it may be difficult, but try and get it so that noobs can do noob stuff for mu in their areas, whilst higher players don't bother with that and go for higher targets. Sweating is one example, but the level of tier components in loot would be another simple example of the right ideas. The first is a time spent consideration, the second is more about dps and hp. Maybe add a component aside from the loot wave mechanics, that a particular loot will drop every 1 in 100 (set by a daily mission maybe), but mob density may not be high. It could then be easier for devs (and user content) to guide players towards certain time-consuming tasks in addition to avatar strength tasks.
The different levels of oratan during the firebird? (vehicle!) mission at different firebases is an example of getting different player levels to different firebase areas ... that sort of implementation too please! PPs can already do that, yes, but event and mission freedoms may be less controlled by MA itself in the future it would seem, or at least freedoms may become better defined!
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So on a tangent here but ALSO under #20 other:

Unreal Engine has always been home to the Unreal games - Tournament (multiplayer) and single player campaign standalone versions. I believe there is a serious opportunity here: Integrating a FPS tournament (read Unreal Tournament) with Entropia. Many of us are fans of the FPS genre and we can all agree that entropia needs more FUN.

  • Player stats would have to be equalized upon entering the tournament server.
  • The event organisers could purchase items for their event ( damage enhancers, healing packs all the usual stuff found in the tournament that have been crafted by players) to feature in the map during the tournament.
  • Player loadout kits could also be crafted.
  • Certain tournament locations like asteroids or certain planets could offer alternate game modes - example: exclusive resources for miners (that a team might have to defend the miner while extracting the resources around the map)

This would make the game appealing to a far greater audience, give the crafting and mining professions some purpose and give tournament players the opportunity to earn some PED from real life game skill.

This is what I think they should be looking into going into the next phase of the game. I realize that this is so far out of scope for this game, but consider how many other games are integrating FPS as just a feature to the entirety of the game.... in the meantime I'll keep on dreaming.
adding #20 which I do see as a fix to the poor information system for EU. I think it is time for some kind of database access to mob stats and their loot, plus which mats are used in which bps. It could be a 'library' to which we get steadily increasing access via 'books' in some way, or a slow filling in of info on every item/mat information page, potentially with locations/mobs found with the item/mat, crafting uses etc.
Maybe include a society library option, where a combined library is slowly built up by increasing access to a full 100% info database that MA holds and updates if necessary.
I believe all stuff will be rebalanced, checked, removed or merged together in the move to UE5, so this is an opportune moment for some kind of formalisation of information that is considered illusive but also valuable in the new universe!
adding #20 which I do see as a fix to the poor information system for EU. I think it is time for some kind of database access to mob stats and their loot, plus which mats are used in which bps. It could be a 'library' to which we get steadily increasing access via 'books' in some way, or a slow filling in of info on every item/mat information page, potentially with locations/mobs found with the item/mat, crafting uses etc.
Maybe include a society library option, where a combined library is slowly built up by increasing access to a full 100% info database that MA holds and updates if necessary.
I believe all stuff will be rebalanced, checked, removed or merged together in the move to UE5, so this is an opportune moment for some kind of formalisation of information that is considered illusive but also valuable in the new universe!

All they need to do as far as crafting blueprint ingredients (what blueprints the mats are used in) is just make it possible to search by material at the crafting machine. So in other words, at the crafting machine, you could type Dunkel in the search bar, and it would show you all the blueprints in which Dunkel is used.

Something similar could be done in the Codex, but only for common drops probably.
Oh how many times I've wished for a Personal wiki in game. Imagine building up your own library of codex mobs with what loots you got from them, with time it will fade off like on wiki that it might no longer be current drop until you loot again and it's updated. Same goes for mining resources, imagine having your own mining map with all resources you've found, mapped out, if you so wish you could then sell these "books" or whatever format they wanna implement it. Right now the only way to keep track of what to find where humanely is by wiki and LBML.
So I can agree with almost all of the ones on the list....but it is a bucket list. There are some that are minor annoyances, there are some that I could take or leave, and there are some that are major.

The biggest ones for me here are:

clarity regarding loot waves. If it's already not a wave-based system, then publicly state that. If it is a wave-based system, it needs to not be, because that's lame.

more content at all levels of play, including long-term linear content. what many long-time players will tell you, and anyone who has played more than a few months, is that EU as a whole is missing what most people would normally call "a game". The story is exceptionally simple, if it is there at all. Relatively few missions/quests. Very little is communicated in them. Most are one-offs. Most only reward skill points. the handful of actually significant mission chains have a bunch of "pedcard-checks" built in where progressing to the next step requires thousands of ped investment. that is not content many will ever see.

there's a fewi don't really care about on this list. several that i can't see making any sense from a ROI perspective for MA.
So far the top 5 are:

9. Do something about Loot waves (item drop, resource, globals, ...)

18. Make Mining/Crafting great again

17. Bring back dazzling visuals of alien landscapes and creatures to explore

8. Remove Nanocubes from TT and/or EP4 from the game

5. More fun gameplay/content for lower levels/smaller budget
I hate the loot wave System we got but ok can Deal with it

But whats way more importent if you ask me is the Botting problem or F macroing

Oh and please make pvp great again
Lootable is kinda dead

And the oil rig is full of people who dont spend a pec to grab... add amo return there or toxic shot... atleast this makes it a interesting non lootable pvp spot that way
Loot waves are mandatory to ensure the game isn’t gambling, if it was complete RNG then it wouldn’t pass the SEC rules. The wave system makes the game more skill based and less chance based which in addition to player skills is a major reason the game isn’t classified as gambling in Sweden.

