New item request: Collar of Servitude


Feb 24, 2005
When master targets the tool @worker, worker is presented with a dialog showing advance payment, time duration of service and options to accept, refuse or ignore. If worker accepts the collar then:
1. The master has full access to servants inventory as to his own
2. The worker cannot trade/auction/drop/put in storage items from his inventory
3. The master can always summon the worker using special item(even if the user is online) which then spawns nearby and cannot move untill the master releases him.
4. When the time of service ends or when master wants, the master automatically receives the collar in his inventory, the worker receives the payment and is free of the collar.
This will allow to create jobs for avatars, without requiring them to own actual tools/weapons/money to buy ammo&probes. Also is does not (IMO) create the situation when loaning of items allowed and it leads to massive hoarding.
Typical scenario:
you own a good fap, find avatar who is willing to help you with fapping, put the collar on him specifying job time and payment, then put the fap into his inventory. then the worker can start healing you but cannot scam you of the fap.
A loan system addition to the trade P2P trade system would be much welcomed. It would allow players who would never normally be able to afford or have collateral for an expensive item actually loan it for a set time/fee and the owner knows it is safe and back in his or her inventory at the end of the loan period.
I loan a Ancient Mod Merc for 7 days at a cost of 50Ped per day from Uber X
It is under a loan agreement so can not be traded with anyone except Uber X and can not be dropped or placed in auction house.
At the end of 7 days item immediately is back in Uber X's inventory.

A collar may not be needed, but a good idea for creating jobs etc :) Such as tier my item while I am sleeping/working :)
+rep interesting idea Pham

The question about loaning system was asked a dozen times in the past.
But the response from MA reps was that they WILL NOT make the system as people proposed as it will lead to valuable items hoarding.
I, on the other hand propose a system that will allow jobs market to fluorish. So that the people who cannot afford full hunting/crafting/mining session to offer their help to those who can, earning few peds and skills.