FYI: The journey continues, Shamshe's hunting log


Mar 20, 2013
Brasschaat (Belgium)
Mischief Knights
Avatar Name
Shamshe Shamshe Shamadarak
Well slight change of plans. I recently acquired some extra funds irl and after some weeks of thinking I decided it was better to buy a good weapon instead of grinding the tokens for it with imk2. Mainly 3 reasons:
  1. Twen, I wanted higher dps to have more chance of looting an item.
  2. Yasuki, He realy inspired me. While reading his story I have made leaps of progress aswell thx to him. Although we never talked I learned a lot when it comes to playstiles from reading his log.
  3. imk2 is just plain boring. I cant believe people used it for years as their main weapon. I guess it used to being a pedprinter helped with the boring part.
So I traded back the t6 IMK2 for a t9 MM+20k ped and a few days after I hit my first ever 5 digit HoF 21k on a Lupine!
I used 6k of that for a tier swap to t10 and that was the plan for mayhem. I didnt rly track MM returns cause i knew this wouldnt be my final gun. Towards the end of mayhem I then had the opertunity to trade my t10 MM + amp and ped for a fresh bp130 and considering my funds this was the best i could do. However this still wasnt the gun I realy wanted :(.
But then a few days after i was able to invest the money to trade the bp130 for t1.99 lp100. This was the dreamgun I always wanted and pretty much best option for me to get since i am not skilled enough for chip or mod nano.

I have logged the returns of bp130 for last bits of mayhem but the amount cycled is quite low, but everyone likes numbers :p.


Big BulkPed In31415.00Ped Out31037TT%98.80%MOB-378.0
Mayhem EvisecratorPed In60541Ped Out56597TT%93.49%MOB-3944.0
BroodsPed In8116Ped Out8791TT %108.32%MOB675.0
Warrior extPed In8924Ped In10446TT %117.06%MOB1522.0
DaspsPed InPed OutTT %#DIV/0!MOB0.0
Ped InPed OutTT%#DIV/0!MOB0.0
Ped InPed OutTT %#DIV/0!MOB0.0
Ped InPed OutTT %#DIV/0!MOB0.0
MolochPed In6940Ped Out6711TT %96.70%MOB-229.0
Gorgon+SneksPed In1421Ped Out1001TT %70.44%MOB-420.0

this was with robot looter 61 no significant hofs during mayhem. around 25k tokens and 4k boxes farmed, no rare token drops after i opened all my boxes.
25k of that went to buying the h204 back and the rest will be added to spice up my bankroll.
My next goal would be to upgrade HW18 XMas18 rings to Summer20 xmass20. That would free up the crit and makes it possible to upgrade armor aswell. it just doesnt feel worth it atm to spend 30k or more for 37% extra crit dmg.
For now I will keep ModVR and curent ringcombo. I can upgrade after i loot my twen item :ROFLMAO:

progress can be followed on my stream aswell

Next Up will be LP100Log and any major events or milestones that happened
Next goal getting to 100 looter and tier 3 on gun

If anyone has any advise or sugestions about format feel free to add to this thread

Total Returns 01/05/2023 - 01/07/2023

Ped InPed OutReturn %
After Mu718036.6996.89%


HPAnimal looterMutant LooterRobot LooterEvaderDodgerTotal Skill
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But then a few days after i was able to invest the money to trade the bp130 for t1.99 lp100. This was the dreamgun I always wanted and pretty much best option for me to get since i am not skilled enough for chip or mod nano.

First, good luck.

Second, you can sneeze and max out any MF chip because the profession is different than all others (much long LB/SB). You could max out from scratch in a couple of weeks - if that is what you wanted to do.
First, good luck.

Second, you can sneeze and max out any MF chip because the profession is different than all others (much long LB/SB). You could max out from scratch in a couple of weeks - if that is what you wanted to do.

