Shadow-Ale's Diary


Feb 19, 2005
Avatar Name
Ailena 'Shadow-Ale' Schattenjaeger
Waiting... Still waiting... It's been two weeks since we sent that letter to the Federal Empire. They seem so busy these days. And we really need those signs. Belk bar is so gonna become the greatest bar in calypso.

Today I was thinking of going hunting some mutants, and maybe take a walk on Amethera. That place still creeps me out. I wonder why they placed all those appartments there. Why not near Zychion? I still dream of having not to sleep on the hard floor in the corridors, waking to the sound of noisy mutants that got past the turrets. I want a soft, fluffy bed. With pillows, and teddy-bears.

I keep having those damn nightmares. I know I was only 2 when my mother got shot, but in my dreams I can clearly see how those horrific drones walked up to her and shot her at close range... Seeing my father drop to the ground with bloodred tears running down his wrinkled face... The cries from my mother wrigling in pain out there, and my father unable to do anything.

I don't want anymore of this. The drones have to be shut down one way or another. I will sacrifice my life if so necesary.

One day we will be free from these monsters. And one day I will reunite with my father I hope. Maybe he will take me back.
It's been a slow day. Started off by going to PA (that stinky town) to sell some ore. Got lucky at last, but what's up with the gazz-buyers? where do you hide? I eventually had to tt it, because I really needed the money. Bought the usually amount of ammo, and threw some mines in just to test my luck. I then packed my bags, and tp'ed to orthos, and headed west.

There it was again, my hideout for the last few days. This dangerzone has proven to be quite rich in minerals, so I started mining. In the end, I actually made a profit, and I continued my new hobby: calamasoid-slaying, which didn't prove as successfull. Remind me never again to hunt encumbured. In the end a grown-up feffoid got the best of me. After my head cleared from all those electroshocks, it was time to find a tp and head for PA. If it was only that easy...

Some hours later, I got my stuff sold, and wanted to check out some new parts of this dangerzone, so I headed north-west from PA. all the way one newcommer kept sending me all these annoying messages on my com-device, which was driving me insane. I just crossed the outer limit when the anger took the best of me. I had to get it out of my blood. Check radar. Green dots. Scout around. Oohh, orangejuice and someone else. Reload gun. put on armor. Time to burn some meat. A few shots later, both green dots laid dead on the ground before me, and then came the surprise... Some mobs had spotted me, and came russhing my direction. I was surrounded, and I knew I didn't stand a chance. I threw off my armor, just in time before the first blow hit my head. It went dark...

Reviving a few seconds later, I saw them again. That orangejuice and the other dude. Pissed off. I just laughed, told them how much I cared, and went on to find a tp to get me home. Home to Zychion. To the sound of mutants in the distance. To the buzzing of the broken teleporter. To my little shell, where I will stay until the world pokes me, and another day at this wretched planet awaits.
I had that dream again. Only this time it lasted a bit longer. Does it mean anything, all those grids? The drones, the creatures. Is that my mother and father I see on the other side?

Didn't do that much today. My peds are running short, so I have to find uses that makes them last for a while. Decided to have a long training-session, so I headed over to Phoenix. As usual, place was crawling with newcommers, and I thought I'd bring some of them with me. Evading mobs for ours is boring, but having someone to talk to makes it so much better.

We found us a berycled that had wandered away from it's family. Poor thing, even in it's vicious nature, there is something beautiful about these creatures. I remember my mother telling stories of animals from a planet called Earth. Most walked on four legs, and you seldom saw flying animals that was bigger than a human. And they feared us. Like we fear the drones. Are we just paracites, and the drones have a higher purpose? Maybe they are put here to remove us, the destroyers, the desecrators of the land...

After an hour or two I needed a break, and my rascal was starting to get too many holes in it, so I headed over to Zychion to have an afternoon sleep. I forgot how it was to have a hard training-session. I was so exhausted...

Woke up by the sound of gunfire. Someone broke through the defence again. I guessed it to be an atrox young, by the sound of it. Walked up to the top floor, got my armor repaired, and decided to invest in a scanner at the same time. Funny thing those scanners. They look so weird, like a boxing-glove.

*BeepBeeP* Seldom do I bother with the EBN-reports, but lately it's been interesting. This dead thief and all. Seems like someone found one of the items. Gotta look up this chap and congratulate him. 25k peds... That could have bought my father a brand new home. That would buy my whole soc a new home. But I don't think I'd like having that much money. I like having to struggle a bit. Fight for survival. Sleeping on the concrete.

Anyway, I headed back to Phoenix and found a couple of nice OJ's and brought them with me. Two hours later I still don't know who sweated the most, me or the bery's. Guess I'll never know. Right now, I'm sitting on the roof above Belk, watching the clouds drift by. The sun is setting. Another day completed. Another one awaits.
Oh what a boring day.Nothing much has happened in the few last days. Being broke is more boring than I can remember. I need to find a job soon. Maybe someone needs to get rid of some drones.

Something interesting happened. Was in CP and trained some more, when I came across Firew0lf and Ultimababe. I've just heard of these people before, it was so cool to meet them in person. And they are as nice as people say. They adviced me to buy an aggressio, so I headed to the auctioneer in Troy and fetch me one. Never knew how fun it is to punch a snablesnot to death. Must be repeated.
Sorry my little diary, I've been away from your for a long time now. This is my first time to Zychion for several weeks, so that's why I didn't write to you.

Much has happened. I was poor, I got rich, and now I'm poor again. And I'm no longer a citizen. It didn't feel right anymore, I had to get away, try something new. Something was missing, and I think I've found it. The Society of Hunters Unlimited has provided me of more fun, more adventures, and more cameradery that I felt I lacked in ZC. Yes, I did try out another soc, but it didn't feel right.

The new threat from the drones is scary. I feel more paranoid than ever, and I hope someone will do something about it. Taking my time with some cornundacaudas on the beach, I encountered the new rumoured drones, the Defenders. My god, I didn't even get one shot before it laid me to waste. But with the ongoing research, maybe we will get new weapons to fight this menace.

I have also taken short trips ti Itacha, in hopes of finding my father. Our old house is just ruins, probably from drone fire, and I can't find any traces of dad. Either he is hiding from me, hiding from them, or maybe he's dead... The new uproot in Atrox activity made me think more and more of him, so I hope everything is allright.

Diary, I have to go now, but I'll leave you here, in our secret place, and I promise to come back. When, I don't know, but I promise. And if anyone else should find this recorder, please leave it where you found it. It's the only reminder of my past I have.
Training and mining, and an occational hunt. That's been my last days. Had time to drop by the Citadel today, so the diary gets an update.

Seems like the drone-attack is slowing down. it's kept me on high alert all the time. Some of my friends from ZC killed one liast night and got over 1000 ped for the parts. That's just great.

I've heard some rumours lately, that the Federal Empire is deploying fertilizer-station on Amethera. I wonder what it will be good for. Maybe some of the society-owned land will become agroculture or something. Maybe I should apply for a job as a farmer? No, I'm no farmer, I'm a drifter. I go where I'm needed, when I'm needed.
First oog-post.

Today is finally the day. The day I can go to the dentist. It was supposed to be yesterday, but because of some slip-up, they rescheduled my appointment. So, I'm going back today, and thank god for that. I just woke up with half a tooth missing!

It's gonna be an expencive operation. All due to soda they said, but I'm not so sure now. Last time I was there, I quit soda all in all, but it seems it didn't help much. And today I got an aha-moment. For the last five years, I've been using sleepingmeds regularly. And one of the most common side-effects is dryness in the mouth. And dryness in the mouth leads to acid-damage on the teeth. So hopefully this explains my teeth-trouble. Because, before I moved to this part of norway 4 years ago, I hadn't had a single hole since I was 6 years old.

My other theory is that it's Cici's fault. She's too damn sweet for me ;) And as the troubles began when I moved in with her, it is plausible. At least I like to think so.
Fury of the beast

I'm back from the dentist. I'm mad, suicidal, homicidal and sad. And my mouth hurts. And it's not that it's fixed, because it's not. And here is why, nad it's mostly written for my own sake, so I get some order in my chaos.

