Plots: Maps of Ithaca and Livas (and list of plot owners)


May 17, 2006
near munich/germany
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Hey all,
here are maps of the plot areas.

--- Help appreciated ---
If you find a bug, missing plot or you have an update on an owner, please let me know, thank you.
Please let me know, if I should continue to work on this, thank you.

  • Livas City: [66407, 85405, 196] (Livas Heights are the plots in the middle, Livas Commons are the plots on the edges).
  • Ithaca City Commons: [70839, 85797, 149]
  • Ithaca City Heights: [70519, 85686, 203]

See below for:
  • Detailed _real_ costs of the plots
  • List of the owners of each plot
  • Status

Maps (click the image for fullsize image):


Ithaca Heights:

Ithaca Commons: (the three missing plot # will be fixed soon)

Owners of all plots:
1) Many plot's owners are listed as "Marcus The Calendar Broker". This happens, when a player buys the plot, but does not claim the plot on the property interface. All plots like this are listed here as "Owner unknown".
2) as you can see on the maps, not all plot #s are givven. I assume (but this is to be confirmed), that the small plots for monuments etc use the "missing" numbers.
Thanks to Chiel Rampsy Tondeleir for the support with this posting!

Livas Heights and Commons are on the same location. On the map, I marked them H-23 (Heights 23) and C-15 (Commons 15)
Livas Heights - 34 - Chiel Rampsy Tondeleir - M
Livas Heights - 33 - [owner unknown] - S
Livas Heights - 32 - [owner unknown] - S+
Livas Heights - 30 - Charles Maiato May - S
Livas Heights - 29 - [owner unknown] - S
Livas Heights - 28 - Chris Cole Anderson - S
Livas Heights - 23 - Michael Commodore Ludgate - S
Livas Heights - 22 - Rey ReyHeaven Frau - S
Livas Heights - 21 - Michael Smoerble Stock - M
Livas Heights - 20 - Michael Smoerble Stock - M
Livas Heights - 19 - Baron Baron Topper - S
Livas Heights - 17 - Jos Bernz Bernz - S
Livas Heights - 15 - Michael Smoerble Stock - S+
Livas Heights - 14 - Kiba ForstForester Nightwalker - S
Livas Heights - 13 - Wamder WanderBoy Boy - S
Livas Heights - 12 - Eon Ost Turf - S
Livas Heights - 11 - Julius Liberation Pride - S+
Livas Heights - 9 - MM Milkman MM - S
Livas Heights - 8 - Telochka Ivanova Ivanova - S+
Livas Heights - 6 - Ophelya Nerfy Covenant - S
Livas Heights - 5 - Ophelya Nerfy Covenant - S
Livas Heights - 3 - Ophelya Nerfy Covenant - S
Livas Heights - 2 - Wamder WanderBoy Boy - M

Livas Commons - 38 - [owner unknown] - S
Livas Commons - 35 - zz Zorkii zz - S
Livas Commons - 34 - [owner unknown] - S
Livas Commons - 33 - Sara Chilbi Taylor - M
Livas Commons - 32 - [owner unknown] - S+
Livas Commons - 29 - Chiel Rampsy Tondeleir - L
Livas Commons - 27 - Baron Baron Topper - S+
Livas Commons - 26 - [owner unknown] - S+
Livas Commons - 25 - [owner unknown] - S+
Livas Commons - 23 - Lord Sconkel Schw - S
Livas Commons - 20 - Michael Smoerble Stock - S
Livas Commons - 19 - white psycho beast - S
Livas Commons - 17 - Electra Sparks Lightning - S
Livas Commons - 16 - Remy Master Chief Lebeau - S
Livas Commons - 15 - [owner unknown] - S
Livas Commons - 13 - [owner unknown] - S
Livas Commons - 12 - [owner unknown] - S
Livas Commons - 10 - Inherent Marxus Legends - M
Livas Commons - 9 - [owner unknown] - S
Livas Commons - 8 - Wamder WanderBoy Boy - S
Livas Commons - 7 - Myk Scott Adanstar - S
Livas Commons - 6 - Anthony Morkai de Jais - S+
Livas Commons - 5 - Vavva Voom Straaf - S
Livas Commons - 4 - Ziggymick Ziggy Richards - S

