Question: Ranking Summer 20 ring combos


Apr 12, 2021
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Nanashana Nana Itsanai
I'm seeing a lot of chat around at the moment (and already noticed a few people attempting to price gouge) based on the new ring discovery and wanted to get some thoughts down on the new summer 20 pairing and what's currently out there:

Disclaimer - I'm running, and very happy with, a Summer 20 + Hallo 16 combo.

Comparisons below will be done against a t10 bp-110 with full 15mg buffs in effect (but no extra crit damage gear aside from rings). Percentage differences are against the highest dps/dpp combo which is the Summer+Xmas 20.

ComboDPSDPPCrit % / Crit Damage %Notes
Baseline2304.0634% / 50%
Summer 2020 + Christmas 20202914.5509% / 100%+3% lifesteal
Summer 2020 + Christmas 2022284 (-2.5%)4.446 (-2.3%)9% / 65%+10% lifesteal
Summer 2020 + Christmas 2016273 (-6.2%)4.266 (-6.3%)7% / 50%+10% lifesteal, +maxed defensive, + mining?
Summer 2020 + Halloween 2016269 (-7.6%)4.266 (-6.3%)7% / 50%+9% lifesteal, +13% reload, +some defensives

So looking above, in my mind, there are still very different use cases and tradeoffs for each set.

Summer 20 + Xmas 20 feels like it's still the best all-rounder for dpp, giving slightly more dps and a few free loot events over the course of a hunt compared to other setups - the tradeoff is lifesteal so if someone is lower on evader or taking heavier damage, the dpp will give away almost immediately if they're having to heal and take fap decay (which in turn also causes more armour and regen cost).

Then there's looking at the difference between Christmas 22 and 16 from a healing and defensive standpoint. There would definitely be some analysis needed to be done, but I could definitely believe that at certain evader levels and mob levels the Christmas 16 and hallow 16 could win out from a dpp perspective from having a flat 13 or 25% less armour decay due to the increased evade - though caveated by not having that stat provided elsewhere (pet or armour set).

Previous Pricing of the rings had them roughly in the ballpark of (From sales I've been aware of over the last 12 months):
  • Summer 20 (Circulation: 135+, 18k-20k)
  • Christmas 22 (Circulation: 1+, ?)
  • Christmas 20 (Circulation: 60, 36k - 42k)
  • Christmas 16 (Circulation: 26, 45k)
  • Halloween 16 (Circulation: 5?, 31-33k)
Circulation numbers were grabbed from EL so take them with a pinch of salt but should be in the right ballpark.

So in a perfect world: I think I'd want to use Summer 20 + Xmas 16 outside of events and Xmas 20 inside events to maximise on dps. But definitely interested in seeing what thoughts are on the different combos and how different players at different levels and styles of play prioritise the different buffs.
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I like summer 18 with it. If i have money left over after christmas, ill get a s20.
I dont care about dps tho. I just wish i had some other way to get 1 more crit chance. 15% more dps just seems silly now without the old mayhem format.

On that note, if anyone is willing to share how you identify your wave theory thingy, id be in your dept. Not sure why dps matters without, and even with it, i cant see how dps matters all that much if they are that short and you gotta know when?

Tokens? Sure, you do 8h hunting with 15% and i gotta do what? 9:12? Pfff
Great pair with the Christmas 22. All of the spam selling summer 2020s lately should soon stop and change to WTB spam.
I would choose the hit to crit damage for that amazing lifesteal if I was choosing between this and Christmas 2020.
I like summer 18 with it. If i have money left over after christmas, ill get a s20.
I dont care about dps tho. I just wish i had some other way to get 1 more crit chance. 15% more dps just seems silly now without the old mayhem format.

On that note, if anyone is willing to share how you identify your wave theory thingy, id be in your dept. Not sure why dps matters without, and even with it, i cant see how dps matters all that much if they are that short and you gotta know when?

Tokens? Sure, you do 8h hunting with 15% and i gotta do what? 9:12? Pfff

I personally don't really subscribe much to wave theory - at least from the perspective of waiting for waves or gun swapping and fishing for waves. dpp+dps is mainly just a measure of how effectively you can take advantage of comps and other rare loot. As if you're looting 10% more mobs in the same timeframe than another player, you're increasing your chances of your roll being the right one, or how many rolls you can make in a smaller window of time.

