skills and profs calc method


Old Alpha
Nov 13, 2008
can anyone (Jimmy B :)) please remind me which math method had been used to calculate impact of each skill to a prof level?
the method is the chipping in. You chip in a determinate skill field (handgun for example) then u look at the professions variation. Many of those experiemnt have contributed to determinate the impact of the skills in each pofession. I suggest you to take a look at the subforum SKILL. You will found many other info about.
They compared the level from screenshots before and after skill insertion or removal.
They compared the level from screenshots before and after skill insertion or removal.

Jup, correct. You can even count the prof. standing bars (100 small lines is 1 lvl if im right)
Yeah there was a lot of screen grabbing, pixel counting and strained eyes involved. Think there are still some gaps if you feel like contributing, chipping out yields results too =)
There were two main approaches used.

(i) percentages worked out by people chipping out or in and producing before and after screenshots. This worked pretty effectively and we were able to get most skills sorted out just like this.

(ii) Since you can work out which skills influence which professions (which skills you gain whilst doing that profession), given enough data you can solve each profession as a system of linear equations. This can be done by a trial/error approach or by a matrix inversion approach.

jdegre uses approach (ii) mainly these days, in conjunction with his chipping optimiser programme, to fill in the gaps when we get additional data in the rarer skills.

All the breakdowns we've posted can easily be checked using the chipping optimiser - just enter your skills and it will tell you your profession level. If that's not your profession level, something is wrong - let us know.
This thread clearly belongs in the Skills forum.

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Moved :rolleyes: