Servers are Down

Bertha Bot

Entropia News Fetcher
Jul 26, 2006
Our servers are now down while we implement Entropia Universe Release 15.12.1.
We estimate that the servers will be made available again at 13:00 UTC 2017-03-15.

Originally Posted Here
there are never any patch notes before the update finished. sometimes not even a few hours after that.

-new builds for land plots
-snug expansion
-unlimited blueprints will drop for crafting with materials from farming
-new terminals available for searching all shop inventories and locations

-new builds for land plots
-snug expansion
-unlimited blueprints will drop for crafting with materials from farming
-new terminals available for searching all shop inventories and locations

none of these will happen though.
most likely is: update for BS and maybe (!) new adj stuff but i rather doubt that.
and ofc all the new bugs they introduce with each update
There should be a fix for shops which have been broken since November.
The land plots are now done arnt they as far as devolopment is concerned ?
but but.. Does Competgame run on same Entropia's servers?
Any patch notes?
There should be a fix for shops which have been broken since November.
The land plots are now done arnt they as far as devolopment is concerned ?

AGREED! Seriously!