Without loot waves the game would essentially be illegal in its operating county
Other: remove lootable part of space or add interplanetary suction so players are not forced into lootable pvp to enjoy other planets.
Loot waves are mandatory to ensure the game isn’t gambling, if it was complete RNG then it wouldn’t pass the SEC rules. The wave system makes the game more skill based and less chance based ...

I doubt that. You could have a much flatter return experience and still have a "skill based" game. How does waves make it less gambling? Makes no sense.
@ dr. GF: the "Gambling" part is not for waves, the "skill based" i intend as Player statistics have a meaning in results.
a. Looter added that capacity (weapon eff is nto related to player, t is a property that is external to player
b. evader (dodge) to resist
c. after i saw Eve tanking in pixie also the skills to rotate between tools to sustain oneself

Diablo3 is the nearest "random loot engine" that i can imagine as well as cabalonline for statistic paragon to entropia (dont look at graphics look at rng engine)

Cabal and diablo "Roll" same items with different statistics as a loot because the hard part is to kill many to get a "special" item then upgrade it
other games like "wow" (to remain mainstream" have FIXED upgrades and path to obtain them (armor progress, ring progress)

Game has a DPS Cap (yes it cost you 50k euro to get it or 10 years, but it exists)
but skills uncapped are at the end of the story just evader and looter, all the rest over level 150 is basically useless (impacts on HP pool as a residual effect)
The game needs to be more appealing towards newcomers, there also has to be better opportunities for them when they start dabbling in mid-level activities, because that's where the problems begin: a handful of top-botters grab all the TT, so you just end up paying for their withdrawals, high MU items are often pulled by players who learned how to exploit waves and have created multiple alts for this purpose, while resellers won't let you buy anything for cheap, creating fake demand and often using pump and dump tactics to manipulate MUs. If that isn't enough of a deterrent, you have a cohort of space pirates who have nothing else to do with their lifes other than to sit in empty space all day waiting for an opportunity to steal another player's deposit, helping the game grow one depositor at a time.

Instead of a good story and engaging gameplay mechanics we have the RCE element which gets the job done and that is to get the player hooked, but this comes with its own set of problems that need to be fixed/regulated/refined in order to make one's gaming experience more rewarding and the journey more smooth and relaxing. Sometimes it feels that this game has more things that can frustrate you rather that help you have a good time, no wonder top cyclers prefer to bot while playing something else at the same time... and the cheerleading in this forum is sometimes so obviously stupid it makes you wonder... this needs to change. Rampant botting, uncontrolled shady trades and mandatory lootable space between planets have to go, otherwise the new engine isn't going to help this game grow because we're going to end up with the same problems, just better graphics.

But I trust that the developers can come up with something good eventually and take the game into the mainstream again, the information they have released so far looks very promising.
I doubt that. You could have a much flatter return experience and still have a "skill based" game. How does waves make it less gambling? Makes no sense.
Imo it does. With loot waves that are predictable once you figure out how they work the feel of randomness is zero after that.
No garantuee that you will be the one that get the stuff in loot though, since there are lot more that needs to be met.

Interestingly we got Loot 2.0 about the same time Sweden changed the gambling laws. We got new skills, efficiency and
improved calculation but not a completly new system but an old that was overhauled and improved.
Without that EU had probably not passed the new laws if there had been a new review from the authorities since these
new features introduced kind of "mechanical" action that also are predictable and not unknown "feels-like-randomness"
actions as it used to be. ;) Lootwaves are just another part to keep EU from looking like gambling.

Ofc this is just my pov of it. :p

When it comes to improvements there are a lot I would like to see e.g:

Split hunting in to two ways, one as today where you grind like crazy and loot MU that comes from consumables,
the other way is more true hunting based on seek and destroy where more items are looted and using F is useless here.
This F-hunting can still be done but if you want more interesting stuff in loot you need to be more involved.

Way more interactive POIs. Every building should have a purpose, let players buy those that are spread out.

New additional PvP system that is based on actual battle with a point system that is based on targets kills. E.g if you kill someone
with zero kills you get zero points, if they have one kill you get one point. It could be exponential after some amount
of kills so you get slightly better points vs kills the more kills the target had done.
New skills for this would be nice, and ofc loot and some nice rewards that also are based on the basics "the higher amount
of kills the better reward is".
Could be placed underground to keep accidental kills from tourists out on a walk, and in this area lining up 40 newbs to kill
them off will not give any advantages or fame.
Yes Joat,
Split hunting in to two ways, one as today where you grind like crazy and loot MU that comes from consumables,
the other way is more true hunting based on seek and destroy where more items are looted and using F is useless here.
I think anti-bot measures can also be implemented much more in game for certain content. Although MA has in effect helped botters many times so far in game, they could change it somewhat by at least splitting hunting as you suggest.
I would go as far as putting little bot pits in the exploration hunting environment which trap people, but might be big enough to spawn a small flying vehicle in, to save generally unwary people of a tp to revive. Alternatively or additionally there could be little nests of 100 bees/wasps, high hit but super low aggro unless a botter aggravates one - aggravate one, all respond. Active players would avoid them usually, or use explosives, depending on how MA designs them.

"Fix" the environments, or some of them, so that they are bot-repellant, please.