RDI Representative?


Old Alpha
Jun 5, 2020
Dirty Dingos
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Anonymous AckerZ Anonymous
What is the role of the RDI Representative?
They always seem to be inactive, from looking at the wiki they seem to be involved in higher level mission rewards but there's no reference on how to activate them.
Anyone able to explain what they are for?
They used to be a token trader for obtaining the old RDI Amplifiers, which used to be available during migration irrc.
An RDI representative was placed at Minopolis to serve the function @moondog is describing.
Last year we had a mining event running alongside the Easter Mayehm, where you were able to trade some fragments you got in hunt to obtain a mission that rewarded a strongbox. This strongbox contained high-end mining equipment (excavators) and refiners. I think you can find some info on the forums about this event. Sadly the event didn't happen this year too, my guess is that they just forgot to turn it on...

They will probably serve some functions in the future but or they are supposed to do something but for now they are useless or they need someone to turn them on :D

Edit: evet desc from this announcement

Planet Calypso – RDI Mining Event
The Research and Development Institute (RDI) is a scientific branch of the Federal Empire. The RDI’s mission is to help defeat the Robots by analyzing Robot technology and using their own tech against them. Colonists can now assist the RDI in its research by handing in Robot Data Fragments.

Once you have handed in a sufficient amount of Robot Data Fragments to an RDI representative they will assist in finding a Robot Cache Strongbox. This mission can be done repeatedly. The caches can contain rare encoded schematics which the RDI can use to build high-end tools.

  • Encoded CR-A Schematic - Chikara Refiner, Adjusted
  • Encoded CR-M Schematic - Chikara Refiner, Modified
  • Encoded GSE-A Schematic - Genesis Star Excavator, Adjusted
  • Encoded GSE-I Schematic - Genesis Star Excavator, Improved
  • Encoded GSE-M Schematic - Genesis Star Excavator, Modified
  • Encoded L1-FA Schematic - Level 1 Finder Amplifier
  • Encoded L2-FA Schematic - Level 2 Finder Amplifier

RDI Representatives can be found in Port Atlantis, Twin Peaks, Fort Ithaca and Minopolis.

Planet Calypso – RDI Mining Event
  • Start - Apr. 17, 08:00 UTC
  • End - May 21, 13:00 UTC
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