I don't have a job. I want to, but I don't. At least not in the common sense. Due to issues I don't want to get into here, the government don't want me to. But I have some places I help out when they need it, but that's not the issue.

As I can't work, I don't have an income, so the last five years I've been a tossingball between different parts of the system. We have the social wellfare office (SWO) from different counties, and the disableds office. For the first four years I was on something called Rehabilitating support, but last April I was moved to Disabled support. The whole time I've been relying on the SWO to cover the electricity bill and the rent for the appartment. Last month I decided to cut the support from SWO, as it became such a trouble for me (yes, they aren't nice).

So to the dentist-part. Two years ago I needed some teeth fixed. As I was on rehabilitation support, the SWO had to pay the bill. I used a private dentist, as the public dentist didn't have room for me. All was ok.

One year later, one of the fillings fell out due to a bad job. I called the SWO to ask about procedure. They asked me to go to the public dentist this time, and get an estimate for the total price. As the dentist saw the missing filling, she fixed it right away. The bill ended up at $90 for that one session. Now I had to wait for the estimate. This was in december 2004, and in february the following year, the estimate arrived. I now put in an application to the SWO, as I thought everything was fine. As the SWO demands bills _not_ to be payed before they application is sent, I put the bill away for the first appointment. One and a half month later, I got the answer, declined, due to the fact that I was now on Disabled support, and the Disableds Office was now in charge. I was ordered to go to my psychiatrist to get a written paper that states I was elligable for free dentist. This was now 14th of april when I got the signed paper, and imidiatly called the dentist. Because of the full lists, I didn't get an appointment untill 14th of June. With pains and migrains I waited and waited.

Yesterday was the day I was looking forward to. I didn't remember the time of the appointment, just that it was around 2pm, so I went there an hour earlier. Walked up to the desk, introduced myself, and ask when my appointment was. "It's not untill tomorrow" the clark said. What? They had rescheduled my appointment without telling me. Ok I thought, 24 hours ain't gonna hurt. So I asked if everything was allright, and yes, nothing to worry about.

This morning I woke at 7am, and felt something in my mouth. It felt like sand, so I spat it out, realising it was several pieces of a tooth. Another filling from the first dentist had fallen out a month ago, but as I had an appointment, I thought it could wait. Now I was missing half a tooth! Went back to sleep a couple of more hours, and woke up in time to go to the dentist again.

Was there half an hour early, and was both excited to get it fixed, and a bit nervous, as I was afraid they might have to pull the tooth out. I'm not afraid of the dentist, as you might see. But I do hate them.

They called me in, and I sat down. "You have an unpayed bill" the assistent told me. I showed her the written paper from the psychiatrist, and she took it with her to the dentist. After a few minutes the dentists walks in, and says there is a problem. As there is an unpayed bill, she can't do anything. I explained the case, that I thought the Disabilities office was gonna pay it all, and she agreed. But, because the paper I brought with me was signed the 14th of april, it didn't include the past, so I had to pay the bill myself. I even showed her the broken tooth, but she just shook her head, and sent me home. She didn't even say I'm sorry.

So now I'm home, with a broken tooth, a bill that's become over $200 for the first appointment, and feeling trashed. I'm afraid to eat, it might ruin the tooth more. I'm tired, I have a headache and I'm hungry. And broke, if I might add.

Tomorrow I'm going to the Disableds office and ask for help. I talked to my psychiatrist after the incident, and he was 100% sure that I didn't have to pay the bill myself, but I did have to wait. Byrocracy you know. So hopefully, I get them to pay tomorrow. Then it's 3 days to wait for the bill to go through. Then up to 14 days to get a new appointment at the dentist.

My question is: WTF didn't the dentist send me a letter, or tell me on the phone when I scheduled the appointment? I had a look at the computerscreen today, and it clearly says that there are unpayed bills. All this could have been avoided if they just told me. One thins is for sure, you are supposed to know all the rules and laws in your country.
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Back in ZC again. The last days have been fun. First of all I got hold of a coat to keep me warm. Then, on an expedition around Nymphtown, I came across an old communication-station, which seem to be operational. It did distort the sound though, so I'm not sure if people will hear me if I try to use it. I think I gotta go back and investigate some more.