Real life items in loot

In addition to the video cards, I remember coins being looted in a robot event and if memory serves a pack containing a poster.

The little plastic toy hogglo and atrox were neat but I think they were promotional items and not found in loot?

The coins were done by a former society mate of mine Mojo of Southern Cross.

I have the complete set :)
$1 = 10 PED
A 42 inch TV costs around $400-$500
Postage perhaps $50
MA take a percentage when money is removed from the game

This means you would need to get a HoF of at least 5000 PED in order to get a TV
So it could be possible

Personally I would prefer 5000 PED and be able to decide myself what I would do with it
In fact I WOULD LOVE A HOF OF 5000 PED!!!!!!!!!