Ithaca Heights:
Ithaca Heights - 14 - Forgoth Forgo Lundain - S+
Ithaca Heights - 13 - Storm Spawn Bootcamp - S
Ithaca Heights - 12 - Slikii Butterknife Thundersauce - S
Ithaca Heights - 11 - Teiwaz Storm Ing - S
Ithaca Heights - 10 - Mateusz Mefju Zwiadowca - S
Ithaca Heights - 9 - Mateusz Mefju Zwiadowca - S
Ithaca Heights - 7 - Sara Chilbi Taylor - S+
Ithaca Heights - 5 - Fiery DarkFire Winter - S
Ithaca Heights - 4 - Fiery DarkFire Winter - S
Ithaca Heights - 3 - Chiel Rampsy Tondeleir - L

Ithaca Commons:
Ithaca Commons - 65 - [owner unknown] - S
Ithaca Commons - 64 - Juliane Emma Morgan - S
Ithaca Commons - 62 - [owner unknown] - S+
Ithaca Commons - 61 - Brian BlueIce Basson - S
Ithaca Commons - 60 - Loonie Tyrant Rooster - S
Ithaca Commons - 59 - Bjorn Bjorn Longstaff - S
Ithaca Commons - 58 - Ed Luigui Ward - S
Ithaca Commons - 57 - Julius Liberation Pride - S+
Ithaca Commons - 56 - Gionni Gunsy Novembri - S
Ithaca Commons - 55 - Julius Liberation Pride - S+
Ithaca Commons - 54 - Cat kitty mountain - S
Ithaca Commons - 52 - Michael Smoerble Stock - S
Ithaca Commons - 51 - Baron Baron Topper - S+
Ithaca Commons - 50 - Skoker Shoe Sverpan - S
Ithaca Commons - 49 - Wamder WanderBoy Boy - S
Ithaca Commons - 46 - [owner unknown] - S
Ithaca Commons - 45 - [owner unknown] - S
Ithaca Commons - 44 - Matthew Matt Graham - S+
Ithaca Commons - 41 - Ziggymick Ziggy Richards - S
Ithaca Commons - 40 - [owner unknown] - M
Ithaca Commons - 39 - [owner unknown] - S
Ithaca Commons - 38 - [owner unknown] - S
Ithaca Commons - 36 - Cambuurrinse (before: Wamder WanderBoy Boy -> Vi V3r0nyka BitFury) - S
Ithaca Commons - 35 - Julius Liberation Pride - S
Ithaca Commons - 33 - Catiana Cat Well - S+
Ithaca Commons - 32 - White psycho beast - S
Ithaca Commons - 31 - Noorie Noorie Anwar - M
Ithaca Commons - 30 - Matthew Matt Graham - M
Ithaca Commons - 29 - Michael Smoerble Stock - S+
Ithaca Commons - 28 - [owner unknown] - S
Ithaca Commons - 25 - BETA BINX BREAKER (was: Joana Jo Hilfreich) - S
Ithaca Commons - 24 - [owner unknown] - S
Ithaca Commons - 23 - Retrac Mike Leachim - S+
Ithaca Commons - 22 - Demi Deminish Nishap - S
Ithaca Commons - 21 - [owner unknown] - S
Ithaca Commons - 20 - Julius Liberation Pride - S+
Ithaca Commons - 18 - Teiwaz Storm Ing - L
Ithaca Commons - 17 - [owner unknown] - S+
Ithaca Commons - 16 - Kalok skya666 li - S
Ithaca Commons - 14 - Andrey Andy Russian - S
Ithaca Commons - 13 - Lord Sconkel Schw - S
Ithaca Commons - 11 - Michael Smoerble Stock - S+
Ithaca Commons - 10 - Matthew Matt Graham (was: Giuliano adm Noooob) - S
Ithaca Commons - 9 - [owner unknown] - S
Ithaca Commons - 9 - Michael Smoerble Stock - S
Ithaca Commons - 8 - Michael Smoerble Stock - S
Ithaca Commons - 7 - Ziggymick Ziggy Richards - S
Ithaca Commons - 6 - [owner unknown] - S
Ithaca Commons - 4 - Ernest Bilko Sgt - M

