The Love Craft Academy is recruiting


May 21, 2016
Love Craft Academy
The Love Craft Academy is recruiting you must be active and have a pulse. Their is no skill requirement. However no drama queens or ped beggars as we are a friendly society and wish to remain so. We don't just have crafters in our society we also have miners, hunters and many other professions. We are not just looking for beginners though we also seek good mentors to teach the said beginners. As well as this we seek someone with a privateer and already have a member with a shop and another with an apartment. We hold quarterly hunts where the whole society hunts together. It is no fun playing on your own so come on and join us.
Stil recruiting

The Love Craft Academy is still recruiting our website is at I am holding a society event from January to March where the LCA Society member who recruits 10 new members first gets 10ped and the LCA Society member who recruits 25 new members first get 25ped. All the rules for this event of mine are on the Monria forum under General Monria Discussion/The love Craft Academy is recruiting. Please read so not to be disappointed because if you don’t comply with my rules then you won’t get the ped or pec. Good Luck MadJack.
Still recruiting

The Love Craft Academy is still recruiting our website is at I am holding a society event from January to March where the LCA Society member who recruits 10 new members first gets 10ped and the LCA Society member who recruits 25 new members first get 25ped. All the rules for this event of mine are on the Monria forum under General Monria Discussion/The love Craft Academy is recruiting. Please read so not to be disappointed because if you don’t comply with my rules then you won’t get the ped or pec. Good Luck MadJack.
Still recruiting

The Love Craft Academy is still recruiting I am holding a society event from January to March where the LCA Society member who recruits 10 new members first gets 10ped and the LCA Society member who recruits 25 new members first get 25ped. All the rules for this event of mine are on the Monria forum under General Monria Discussion/The love Craft Academy is recruiting. Please read so not to be disappointed because if you don’t comply with my rules then you won’t get the ped or pec. Good Luck MadJack.
Change of Leader of the Love Craft Academy

Just wanted to let you know that I MadJack have taken over the Leadership of the Love Craft Academy. We have a Society hunt on Sunday 9th September on Calypso and a sponsored recruitment drive from October-December 2018.
MadJack to paid you 2ped if you stay in Love Craft Academy for 1 week

That's right MadJack will pay you 2ped if you stay in the Love Craft Academy society for 1 week. The first 50 players to stay for a week in the Love Craft Academy will receive 2ped each. Note if you if you stay for a week then leave and rejoin you will not be paid a second time.

We currently have 175 members MadJack has just come back to the game and found his society currently has a lot of inactives and wants to change that.

Check out the website which is linked in one of the above posts. MadJack has a buy list and is buying Animal Muscle oil at 103% off Society members. I must be crazy.

MadJack is also a Mentor if you need that but like I said I have just come back to the game so I am a bit rusty.
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2ped deal for staying in society a week is now over

Please note the 2ped deal for staying in the society a week is now over as I have recruited 50 new members to the society in 18 days. So only members who joined before this message was sent will receive the 2ped for staying in the society a week.

All other society deals such as buying your 1st 1k of sweat at 2peds are still on.

You can still join the society you just won't get the 2peds for staying in for 1 week.

All the Best

The Love Craft Academy is still recruiting

We now have over 200 members.

We have a website, we have discord, we have hunts and we have fun.

Look forward to seeing you in game.


P.S. MadJack has had to reduce his sweating buying to buying members 1st 1k of sweat at 1.5peds per k and the price he buys Animal Muscle Oil has also gone down to 102.5% as he was making to much of a loss.
The Love Craft Academy is recruiting.

When you join I will buy your 1st 1k of Sweat at 1.5peds

For the month of April we are running a recruitment drive where:

The 3rd member to join in the month of April 2021 gets a free [Omegaton B101 (L)]
The 6th member to join in the month of April 2021 gets a free [Sollomate Rubio (L)]
The 9th member to join in the month of April 2021 gets a free [Skildek Lancehead (L)]
The 12th member to join in the month of April 2021 gets a free [Sollomate Azuro (L)]

We are called the Love Craft Academy because we start out on Monria and that is connected to the story line there. We do in fact have people from all professions.

We are an active society and have held 7 society events in the last 7 months this is where I normally hire a warp ship and the society goes to a different planet to hunt. I even give out beginner guns to beginners on these hunts. In April we are going to Rocktropia and in May we are going to Ancient Greece. A team from the society has also won a Monria Team prize at the monthly Monria Team event for the last 3 months in a row. In my view hunting in Society groups is the most fun you can have in game.

I also buy goods off new players so they don’t tt them.

We started out as an Academy for new players 5 years ago but now have a range of different hp levels from 94hp-225hp. We have over 200 members with 110 active members.

We also have a number of good mentors and Discord and our own website at

Go on give us a try what are you waiting for simply press F11 ingame and search Love Craft Academy to apply to join.
Still Recruiting

We are still recruiting and if you join us in the month of October 2021 and stay with us a month I will pay you 1ped. To collect your 1 ped you have to come to me on Calypso as I will not be flying around the universe to give you 1ped.

We have more information about what the Love Craft Academy has been upto this last year on the Monria Forum why not check us out there.
6th Anniversary recruitment event

We are having a recruitment event for our 6th Anniversary which is on 2nd February 2022 anyone who applies to the society on the 2nd February 2022 Entropia Universe time will receive a Fanoos Medical V1 (L) after they have been in the society for a day. After they have been in the society for a week they will receive a piece of Mawlood Armor (L). And after a month the best recruit to join on the 2nd February will receive a skeleton jumper worth 10ped. You need to be on the same planet as MadJack to collect any prize.

