The person below me.....


I'd donate 50 pec to noobs :cool:

TPBM would deposit more than $5000 if they won a million bucks in the lottery.
True, actually

TPBM Watches ''Lost" occasionally
False, I watch Lost as often as possible! what a cool show... :D

TPBM can do cartwheels.
True... I can do them, but I don't.

TPBM is double-jointed somewhere.
not that i know of. but i see alotta ppl that are.. is somethign wrogn with me or them?
TPBM hasnt capped sweating yet.. laught at them if they ahvent! :laugh:
True... havent spent the time to reach it yet

TPBM has seen "War of the Worlds" (the new one) I ask because I'm watching it now :D
True... it was ok.

TPBM has visited Australia (i was gonna write Downunder - but i thought some people might get it confused :) )
False, but my sister and aunt/uncle did. Maybe I'll go some day

TPBM has lost more than 150 ped in one day in PE.
one day? Try 15 minutes

TPBM is in college
False. - though i am starting TAFE this year ( poor man's college in australia )

TPBM has eaten an insect
Not that I remember.
TPBM is absent-minded and occasionaly tries to use his computers password on the microwave by mistake. :lam:
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Er, not really ;) (False)

TPBM has a stressball, and using it :silly2:
False, but I could use one atm. Doing some dumb homework..........

TPBM has also some troubles with his/her homework
True *UGH!!!!*

TPBM have got a 500 PED + HoF (or global :silly2: ) on a mob while having mining as primary reason going out, or on mining while having hunting as primary reason..

TPBM has been to CND
True- Twice. Lost a lot of peds both times. Not interested in going back.

TPBM has a full set of Angel Armor (M) that he/she wants to give to me free of charge.:D
False...... not much else I can say

TPBM has accidently TT'd something worth more than tt+30 market value.
Fortunately, I didnt :)

TPBM never thought this thread would get this long.
False - working alot atm in an art gallary - so that is nice

TPBM believes milk really is good for the bones

TPBM, like me, has managed to drink 11 cans of beer in one night and not even have a hangover in the morning! :D :drink:
Hellllll no. Country sucks. Bring on the rock, metal, punk, indie :headbang:

TPBM has piles the size of tomatoes :eek: (Dude, you need to go to a doctor! :wise: )
Um... gross (false)

TPBM has a TV in the same room as their computer and oftentimes has both on.
False, no TV but 2 PC's :D

TPBM is eagerly waiting to go home (from work)
False - already home and enjoying it... im about to leave
TPBM would have a heart attack if he HOFd 1 million peds
True... seeing that ive havent HoF ed yet (keep you fingers crossed :D )

TPBM likes techno.
True - or let's call it that. Don't play it at home much, but I like it at big parties ;)

TPBM thinks "vegetables are for women!" :whip:
true. and evil idealistics who are makeing this world look so evil........EEEEVIIIILL

TPBM: Lives whit unhealty food.
Well no, I live with my three sisters and my parents :tongue2:

TPBM Has just stepped out of his warm bed to check on EF even before breakfast (just like me :D)