Real costs of plots:
I explain the details of the process to give everyone a detailed idea how much it costs to get the plots:
  • When you purchase a plot from MA, you need CLDs. The CLDs are converted into CLD(X). THis means, you cannot use these CLDs to purchase another plot from MA. For S plots (20x20 meters), you need only CLDs to purchase. For everything bigger (S+, M and L) you need additionally "composite planks". The planks are destroyed during this process.
  • Composite planks are crafted by players. For them you need Short, "normal" and Long Moonleaf Boards. They are harvested with the PH-1 to PH-3 tools.
  • When the plots were released, they started a kind of reverse-"auction" (but it is not an auction!): At the first day, you needed many CLDs and each day, you needed less CLDs to claim a plot. The amount of planks needed for the bigger plots stayed always the same. Examples: one of the first S plots sold needed 27 CLDs, the last ones were sold when you needed 18 CLDs.
  • At the beginning, planks had a MU of 500% to nearly 700% and the price went down to about 400% until most larger plots were claimed.
  • For S plots, you needed no planks. For an S+ plot, you need 1500 planks (TT=1500), M needs 3000 planks and L plots need 5000 planks (= 5000 PEDs TT without MU).
  • When someone purchased a plot, he had a loss in the value of the CDS (as above, converted to CLD(X)) and needed to craft or buy planks at a very high MU.
  • I checked the plots on a daily basis, so I have a good estimation (but not 100% exact) at which MU the planks were bought or crafted, when the majority of the plots were claimed.

Here's a rough guideline what plots costed the owners (including loss on CLD value and plank costs):
Week 1, planks at approx 600%:
S: approx 1.5k
S+ (40x20): 12k to 15k
M (40x40): 19k to 23k
L: (60x60): none sold

Week 2:
S: approx 2k
S+ (40x20): 11k to 12k
M (40x40): 15k to 20k
L: (60x60): none sold

Week 3:
S: approx 2k
S+ (40x20): pretty much exact 10k
M (40x40): 14k to 17k
L: (60x60): 2 claimed between 25k to 30k, one claimed at 35k

Week 4:
S: approx 2.4k
S+ (40x20): 8k to 10k
M (40x40): 12 to 15k (MU on planks was very dynamic)
L: (60x60): not available anymore

Week 5:
S+ (40x20): 7k to 9k
M (40x40): not available anymore
L: (60x60): not available anymore

Prices: why do players pay so much more for the plots in auction?
Basically it's a bet: some players believe, that there won't be any more plots in the next 12 month. Also some players did not have enough CLDs to claim a plot. Or they were not in game in the few days, where players could claim the plots. Other player believe, that MA will release enough plots, to fullfill all CLDs with a plot. It's up to every player on his own to decide, if they think, a plot is worth 100 PEDs or 100k PEDs.

  • It is planned, that we will get houses/structures in autumn 2015.
  • No details are gives yet, but most players assume, that farming and fishing will be possible on some plots.
  • Many players claim, that there will be even bigger lots in the near future. But according to the post below from Chiel, this is not the case(!), please click for details.
  • To be continued...
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*reserved for later use*
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For fun only:

List of top plot owners, sorty by total squarmeters owned:

Chiel Rampsy Tondeleir 8800
Michael Smoerble Stock 7200
Teiwaz Storm Ing 4000
Julius Liberation Pride 3600
Wamder WanderBoy Boy 2800
Sara Chilbi Taylor 2400
Matthew Matt Graham 2400
Baron Baron Topper 2000
Noorie Noorie Anwar 1600
Inherent Marxus Legends 1600
Ernest Bilko Sgt 1600
Ophelya Nerfy Covenant 1200
Ziggymick Ziggy Richards 1200
Anthony Morkai de Jais 800
Fiery DarkFire Winter 800
Telochka Ivanova Ivanova 800
Lord Sconkel Schw 800
white psycho beast 800
Mateusz Mefju Zwiadowca 800
Forgoth Forgo Lundain 800
Catiana Cat Well 800
Retrac Mike Leachim 800
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You sir, are a genius.
Take my rep! This is 1 of the very best posts I've ever seen on this forum!
Many many thanks!

1 little thing though, in your post you said
MA announced, that more plots will come, some will be even bigger.
This is a misunderstanding that many people are saying, which is not true. MindArk has never said anything like that.