I was still planning to skill upo MF in my offtime. I knew it was faster but didnt know you can get maxed in few weeks.
Time for my monthly update,
last month has been realy bad, ever since i got the LP100 things have been realy bad in general.
The highest loot I got was a shared 2k from a 20k SK HoF. Not a single item, not a single TWEN not a single HoF.
on a positive note got the gun from t1 to t3.99 so ready to be tiered again.

no changes here, sold the h204 as i was strugling with my bankroll and I have a good amounbt of l-beta's in storage.
LP100 t3.99 + L-amp Beta, Mod VR imp scales, HW18 Xmas18 combo, lvl 82 tezzla with all unlocks, Eir3 fap with resto12.

Ped InPed OutReturn %
After Mu*503122.6899.25%
*MU based on AVG mu, not including MU of enhancers, warp fees.

MonthHPAnimal looterMutant LooterRobot LooterEvaderDodgerTotal Skill

I have been hunting quite diversly last month as I was testing the guns capabilities out and also calculating some avg MU's.
Apart from that main mob I went back to was BB.

Big BulkPed In151711.00Ped Out145151TT%95.68%

I have no clue what I am doing wrong. But something is wrong here for sure. Lot if not all of the people around my EL rank are doing much better. I am not saying the system is rigged but I can see why simple minded people could think that.
Either I cycle way less then the people around me or i am going through a rly unlucky 'dry'period, wich would mean i get dry period imediatly after i bought the gun.

everyone saying bankroll is most important, well having a larger bankroll in my case seem to mean just loose more each month :D
I am hardly tt'ing any of my stuff. I try to get at least nanocube MU for everything.

still wanting to upgrade to 5% crit rings with bit more crit dmg(Sum20 xmas20/22) so i am not tied to mod VR anymore.
I might consider downgrading the gun to a higher tier lp70 or perf electro with this better ringcombo.
Also curently sitting on a Bankroll of 30k (this was over 60k 1st of May :oops:).

maybe i am blowing things out of proportion and i should wait and see the results after few more months. Still 500k+ cycled a month is quite a large amount and alrdy a good indicator to calculate returns.
I am not a rich man, I am single paying rent with a mediocre job so these amounts cycled are pretty huge to me. Maybe i just need to change my perspective a bit.

Anyway I am not giving up just yet, i smell TWEN in the air (just not for me ;p )

I will be taking a little break from Entropia 2nd of June to binge play me some Diablo IV :love: .

Any feedback is higly appreciated

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End of June summary and it does not look good.
Pretty much all mobs i hunted where a disaster.
Personaly i didn't think it could get worse then last month but seems like i beat that record :p

No changes

HPAnimal LooterMutant LooterRobot LooterEvadeDodgeTotal skill

Ped InPed OutReturn %
After Mu214914.0196.89%

EomonPed In114944Ped Out99867TT %86.88%MOB-15077.0
LongtoothPed In4120Ped Out3975TT %96.48%MOB-145.0

Rare items:
Just one, looted a201 from a warrior hooray!

I played a lot less this month and main focus has been on migration. My bankroll went under 10k so not sure how much more eomons I can do if i can do them at all now. So i am pretty pissed they added the boxes just now. Imo add them from the start or dont add them at all.

I will just keep trucking along i might have to sell the gun to get a bankroll going again.
thats not how i intended bankroll management to go but it is what it is

lets hope for some better loot in July and maybe a better rare item :D I just hit a HoF complaining about loot here but that will go into July's summary.
Maybe thats the trick :p complaining

cya next month with hopefully some better news.
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My log has been quiet for a long time but I have been realy busy in the game.
I stopped tracking tt-returns because it was tedious + i was using dual weapon setup so it would screw up the tracking all over and i didnt feel like doing it manualy. The important data was in the average MU on mobs anyway and i did keep tracking that. However I prefer to keep that data private.

