Selling: Omegaton Delta Block C Shop 3

There are so many shop sale threads with insane prices that I want to comment, but I dont becouse its not polite.
But looking at the date you started this one and there is no price set that I will devaluate I can say what am I thinking every time I read shop sell thread.
If you sold that shop for 50% of whatever price you want when you started the thread and bought CLDs and now you sold that CLD you will have exactly 100% of the price you wanted.
Meaning that if you wanted 10k ped for that shop at the first post and someone offered 5k ped and u accepted, bought CLD with the ped with all the dividents and if u sell the CLD today you will have 10k peds.
So I don't understand people that want like over 10k ped or even over 20k peds for shop that wont sell for years.
If you want to sell it put price 1/2 of what you dream to get, forget that you want to sell it for more that you paid, take some loss now to prevent even bigger loss.
Hi :)

I started this thread a long time ago but I stopped bump during more than one year..
And now, even with no price setted I got no offer :confused:

Thanks for your opinion anyway, you are not wrong.