The mistake comes from the original message of MindArk, which was:

Development of structures on CLD Estates will be implemented in Autumn 2015, with larger plots planned to accommodate more advanced structures with potential commercial functions such as shopping and more.
The bold part is what most people think means that in the future larger plots than the current will be added. What MindArk really meant was, that the larger plot-types are planned to have more advanced structures than the smaller plot-types when the buildings are released.

With which they mean that a large plot will have a more advanced structure than a medium plot, a medium plot will have a more advanced structure than a small+ plot, and a small+ plot will have a more advanced structure than a small plot.

PS: I made the same mistake at the start, I also thought it meant that they would introduce larger plots later, but if you read it well, that's not what they meant. Just stating this before people are going to rage at MindArk later on if they don't make larger plots than the current ones, as I expect people to say "you promised it" :p
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+rep, the maps are especially helpful/useful!
I notice with livas you have the sizes listed but not for the ithica plots...I have it all written down at home and could provide it to add on later tonight.
All plot owners are updated, status from 14.07.2015, 23:00 MA time.

Also new map images uploaded.
subscribing and some + REP well deserved
Thank you so much!! wish i had this when i was purchasing my plot to get an idea of the city layouts.

Im interested to see whether or not location will play a role or not, also does anyone know what the unclaimable plots are or are likely to be?? Could we see some more malls go up for auction?

Another point i think that hasn't been highlighted is the fact that these are estates and not house plots, so in my eyes there is a strong chance we will have a choice in what type of structure we build on the plots. We all know that we will need to build the structure that goes on the plot and looking at the concept images there are several different styles of structure, including one image where there is no structure and what looks like crops.

Im very excited to see what happens next!
I <3 this post
Thank you so much!! wish i had this when i was purchasing my plot to get an idea of the city layouts.

Im interested to see whether or not location will play a role or not, also does anyone know what the unclaimable plots are or are likely to be?? Could we see some more malls go up for auction?

Another point i think that hasn't been highlighted is the fact that these are estates and not house plots, so in my eyes there is a strong chance we will have a choice in what type of structure we build on the plots. We all know that we will need to build the structure that goes on the plot and looking at the concept images there are several different styles of structure, including one image where there is no structure and what looks like crops.

Im very excited to see what happens next!

1. Unclaimable plots
The unclaimable plots are most probably:
- The small ones just outside the city (or medium? can't remember) are most probably command centers and/or TP's
- The tiny ones inside the city are monuments I've read somewhere I thought
- The large one in the center is a bazar

2. More malls
There are probably no malls. I suppose you are talking about the large plots, but I do not think these will be malls. If they would be, then I'd be extremely happy, as I have 2 out of 3 large plots. But I'm quite certain that they aren't malls. I'd love MindArk forever if it were though, because then I have made an extremely good guess at buying these plots. If any of them is a mall though, then my guess would be Ithaca Heights #3, that would be the most logical place for a mall, that was actually a reason why I bought that 1 first.

I guess that the small - medium plots will be for fishing & farming, and this will be used for food for the compet app. My guesses about what kind of building the large plots will be, are:

1. A huge farm, kind of factory style. As I would guess that farms will only be able to be used by the owner, maybe the commercial addition for a large plot would be that others could work on the farm, in exchange for a salary (X pec per minute), and that the owner gets the food that is a result of the work

2. The Food gained in the farms might only be useable inside the compet app, and has to be sold inside of the compet app, but through some sort of auction that is to be found on the large plots.
So the shop of compet would be Entropia-controlled then, as the auction would be on a large plot, the owner of the plot gets a % of the price (the auction fee as we call it in normal auction).

Those are 2 possible ideas of what a large plot could be, those were the ideas I had, they are probably wrong, so do not take any of the above information as the truth. The exact purpose of the plots, small, small+, medium and large, will be revealed during autumn 2015 by MindArk. I just wanted to show that the large plots are probably not malls ;)

Anyway, there won't come any more large plots in these cities, the admins had made the complete cities, everyone has had his chance to get a plot, it took 3 weeks before the first large plot was taken, so that was plenty of time for others to buy it, as there were enough planks on AH for it long before that.

