The kindest thing anyone has done for you

Thank you to all the kind hearted people in the world!

I have been playing around 3 weeks now, I have had a lot of good people that have been very kind to me. Luck would have it I have only found a few butt-heads. If you are one of the kind people and i don't list you plz forgive me, as I have not forgotten you, thread is for the kindest thing so I am keeping the list to the ones that have made the largest impact on the game for me so far.

Biggest impact for the good in game largest from the top down.

1. Sir Azzah, he has done a ton of stuff, to much to list all, but he has given me several things to help me out with healing, got me started in healing, uses me a lot for healing so i get mucho healing skillz, got me in the awesome soc NBK army, and provides me with any info I need/ask along with many other things!

2. Of course my mentor Zakorus, he gave me the Opalo and a bunch of ammo, clothing as I hated the ugly ass noob jumper we get so i was running around in my underwear lol. He also gave me a few other things and has done a lot to help me out along with keeping a very good check on me to make sure I am doing well and having fun still.

3. Tie between Mn Kitty Kat for getting me my tp at NEA's and Sheli for getting me from NEA's to Ola42. If it was not for them I would not be as far as I am in the game, I earned my starting ped at Ola42 and is where I met Sir Azzah.

4. Gabby, I have been very sick for months and anytime she is online she always takes the time to check on me, she is a very good momma!

5. Everyone else I promise I have not forgotten but would take to much room to name you all and what you have done for me!

I go by the policy of "pay it forward" so if you are a noob like my self or even newer than I and are having a hard time/ cant find anyone nice to help you, plz send me a request as I am very happy to help. Warning I will not give out money just because you ask/want it so do not bother requesting me if you are just looking for a handout!

Aura DeepArc Redtide
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Rooster, Hurrikane, clam Boy J - for setting me up in game with armour fap gun and ammo

Coz for answering every question even when they were stupid ones (some still are)

Hing ( My hunting buddy ) after a terrible set of hunting runs, I did an ammo run and he stayed on the LT's - he hit a tasty global and insisted that I take some of the loot (you are a real gentleman)

Megavolt for letting me come and go as I please from KAOS (ty for the understanding)

All the other players who have either helped me or given me advice.

All the players who have given me opportunities to do other stuff in game. I wont name drop cos that would be impolite.

....and all the players for contributing to making the game so enjoyable.
1. Many moons ago I was sweating allos and needed a few pecs for a gun ( opalo ) ( prolly 20 I think it was ) and asked a couple green dots, obviously hunters which I didn't clue into at this time. The guy said ' Sure, here you go'. I didn't know I was begging, and he didn't treat me with contempt. I appreciate some just get it some nubs are stupid and not always after pecs for pecs sake. Very nice. Always remembered.

2. PP ( My mentor ) taking me running around shit and generally being a good sport to entertain an idiot. Also not forgotten.