News: PSA 2 Event and Exploits Update

no what I say is to stay with your car analogue. if your car has a check engine light due to a faulty O2 sensor you go to a garage to have it fixed (support case, reporting a bug/exploit) instead of removing the lightbulb (exploiting bug) just before MOT check. Glueing yourself to the driveway of someone's car that is not road worthy (blaming cheaters on forum) won't stop another guy that has a broken car from driving with it anyways (someone else exploiting something else).
lol yeah done many times even frustrated pm ing online support that 24 hr ban back doing same exploit straight after that reported to online support gave em pos to actively see lol all that do u know what happened lol NOT A FUKIN THING . even right now 24/7 hunting lol who know anyone can even do that lol comon no macros or nudda there hey

btw when u take ur car to a mechanic u expect some kind of service for your money yeah and if it fuks up because they did something wrong u get ya money back or they fix the fukin problem and pay for it to make it right lol yep i understand thats never gonna happen here why say it well to counter what u said we expect to be on a level playing field when we enter an event of any kind thats certainly not been the case and will certainly wont be the case unless things change . like MA can check there history its all there but ill bet my left nut it wont come out because the problems way to big and left uncheck for even longer lol jsut wish id kind a seen this a lil earlier lol like before i decide to fukin upgrade again lol but yep woot my bad there .

btw no need to reply im done thanks tho lol
I guess you stopped reading after "We feel like its better to let them redo it with lost progress"
no i read it a few times the more i re read it the more disgusted and pissed off i got lol
We feel like its better to let them redo it with lost progress if they want to so they can still partake in the economic aspect of the event which helps everyone else who are selling resources and such. There is no need to punish everyone else for their and our mistake.
yep that teaches them alot huh lol wow , how many times must we the majority IE us rule abiding, economy contributing players be punished time and time again huh ..... love seeing the fat kids getting fatter n fatter while we fight and squaller for the fukin crumbs lol wooooot

how many times i cant count i have been knocked out of an event placement ranking mayhem rankings ranking over some of these bugs and im only a lil fish hoping to at least get a name in the top ten im sure there are plenty like me seeing the same thing happening to them time n time again , and when u look at the points progress and see all those restarting to gain the 5 k in the first hour plus stacking ect and wonder wtf how the fuk and liek wtf did these guys get theses point so fukin high . well it came out how and seriously . sad this kind of favouritism is like frowned apon in most businesses and like ethical standings should be in place really to stop this kind of thing happening in game like what the serious fuk im sure all of u laughing at me think im nuts going on about this well i guess u do not stand in my shoes if you do stand in my shoe and dont stand up say something to make sure the harder line is atleast used alil heavy handed so they take it seriously .. whata was the punishment ,, 3 days lol 3weeks lol whoopdidoo they what liek really so please keep on the way your on, obviously im way out of touch with the standings of this game and the people in it running and ruining it :D will accordingly stand down and not say another fucking thing here to up set the truly sensitive soft fairy skinned types, rock the boat ,clip the hair , stand on the foot , piss on the door , stand in a turd ect ect
I guess you stopped reading after "We feel like its better to let them redo it with lost progress"
read up mike that was my original post the first line u read was jsut the start what he is saying that these guys holy n soly are the game not the fukin hundreds of us players lol what that soc bribe them that much ?? btw im not saying all need to be banned anyone that honestly was casught up in it inocently which i doubt was many or was there first time a warning is fair ,, but if they had been involved in any of the previous exploits over the years thats just purely not good enough.
read up mike that was my original post the first line u read was jsut the start what he is saying that these guys holy n soly are the game not the fukin hundreds of us players lol what that soc bribe them that much ?? btw im not saying all need to be banned anyone that honestly was casught up in it inocently which i doubt was many or was there first time a warning is fair ,, but if they had been involved in any of the previous exploits over the years thats just purely not good enough.
You guys are hilarious want a full an inquisition and witch hunt then still would not be pappy. 70 in a 50 zone... Elimination of the bloodline and anyone who ever knew them but only after they accept and acknowledge our righteousness. :ROFLMAO: They only reset them costing them a few hundred in real $... Not enough perm ban for them, all who ever knew them and anyone who dose not agree with us.... We know they did more... and those that don't agree with us would do it also. get the pitchforks and torches we going on a crusade...