Ofcourse MindArk WILL add extra large plots, but that will be in other cities, and those are not yet implemented. First the current cities will receive their buildings (autumn 2015). New cities will probably be released somewhere halfway 2016 I expect, so all I can say is: save up for it and make sure you take your chance in the next city ;) You have to keep in mind that MindArk can't just add new large plots now to the same city, as the current amount of plots were promised, everyone had an equal chance to buy them, changing the plots now would be a big slap in the face to all the people who already invested in the plots. Some people bought a medium because no more larges were available, they would be the losing side if MindArk would now change their promise of the amount of plots in the current cities. MindArk will therefor very probably not make any changes to the current cities, but ofcourse will make sure there will be new large plots in the next cities ;)

3. The structures
I agree with you that I expect that we'll be able to choose from a few buildings,allthough that isn't sure yet. We'll have to figure that out later :)
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I partly disagree with your post :):

The current system does not give everyone an equal chance to claim a plot. If you are very busy for two weeks, or even "worse" on a vacation, you cannot do anything. I would appreciate, if the plots were announced a lot earlier and it would not be a first-come-first-serve system. But it has always been like this with MA, so I assume, it will stay the same.

Also I am not sure about any kind of food processing, but I would like to see, what MA does here, can't wait to see more.

About the inital question:
I don't think, it will be malls in the center, I assume, it will be shopping booths as it was done on Arkadia and other places on Calypso before.
Thanx for great post Smoerble, +rep.

Ofcourse MindArk WILL add extra large plots, but that will be in other cities, and those are not yet implemented. First the current cities will receive their buildings (autumn 2015). New cities will probably be released somewhere halfway 2016 I expect, ...

Did MA say that more cities will come? Can you link to that statement, please?
No statement from MA about new cities or when it would happen (as far as I know). This asusmption is based mainly on this:

When MA introduced, they said, the CLDs can be used to claim land for each player (I leave the details out). So many players think, they have a 100% chance to get a plot, when they own 9 CLDs or more.

I personally think, MA thinks different here and I personally think, it will take a year minimum, before we see the next plots. But: MA has a new CEO and he made a lot good moves in the past. So you never know.
Update on planks:
Composite Planks MU is slightly under 400%. 6.5k planks sold today already, not sure if any reseller takes a risk now. Order is at 320% but not filled at all in the past 14 hours.

Long Moonleaf boards:
Order is at 2500% (normal), but it looks like the demand goes down: in the past days, everything below 3k% was bought from auction, now auction holds offers down to 2700%...

My assumption: today/tomorrow the race for the last plots takes heat. But I won't take the risk to participate :).

My advice to Harvesters: Short boards are TT food. Sell your lvl2 and lvl3 boards latest until tomorrow noon, MA time.
Update on available plots:

Right now, only the following plots are still free:
Livas Commons - 26 - (not claimed yet) - S+
Livas Commons - 27 - (not claimed yet) - S+
Livas Heights - 8 - (not claimed yet) - S+
Livas Heights - 11 - (not claimed yet) - S+
Livas Heights - 32 - (not claimed yet) - S+

The following plots were claimed in the last 14 hours:
Livas Commons - 25 - [owner unknown] - S+
Ithaca Commons - 33 - Catiana Cat Well - S+
Livas Heights - 34 - Chiel Rampsy Tondeleir - M
Ithaca Heights - 7 - Sara Chilbi Taylor - S+
Thanx for great post Smoerble, +rep.

Did MA say that more cities will come? Can you link to that statement, please?

Taken from the official MindArk news release:

With version 15.3 of Entropia Universe, released on June 15 2015, the first stage of the Long awaited CLD Estate System became available on Planet Calypso. Calypso Land Deed (CLD) holders will have the opportunity to use their CLDs to bid on CLD Estate plots located in two beautiful new residential locations. New settlements with additional CLD Estate plots will be added in upcoming Version Updates.


See the first paragraph

However, they never promissed that there will be enough plots for all cities! They've just mentioned new cities will come, but nobody knows how many.
No statement from MA about new cities or when it would happen (as far as I know). This asusmption is based mainly on this:

When MA introduced, they said, the CLDs can be used to claim land for each player (I leave the details out). So many players think, they have a 100% chance to get a plot, when they own 9 CLDs or more.

