thank you


Mar 7, 2011
Thank you for all the work that has been done so far.
Its been a wild ride.
It was not that long ago that I stood in the new PA and that was all there was.
No weapons no tools, no eploration.
I stood and looked out on the white expance dreaming of the day when it would all be back.

I have heard that some video games take 4 or 5 years even longer to build.
You allowed us along for the ride after the destruction of Calypso.
For that- I thank you.

I logged on to watch when the sweatting tool came back online.
When the first creatures of Calypso started peeking eyes at us.
I would run to the ends of the world and the game would tell me I could go no more.
As time went on we got more and more of what we wanted. For that- I thank you.

We were told we would have cars; we have them. We were told we would have space and other planets. We have them.
The list goes on and on... I have it all. So again- I thank you.

No other game has provied me with so many twists and real storys than Entropia.

We cryed, we laughed, we longed and we loved. Some grew rich, some grew poor.
Its been an adventure beond pixels.

I may not deposite the most or even deposite each month.
My ingame car may need paint and repairs.
I was homeless on an astoid sleeping in halls not able to get home.
I adopted hundreds of pets and founded a pet society from nothing but deeds and a dream.
I sold my apartment on the astroid for some fancy clothes and a dance.

I will never leave Entropia. Entropia may leave me but I will never forget.
I hope and pray that Entropia continues and it looks good that it will.
Each month new things come online. New worlds. New creature and quests.
I have friends from old and friends that are new.
I can hear MA speaking through the world itself.
So I look to the sky and say- thank you.
I like this game alot. There's a grip of untapped potential, some from underdevelopment in key areas, some from technology that cant yet handle the amount of calculations needed to perform the activities requested and maintain the world for a multitude of users.

That's the beauty of an MMO though. It can keep changing as long as the development team is interested in changing it.

EU's appeal to me isnt the way it is, but the way it could be. The development team showed me they had a commitment to the long haul of this game when its entire game engine was successfully overhauled. Every other MMORPG to date has shut down their game rather than completely update it. If the engine can be successfully overhauled I'm willing to let the dev team show me what else they can do.
Positive threads like this are too few and too far between :) sure, MA has their faults and they are not perfect, but that could be said about anyone. At least they work hard to bring the old back while still giving us new activites and adventures (remember that they are a really small company).

Calypso is my virtual home, I will not leave while the planet is still there... I may simply take a vacation on another planet if I need a switch of atmosphere for a while ;)
Awsome thread, to many people use the forum to complain, but dont bother to mention the good stuff..

thank you indeed.
Great thread, Thanks! :).

Best regards
The few hours of spare time i got these days would be very looong without entropia and im thankfull for each day its here.
I would also like to add special thanks to Kim for the vast improvement in communications since he took over, despite the complaints about things he has not had time or ability to reply to. Thanks also to Bjorn, Charlie and other MA officials for posting :)

(obviously there is still room for improvement but people often seem to forget that it is actually much, much better now than before and that they really ARE trying and really are active)

Thank you for this post, I liked it.
I just hope my pets are not dead forever and that they will follow me again someday in my future hunts :laugh:
Too many people lose site of the big picture while getting caught up in the latest little drama. Keeping that long-term perspective is the key to happiness for me. The OP is a welcome reminder of why that is true.

Thank you!


yes thanks for all good memories in this amazing game ;)
+rep for bringing a sunbeam of joy in the haze of the usual complains. :yay:

Not only is MA more open and communicative with us, it has also spread its wings, giving us more and more new content while returning the missing systems gradually. And if we take a second to consider the scope of the changes like Nighthawk said, and the 'adventures' of the development teams being split for FPC, i don't think the time table is really that bad... :scratch2:
Great attitude Lerp!..+REP

Thank You!..I love the Game!! :wtg: If I didn't I wouldn't be here playing it..:girl::hug: