Project Entropia Mining System - Old School Veins


I want to believe
Apr 10, 2005
South Africa
High Tower
Avatar Name
Alexis Sky Greenstar
I have been wanting to put down a post regarding how mining worked in the old version of PE for a long time now...

First off, a disclaimer, these are my opinions and observations. This strategy generated profit of about 7k in a few months of leisurely mining.

OK let's get started...

The basic method was simple. Pick any area and drop the cheapest probe possible. Move your radius and drop again, if you hit carry on moving your radius and dropping till you miss.
When you miss, increase the radius distance by your base radius and try again. It would look something like this..

0m drop (0)
55m drop, miss (1)
110m drop, miss (2)
165m drop,hit (3)
55m drop, hit (4)
55m drop, hit (5)
55m drop, hit (6)
55m drop, hit (7)
55m drop, miss (8)
165m drop, miss (3)
220m drop, hit (4)
55m drop, hit (5)
etc, etc..

When performing this over and over again, a cycle started to reveal itself. If I started to mine at the start of an hour, I could get 7 or more claims in a row. Start later, the less hits I got. Eventually I figured out the following : distance = radius*minute*minute......

Thats enough for now, I will write more a lit later..
7k in few months is nothing Alexis.

Lack of markup is making the mining not that exciting atm (in many areas) with all that i see of potential of 10-15k monthly atm.
7k in few months is nothing Alexis.

Lack of markup is making the mining not that exciting atm (in many areas) with all that i see of potential of 10-15k monthly atm.
So when this system was maxed out. My TT value was 300% consistently... This was back in the days of lyst having a MU of 200%. Every drop of 1 ped was at least 3 ped back. And this was before amps...
Back to the story..

DISCLAIMER.... Use at your own risk....

A little bit of googling and a model later, I had an Excel spreadsheet that for the most part did not miss. There were exceptions however. If someone mined within the same set grid of my avatar (yes the array spawned in a set grid), the array of "virtual claims" would move with the centre of the array being their miss drop location.

More later...