OMG - Found a Bristlehog !!!


Dutch Entropia Master
Oct 29, 2006
Den Haag
Skulls Cartel
Avatar Name
Adjusted DrPaddo Getast
I'm drunk and having some fun with a friend here...
We found a bristlehog in the yard!!!

He being smoked up more then us as you can see!!!
We gave it a bowle of beer and a good ganja to chill with us :D:D

[br]Click to enlarge[/br]
hahaha lol =) that creature is quite common here in sweden

nice pic :yay:
[br]Click to enlarge[/br]

And he brought itamz !!! :D:yay:

We're having lots of fun here with "Sonic" as we named him :D
lol sonic :) cool name for him.

don't toke too mutch of the dutch stuff, els sonic might look like this when the munchies start kickin in


;) :kos:
They're not very nice as head rests, but have no fear, on the second pic I see the nose of the narc dog closing in on him, he'll be out of your hair in no time.

(sorry couldn't resist :D) /Oz
Dont see any Gremlin shoes? :cry:
Hedgehogs are globals for fleas. Infested with the little leaping parasites.

Just thought you'd like to know after that 1st pic ;)

Hedgehogs are globals for fleas. Infested with the little leaping parasites.

Just thought you'd like to know after that 1st pic ;)


Ive had 1 of those little junkys in house before and that was indeed a fleeball, this one didnt have it so much plus as you see we kept in on the bacony :D
(And I shaved my head) :p
Hedgehogs, or "igelkottar" as they are called in sweden, are notorious for having loads of parasites and fleas.

They look cute but i'd never hold one.
Hedgehogs, or "igelkottar" as they are called in sweden, are notorious for having loads of parasites and fleas.

They look cute but i'd never hold one.

Thats why you wear gloves, you didnt actually think I'd hold it with my bare hands right???

My friend tried that (he never did that before or watch those schoolvid's) but came to the conclusion that 1000's of needles hurt like hell :D:D:D
Loot it! If you global, you might even get a RL Korss.
OMG my virgin american eyes cant handle the bag of weed in the pic....shoot i hope the cops arnt around thell arrest me for looking at it lol..

Thats cool that you guys got those cute little buggers running around over there, those things bite?
OMG my virgin american eyes cant handle the bag of weed in the pic....shoot i hope the cops arnt around thell arrest me for looking at it lol..

Thats cool that you guys got those cute little buggers running around over there, those things bite?

"Ze goggles...THEY DO NOTHING!":laugh:
Nah they dont bite, as long as you treat them with some respect :D
They'll sting thoug once you pick them up they'll crawl into this spikey ball :D

Pretty cool defense system @ work there
Mother Nature's finest :D

We gave it a bowl of milk, didnt want that, then we tried beer, it worked like hell :)
So next time you encounter this animal: Feed it beer!

(Looked up some of its feeding patterns -> grains, hop and such and water seems to be a favorite, so we got drunk Hedgehogs running all over in a year) :D

(And they feed on snails, but we dont get drunk off that now do we?)