I personally think, MA thinks different here and I personally think, it will take a year minimum, before we see the next plots. But: MA has a new CEO and he made a lot good moves in the past. So you never know.

IIRC MA had never said such a thing.
They never said that every CLD holder will get plot (not even that every with at least 9 CLDs).

What you say here is folklore tales of PCF, somebody stated their vision of reality and others simply repeated and repeated until almost everybody believed in it.

Of course I might be mistaken here.
In that event please provide me links to official statement supporting common believe that there will be enough plots for everyone.

In original CLD announcement MA said that CLD holders will have chance (as I understand it) to claim plot and minimum 9 CLDs would be required to build something on plot:
Gothenburg, Sweden, November 8th, 2011

Land Lot Deed holders will have the opportunity to take part in a Calypso Citizenship land grab*. Certain areas will be opened on Calypso where deed holders can stake out their land plots. This system development is scheduled to begin in 2012.

Land Lot Deed holders will be able to build house(s) on the plot(s) they have staked out. (Minimum of 9 plots in a 3x3 format suitable for a structure). This system development is scheduled to begin in 2013.


Disregarding that quite few things changed since that original idea to current implementation, there is no indication whatsoever that there will be enough plots for anyone with at least 9 CLDs.
Also information than minimum 9 CLD would be needed should suggest that there will be varied sized plots - as we see it implemented.

On a final note, I think that in future we will see another town or two but I highly doubt there will be enough plots for all CLD (min 9) holders.

Note, that MA also never said how Calypso Citizenship land grab will look like, and almost everyone assumed it will be similar format to known Land Grab pvp events, where you would have to go to plot, place a flag and defend it. I even remember some people organizing to get 'best' areas ;).
In that light, current implementation can be view as Calypso Citizenship land grab, with players having chance to stake their plot.
IIRC MA had never said such a thing.
They never said that every CLD holder will get plot (not even that every with at least 9 CLDs).

Hi Tei,
yes, I did not write my posting the best way:
What I tried to say was, that this is what many ppl tell me in discussions. _they_ believe, they bought a right to have a plot for sure, when they own 9 CLDs.

What I tried to say is, that this is what many ppl think, I personally don't believe this, as it would be 100% the opposite of what MA did in the past with estates.
No statement from MA about new cities or when it would happen (as far as I know). This asusmption is based mainly on this:

When MA introduced, they said, the CLDs can be used to claim land for each player (I leave the details out). So many players think, they have a 100% chance to get a plot, when they own 9 CLDs or more.

I personally think, MA thinks different here and I personally think, it will take a year minimum, before we see the next plots. But: MA has a new CEO and he made a lot good moves in the past. So you never know.

I disagree with you here.


Harvesting of boards decay
Harvester using vehicles to find the trees decay
Crafting of the harvesters decay
Crafting of planks decay
Mining of resources for crafters producing the harvesters decay
Crafting components needed to craft harvester decay
Claiming a plot using planks decay (100%)

Its a damn PED sink, what is good for MA.
Why should MA wait to bring on the next set of plots.

About the use of a plot?
Autuum they said, but what year ?
I am prepared to wait a year or even two befor landplots become operational.
Thats why I am not in a hurry to claim.
I surely want to claim a plot or two, got enough CLDs to do that.
Its just a matter of time, I don´t need to be the first one.
I'm pretty sure MA will keep them coming as long as their is a demand for them, MA have zero reason not do add new ones and many reasons to add new ones. So I don't think people need to worry about that, the only worry is how long time it will take.
I disagree with you here.


Harvesting of boards decay
Harvester using vehicles to find the trees decay
Crafting of the harvesters decay
Crafting of planks decay
Mining of resources for crafters producing the harvesters decay
Crafting components needed to craft harvester decay
Claiming a plot using planks decay (100%)

Its a damn PED sink, what is good for MA.
Why should MA wait to bring on the next set of plots.

About the use of a plot?
Autuum they said, but what year ?
I am prepared to wait a year or even two befor landplots become operational.
Thats why I am not in a hurry to claim.
I surely want to claim a plot or two, got enough CLDs to do that.
Its just a matter of time, I don´t need to be the first one.

They've said autumn 2015.