Example: Take the aurli cave,

If it takes 5k kills to spawn a boss:
  • At 3.2 dpp you're expected to cycle 28k ped at a 1,4k tt loss on average to spawn the boss.
  • At 4.5 dpp that drops down to 20k ped cycle at 1k tt loss.
So that guaranteed bone actually goes to significantly mitigate losses (and probably explains why JBKs on repeat 100!).
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Excluding a column for critical damage is pretty misleading and may lead to some skewed conclusions to be made by people that don't know better.

2.5% dps or dpp doesn't read like much as it is averaged over a long span of time.. but 35% crit damage on a mob you crit a few times is relevant when you're hunting mobs for consistent MU / DPP-based commodities AND/OR trying to loot the rare. Level 80 tezla is only 13% crit damage for reference.

Christmas 20 maintains the #1 position for mayhem by a landslide, imo. Doubtful the floor is much lower than the yearly average even with the abundance of Christmas 2022s we are most likely going to see over the next year. Seems unlikely that resellers are liquid enough to prop it up at its current price in this economy while hedging against new rings and TWEN speculation though...

Summer 20 demand should increase heavily as the Christmas 16 + 20 + 22 supply overtakes it, and will likely be the difficult part of completing the ideal combo, however.

Evade/Dodge rings still have their place but the amount of people that are willing/able to digest the data while simultaneously being able to afford to hunt mobs that hit for hundreds are quite limited tbh.

my .02
Excluding a column for critical damage is pretty misleading and may lead to some skewed conclusions to be made by people that don't know better.

2.5% dps or dpp doesn't read like much as it is averaged over a long span of time.. but 35% crit damage on a mob you crit a few times is relevant when you're hunting mobs for consistent MU / DPP-based commodities AND/OR trying to loot the rare. Level 80 tezla is only 13% crit damage for reference.

Christmas 20 maintains the #1 position for mayhem by a landslide, imo. Doubtful the floor is much lower than the yearly average even with the abundance of Christmas 2022s we are most likely going to see over the next year. Seems unlikely that resellers are liquid enough to prop it up at its current price in this economy while hedging against new rings and TWEN speculation though...

Summer 20 demand should increase heavily as the Christmas 16 + 20 + 22 supply overtakes it, and will likely be the difficult part of completing the ideal combo, however.

Evade/Dodge rings still have their place but the amount of people that are willing/able to digest the data while simultaneously being able to afford to hunt mobs that hit for hundreds are quite limited tbh.

my .02

Fullly agree (and added a column to clarify crit damage and % on each setup) - we've definitely fully transitioned into a lifesteal meta now in-game and the tezla has only compounded the ability for players to self-sustain without healing on much larger enemies (which is also a downside - as it's now much easier to hunt above players bankrolls as the higher hp and higher damage mobs are much more accessible).

But yes there is a load of follow-on factors such as weapon choice + mob choice, such as hunting 1k hp mobs with a mod nano will leave crit stats ineffective as most of your crit damage will be completely wasted. But the current weapon market and the number of people buying and selling is a testament to how hard it is to gauge the impact of gear upgrades on your everyday in-game activities or how it'll affect returns based on your cycle.

But either way, exciting times are ahead with TWEN coming down the line and whatever that may bring.
Personally, I would still place Xmas 2020 above Xmas 2022 without a second thought. The lifesteal is nice but the reality is that I don't mind using a Resto here and there or even fapping while keeping the added dps and dpp. I can see the value of this ring for people who use a macro as it opens possibilities for them but for a regular player, Xmas 2020 is still the winner. It's worth noting that you also lose the movement speed which you can compensate for on other items but it comes at a cost.

The conclusion being, it's a great ring but not better than it's big brother.

Edit: I would like to add that Xmas 2022 can situationally be better even for a regular player but it's gonna be too expensive of a ring to keep as a situational thing for sure.
I use summer 20 and christmas 16 - used to swap the christmas 20 for when i wanted dps/dpp boost but since im always living in the middle of spawns skilling defense as well as offense i ended up going for maxed defense as standard. Since im using a gun and not a sword i can still add crit scope/sights to make up for what the christmas 16 is missing compared to christmas 20.
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imho the 2% LS on the xmas22 is overkill: just a ring without a negative buff would have been better then xmas20 already.
so many ppl use mayhem amps, which gives 2% LS anyways... especially for events.
now if it would have autoloot instead of 2% LS... the value would be higher imo
or even if it would have kept its run speed buff.
I like summer 18 with it. If i have money left over after christmas, ill get a s20.
I dont care about dps tho. I just wish i had some other way to get 1 more crit chance. 15% more dps just seems silly now without the old mayhem format.