All the Best

The Love Craft Academy is still recruiting

We now have two society buy programs and other traders but you do not have to sell to them the choice is up to you.

In the last month we hired a privateer warpship and hunted space monsters, robots and the robot boss.

To see all the different events we have been upto in the last year and a half go to our page at the Monria Forum.

My favourite quote of the month from my society is:

"I like our society, we do things most societies do not do anything."
The Love Craft Academy is recruiting

Although the Love Craft Academy is call an Academy we are now almost into our 7th year and as such we have a couple of players with over 200 hp and a number of players close to that mark. That said our aim is to help new players and everyone inbetween.

We plan to go on another Space hunt every soon.

In February we are hosting a Recruitment drive where the biggest recruiter in Febraury gets 30ped. 2nd place gets 15ped and 3rd place 5ped. For a recruit to count they must stay in the society for a month. MadJack's decision on who gets what is final and payment will happen at the end of March.

We still have over 90 active members but are always on the look out for active members.

Hope to see you ingame soon, All the Best

The LCA is great and very newcomer friendly society! Which I can warmly recommend! :tiphat:
The Love Craft Academy is going to Rocktropia to kill King Kong. The event will last from Friday 17th November to Sunday 19th November. I have over 30 Ruxxnet Codes so we are going to kill 10 large mobs each day. There will be random spawns of Zombie Kong, 50 foot Android Party Girl, THING, Radiated Spider x 2, Motorhead Princess, Root Kong, Virus Kong, Trojan Kong and King Kong.

Don't worry if you have no or little ped you can still join in the fun by dodging King Kong.

So far 7 members have said yes, 5 are maybe's and 1 of our former members has also agreed to go.

If you'd like to go hit me up or join the Love Craft Academy.

All the Best

We had great fun on Rocktropia killing King Kong and hit a hof on Pop Dragon Stalkers.

When was the last time your society did an event and got a 8.9k hof.
If you can not see the above hof it is on our homepage and the Monria forum.

I am going to have a recruitment drive in 2024. Any member of the society who recruits 10 players who stay in the society 1 month in 2024 will receive 10ped. Not including MadJack.

I also wish to help new recruits the first player to apply to the Love Craft Academy society in 2024 Entropia Universe time will receive 10ped after they have been in the society 2 months. The 2nd to apply receives 9ped after 2months, the 3rd to apply receives 8ped after 2 months, the 4th to apply receives 7ped after 2 months, 5th to apply receives 6ped after 2 months, 6th to apply receives 5ped after 2 months, 7th to apply receives 4ped after 2 months 8th to apply receives 3ped after 2 months, 9th to apply receives 2ped after 2 months, 10th to apply receives 1ped after 2 months.

The 50th person to apply receives 20 ped after 2 months and the 100th person to apply in 2024 receives 40 ped. New applicates must stay in the society for 2 months MadJack’s decision on who gets what ped is final. To collect your ped you must be on the same planet as MadJack. If you have already been in the Love craft Academy society you will not be considered for new applicate status.

Out of the players that join in January the one considered the most active during February will receive 10ped. And out of all the members in the Love Craft Academy below Assistant Professor rank the one considered the most active on discord on our voice channel in February will receive 5ped. Please be respectful to each other on the discord channel.

All the Best

Please note due the the change in interface I can only message 3 members at a time instead of 18 members. Society message use to take over 1 hour to do now to message all the society I'd have to message 82 times!

The next society event is on Monria for virtualsenses st. PAtrick's day event. On Saturday 16-17 Sunday March. PLEASE message MadJack if you are a member of the Love Craft Academy and intend to go.

We now have a member with a privateer and a shop.

In January we did a Proteron / Mulmun looter elite hunt.

Separate from the society hunt one of our member hit a 10k hof on a Feffox young.

In February we went to Dsec -9 and did the Shub Suit and Spine. And hit two 1k hofs.

All the Best

The Love Craft Academy Society is still recruiting.

In January 2025 and February 2025 I MadJack will buy your first 1K of society Vibrant Sweat at 2ped.
(note this only applies to players whose sweat I have never bought from before.)

In November we did the Cyclops Depths Dungeon and in December the society went on a trip to Cyrene.

We have all professions in our society the name Love Craft comes from the storyline where we were born on Monria and the author H.P. Lovecraft

We are one of only 4 Societies with a page on the virtualsense Monria/Toulan Forum. This page is kept up-to-date monthly with everything we are doing.

We have 249 members so someone is always online

All the Best

The Love Craft Academy want you
We don’t care if you are old or new
Join now for a free starter gun
Come on let’s all have some fun

Since the last poem we have done many things
And are excited to see that the future brings
On a Pop Dragon stalker in 2023 we hit a 8932ped hall of fame
For me it was 2am in the morning when we hit our hof aim

In 2024 on Monria we won 3 x 300ped team prizes at the St. Patricks Day event
To our many members who attended this was heaven sent
We’re had lows to we lost our member with the privateer
But he could never be online when we needed him so I didn’t shed too many tears

We completed the Monria Shub Spine
Which I wear all the time
We have all professions in the Love Craft Academy
The name is from the storyline author on Monria you see

Jim is still our biggest member
But Xer0 and Agothx shot right up in December
Agothx hit a 7000ped hof in January
Who knows what successes we will have in February

There is no minimum requirement to join us
Press F11 and search Love Craft Academy to get in there is no fuss

P.S. To see other Love Craft Academy poems go to
Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn. 👍