My wild, subjective & inaccurate speculation on Gold Rush Mining 2023 win places


May 14, 2020
Bangkok TH
Avatar Name
Deepa Crosser
Unless there some big hofs happens in 25-27th, here is what I think will happen:
1) Agg
2) Stoica
3) Erereberto
4) 1-3 people I did not notice, who play out of my time online or rarely hoffing.
5) Me probably (very optimistically)

What you think? Who else wants to speculate?
Anybody who didn't die is a winner.
Dunno, how many points are even good?
tought ereberto would be 1st place tough.
But agg is indeed hardcore grinder .alina is a noob part time miner with a big sword :D
Also interesting if regularity can beat big hits.
whoever had more people playing on their avatar during the competition will win.
if you consider that a size 3 claim gives a minimum of 1 point but can also give 100+ points and size 14+ have the potential of 0-50 points it all depends who the hosts want to win.
It's a tough call. We can look up top miners for last 30 days on entropialife. EL determines top miners by amount of globals. The GR point distribution is very random. I could see someone going unnoticed to also win because of the randomness of the point distribution.
Best of luck all!