On that note, if anyone is willing to share how you identify your wave theory thingy, id be in your dept. Not sure why dps matters without, and even with it, i cant see how dps matters all that much if they are that short and you gotta know when?

Tokens? Sure, you do 8h hunting with 15% and i gotta do what? 9:12? Pfff
Omegaton Mk1 Crit scope will get you that 1% as will mod viceroy, and then there is a helmet with 1% crit too.

P.S. I have a scope for sale :)
My experience. 10% lifesteal + imp imp set + tesla pet 13% crit dmg (43% base item crit dmg) with s20+ch22 vs s20+ch20, 3% lifesteal imp imp set + tesla pet 13% (78% base item crit dmg).

As an owner of ch20 for a year. I can't say I've noticed a big enough impact with it in my returns or loot composition. What I did notice though is that I like to hunt while watching tv series/movies etc without paying attention constantly to the game, which I couldn't do as easy as I can now with christmas 22, especially when I didn't use dmg enh with 3% lifesteal it really made it harder to hunt.

Maxed lifesteal open up a lot of gameplay (can do bigger mobs) and the game is a lot more relaxing, like it was for me when I used 10% lifesteal with mace 6 fen t6.
The plus side I'm using a handgun with 10% lifesteal and not wasting MU on tons of melee lifesteal amps.

For the lack of run speed as someone mentioned, yesterday I did the elder gods suit (20% run speed) to compensate. This is temporary though, longterm goal is to someday get the run speed coat since it looks nicer than that big ass head (why have it so damn big and intrusive?) :D keep it under helmet pls @ DME.

That being said with no run speed and 35% less crit dmg it's a small price to pay for 10% lifesteal, maxed crit, maxed reload. So imo at least for me as an "uber noob" with 82 evader 361 hp, ch22 is worth more than ch20.

It does appear that MA want people to cycle as much as possible by not wasting time fapping. More cycle per hour, more money for them so it makes sense.
All that's left is for them to fix these damn shortages on dmg enhancers so we can get dmg enh for 150-200%. Then they can start raking in a lot of our peds.
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totally makes sense but Im just a slave to auto loot on my ring I guess xD

Omegaton Mk1 Crit scope will get you that 1% as will mod viceroy, and then there is a helmet with 1% crit too.

P.S. I have a scope for sale :)
I totally would but those are too expensive for what they do, in my eyes. Maybe we can give them out as event prizes again? :p
My experience. 10% lifesteal + imp imp set + tesla pet 13% crit dmg (43% base item crit dmg) with s20+ch22 vs s20+ch20, 3% lifesteal imp imp set + tesla pet 13% (78% base item crit dmg).

That being said with no run speed and 5% less crit dmg it's a small price to pay for 10% lifesteal, maxed crit, maxed reload. So imo at least for me as an "uber noob" with 82 evader 361 hp, ch22 is worth more than ch20.

I'm sorry but here is the buffs of both rings:
xmas20: +30% crit-dmg
xmas22: -5% crit-dmg

so the difference in crit dmg is actually 35% crit-dmg

any additional crit buff from armor or pet can be applied to both setups.
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I'm sorry but here is the buffs of both rings:
xmas20: +30% crit-dmg
xmas22: -5% crit-dmg

so the difference in crit dmg is actually 35% crit-dmg
Correct, will update post. Still feel that's a small price to pay for gaining 7% extra lifesteal :)
Correct, will update post. Still feel that's a small price to pay for gaining 7% extra lifesteal :)
but if you are comparing the 2 rings with the summer 20 as the right hand ring, using a mayhem amp in your weapon you still sit at 5% lifesteal after all is said and done. and i would take that extra crit dmg over the extra 5 lifesteal any day.
to answer the OP, atm I value the xmas20 at 28k (recent sale), and the xmas22 at 21k.
ofc atm there is still a premium on the xmax22, but that won't hold up very long I think.
Over 50 of the Christmas 2022 rings have already dropped. Merry Mayhem lasted longer than normal and boxes are selling under a ped each currently. We will probably see over 100 rings in market soon enough and value will be around 15k or 16k at best or lower.

Christmas ring 2022 is stalling out on price in auction hall at 20k already.
Problem is every time a ring gets listed for like 20k someone buys it and then tries to sell it for 21-24 convincing ppl thats the actual value offer less and you are being called lowballer :)