But, I low key missed the TT-tracking and with getting a new weopon I decided to give it another go
Huge thx to Eve for making it possible for me to get my hands on a t9 perfected electric chip :D (the lp100 got me far, this chip will take me further :) )
The plan is to use it as a stepping stone towards mod nano or any new weapons added in the future

HPAnimal LooterMutant LooterRobot LooterEvadeDodgeTotal skill

notable skill changes since last log:
Electro kinetic Hit lvl 38.6 -> lvl 105.8
one mistake maybe here was dumping all my codex rewards i got for half a year into elecrtric hit, when hunting fleshrippers gave such an insane amount of skill. I might have been better of dumping it into hp/looter skills.

achievements since last log:
-Passed lvl 90 looter, lets get these last 10lvls!
-Broke into top 100 all time hunters on EL (still feels surreal seeing my name in between all the other big boys)
-first time rly being able to maintain bankroll since start this year and not having to depo to get it back up

around november last year i was looking for an upgrade on my weapon (I was either looking for a higher tier lp100 or more preferebly the electric perfected chip). During Christmas Mayhem I started talking with eve about the chip he was selling and we decided we would work towards a deal after mayhem was over. I got a few other offers on a trade including lp100 for lower tier ones but felt the deal with eve was better.
I had work to do! I mainly grinded out the skills with L chips i managed to get cheap close to tt, and farmed the rest of them myself from telladon on ark with my lp100.
The skilling itself I did on abominations and fleshrippers
I traded the chip and started using it start of march when i got hit up to 82-83ish
I notice I get more and more notoriety in the game and getting random questions from people i dont know. I always tried to keep a low profile in the game and thought not many people knew me since i am a pretty introverted person. It feels kinda nice and appreciated when other big hunters ask you for your opinion on certain things in the game or a noob asks you for guidance.

I started logging tt-returns since yesterday so they will be added at end of each month again (lets see how long I last this time :p )
Main goal right now is to finaly get enough mtokens for a pull, get my rings back that where part of the electric chip deal (they took my precious), and data collecting on avg mu's, hit and evade%, costs to kill vs avg loot and all that good stuff :) See what the difference rly is between lp100 and electric perfected and also compare tier difference and figure out how that can translate in better mobs for mu.

will get back to you at the end of the month

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Hi all,
Just the first data I gathered with the chip
Started tracking friday night this weekend but managed to get some cycle in short time on the remaining mayhem.
MaturityKillsLootedSpendReturnReturn %hit%Evade%DPPAvg loot/mobAvg Cost/mobglobalsHofs
Gen 91921018,421023,61-5,1999,49%90,88%58,27%4,1495,35,3320
Gen 510954200,914558,38-357,4792,16%89,39%65,46%4,10173,844,1650
Gen 5 5942303,562459,74-156,1893,65%89,79%62,79%4,12413,884,1430
Gen 97544111,784061,3550,43101,24%90,08%60,45%4,17855,455,3980
Gen 5 55220522291,31-239,3189,56%90,28%69,72%4,12893,724,1530
Gen 97033683,783758,76-74,9898,01%90,14%60,61%4,16975,245,3590
Gen 515856109,866613,88-504,0292,38%90,10%64,75%4,10813,854,17130
Gen 53151324,431290,1534,28102,66%90,66%66,22%4,14964,24,120
Gen 55692308,472356,91-48,4497,94%90,52%65,65%4,16354,064,1430
Gen 5541523904,4622605,751298,71105,75%89,97%65,54%4,09614,414,17461
Gen 55282051,152252,3-201,1591,07%89,87%67,11%3,9633,884,2710
Gen 95172799,82843,3-43,598,47%89,84%63,58%4,06835,425,550
Gen 5 829834403,7434660,97-257,2399,26%90,11%64,13%4,09454,154,18800
Gen 53051220,691262,97-42,2889,80%61,90%4,156144,1430
Gen 5 760731724,1732587,74-863,5797,35%89,93%65,05%3,97364,174,28740
Gen 410474058,124540,65-482,5389,37%89,46%65,22%3,56433,884,3470

KillsLootedSpendReturnReturn %globalsHofs