Must have been a dream...

Robbie Williams

Jan 13, 2007
Woke up in the morning...wanted to do some work for college, but was too i did a little mining :) I never use amps when mining, but sometimes, just for the thrill of it...i do a little exception. Glad i did! :) got 5k ped for the niks.

In the evening...i went crafting oreamps a bit, just for my soul, you know? lol
Almost had a heart attack when i got the 7k hof.

12k ped in one day...

must have been a dream :)

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Gratz there - was a great day for you:D
lol, not being a crafter myself, this Is the first time I've seen a new Belkar Ingot. They look like those chocolate money things you can get :D

Good decision you made. Remember what your mother taught you; "Games are always priority over college!". Oh wait, could be the other way round... Well It worked In this case ;D
Naw, it was just a dream.....:yay:
wow amaising
congratz mate this should be in the uber loot section :)
Dumb and rich in EU or educated and looking forever for a job? I'll pick dumb and rich anytime...if every day here was like this :)

Thank you, and GL to everyone
Nice to see someones dreams coming true. Uber gratz and keep em coming! :thumbup:
are you really THE Robbie Williams... aka Robert Peter Williams born on February 13, 1974? haha I doubt so!!!! :woot:

anyways :topic: :spam: GRATZ!!! :bowdown:

:yay: A big gratz and a ty for putting PogoFC on the HoF list..again:wtg: Your old mentor(me) is proud, and sorry for trying to make u stop crafting and loose ped,lol:laugh:Robbie is in rl a little green human can be so lucky:umn:
Grats. i wich i could have those days
Gratz Robbie,

I remember meeting you on TI your first day and telling you what little I knew about mining, 20 mins later you were globaling.... glad to see you are still having plenty of luck :yay:
Lem.... I remember you, ofcourse :D Cedric Lem Wales, right? :D I remember you were really patient and took a lot of time. SO a big thanks and +rep for you, my friend.

Cheers :)
I need one of these good day :) Grats man !
hmmm no bad, GRATZ...
i think Robbie that you have sussed out how to get MA to pay you

Post a thread saying you want to sell your av**ar???then bingo hofs left right and center

Gratz mate,you staying now or what?:)