PSA Being looted in safe zones.

Katie Chalmers

Oct 13, 2020
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Katie Chalmers
Ok. So many of us have no problem with running our loot back from CP, Foma or the space station after a warp. However there is still a small chance to be looted from within the safe zone, so care must be taken. I will explain.

It seems deep space, although impossible to enter, is indeed classed as lootable space. When you fly into the edge of the game border, it seems that your avatar enters deep space just a tiny bit before being bounced back, the game recognises that you just exited a lootable zone and therefore applies the 30s buffer during which you can be looted.
If you are flying to calypso to land (or any planet) if you don’t click land quick enough you will hit deep space and trigger this event.

How to avoid this:
1. Don’t afk while flying back to planet.
2. Click the land button as soon as it appears. Cut your engines to be safe to keep far away from the game border.
3. If you REALLY want to be safe, pay the 7 Ped teleport from the space station.

If this is unintended game mechanic I hope MA patches it. Simply classing deep space as non lootable would fix it and won’t hinder any other game play.

Be safe out there guys.
welp time to fire up ye old kismet
It is accurate, and known for a while. There is a slither of lootable PVP beyond the atmosphere(where you get drop down message) and prior to deep space(where you get you cannot enter message). The chance is slim however that a pirate will stalk this line, as as soon as they engage you can drop down - However it does reinforce the message - don't afk in space :)