For the 3rd time in this topic, I will quote something from the official MindArk message:

Development of structures on CLD Estates will be implemented in Autumn 2015, with larger plots planned to accommodate more advanced structures with potential commercial functions such as shopping and more.

I'd suggest people to read the official message again, because many things are already answered there.
I'm pretty sure MA will keep them coming as long as their is a demand for them, MA have zero reason not do add new ones and many reasons to add new ones. So I don't think people need to worry about that, the only worry is how long time it will take.

There is a strong need from players for more malls, more shops (outside malls) and more LAs.

Not much of them were implemented the last time. Still: only time will tell.
There is a strong need from players for more malls, more shops (outside malls) and more LAs.

Not much of them were implemented the last time. Still: only time will tell.

The different is that they don't want to flood the market with shops on other estates and by that way devalue the value of them. With this land they don't have any price, because MA don't get any additional money from the sell and don't take any risk of "dumping the price" with adding more land-plots. They are also under big pressure to make land-plots to all CLD owners that want a land-plot, so can't see that they will not add more of them until everyone have the chance to get one.
The different is that they don't want to flood the market with shops on other estates and by that way devalue the value of them. With this land they don't have any price, because MA don't get any additional money from the sell and don't take any risk of "dumping the price" with adding more land-plots.

Sorry, this does not make sense to me: you say, MA does not want to devalue the price of existing shops, but at the same time,. you think they devalue the plot prices where players can create shops?
Sorry, this does not make sense to me: you say, MA does not want to devalue the price of existing shops, but at the same time,. you think they devalue the plot prices where players can create shops?

Because with shops MA sells them with a price that goes to the pockets of MA, so a lower shop price would mean MA would be forced to lower price on new shops. Also with land-plots, everyone know the rules before hand, we hand 60 000 CLD that could be used to claim land. So no land-pot owner can complain about MA "flooding the market" with new land-plots, because everyone knows that is a possibly. With other estates and assets they risk the anger of earlier buys of the makes too many shops, malls, spaceships that devalues the value for the earlier buyers. In this case every "buyer"/claimer now the risk of it.
Because with shops MA sells them with a price that goes to the pockets of MA, so a lower shop price would mean MA would be forced to lower price on new shops. Also with land-plots, everyone know the rules before hand, we hand 60 000 CLD that could be used to claim land. So no land-pot owner can complain about MA "flooding the market" with new land-plots, because everyone knows that is a possibly. With other estates and assets they risk the anger of earlier buys of the makes too many shops, malls, spaceships that devalues the value for the earlier buyers. In this case every "buyer"/claimer now the risk of it.

Same thing applies with the estates...

If they make new plots now, they also devalue the market for the early buyers... Being expected that only these 2 cities would be there before the buildings come, it would be a slap in the face of the early buyers if they'd make a third city before the buildings come :)

It's pretty much the same.

MindArk never promissed an estate for every land deed owner, they said that land deed owners "will have the chance to participate in a land grab"
Like the list by size on post 2 but there are a few issues related to the Livas settlement.

1. it only lists 5 medium. according to the map 33 is missing from the list and is a medium plot but there is also a H33 on the lower part of the settlement that is a small plot, perhaps this caused the confusion.

2. there should be 9 small+ plots but only 8 are listed. according to your map it appears that 32 is the missing small+ from this list.

3. small is missing 3 plots on the list. on reviewing your map I notice that there is a 12, 13, and 15 that are not on the list in post 2 that do not have a C or H before them, perhaps they were confused with similarly numbered plots H12 and H13 and the small+ plot H15.
If its any interest, its no secret that I paid 20CLD's for my plot.. I had no intention to buy more CLD's and I didnt think I could get two for 20. Neither did I want to speculate in selling some, so I just bought one as soon as I could afford.
Same thing applies with the estates...

If they make new plots now, they also devalue the market for the early buyers... Being expected that only these 2 cities would be there before the buildings come, it would be a slap in the face of the early buyers if they'd make a third city before the buildings come :)

It's pretty much the same.

MindArk never promissed an estate for every land deed owner, they said that land deed owners "will have the chance to participate in a land grab"

No it's two totally different things. Because the "buying" was done when you bought the CLDs from MA, and they are not selling any new CLDS.